As they suggest using baking soda for weight loss. The expectation and reality of taking baking soda


In the fight against overweight, recommendations are often found to use ordinary baking soda for weight loss. The main methods are baths containing soda, sea salt and ginger, or soda drinks, similar to those that grandmothers recommend taking with stomach problems. Medical studies show that the effect of them undoubtedly is, but what causes it and what contraindications can be, it is necessary to analyze in more detail.

Why is it recommended to use baking soda for weight loss

The main argument is the statement that soda is able to break down fats and remove them from the body. At the same time, part of the reviews says that it acts on its own, without any additional exercises and diets, while others claim that the result will be noticeable only with a radical change in lifestyle. This includes regular exercise, proper nutrition, giving up alcohol and smoking, fatty foods and flour products. Those. all the same that nutritionists recommend without using soda.

The scientific rationale for using baking soda for weight loss is based on its chemical properties. This is an alkali that partially or completely neutralizes acids and fats, and works equally well from the inside and out. As a result, the following effect should be expected:

• salts formed during the reaction of soda with gastric juice are absorbed into the blood, increasing the activity of the lymphatic system;

• cells are cleansed of toxins and toxins due to the breakdown of fat deposits that impede the normal functioning of the body;

• metabolism improves, because soda restores the necessary PH values ​​for the body;

• in addition to the direct effect of soda on subcutaneous fat, hot baths relax and relieve stress, which is one of the causes of increased appetite.

It seems that the beneficial properties of soda are purposefully hidden. Why tell everyone about the free way to lose the hated extra pounds, improve the condition of the skin and body? Better everyone uses the advice of nutritionists and pay for gyms.

To understand how this statement is true, it’s enough to refresh school knowledge in chemistry and biology, which will help simulate the effects of soda in the form of a drink for oral administration and when added to the bath.

Why and how to drink baking soda for weight loss - myths and reality

Developed whole schemes for taking soda, which show when and how to drink it. They necessarily take into account its alkaline effect and tell you for whom soda is contraindicated - in general, these are any diseases due to which low acidity occurs in the gastrointestinal tract. If everything is normal with the stomach, then it is advisable to observe two basic rules:

1. You can not drink soda before and after a meal to exclude its participation in the digestion process - an acidic environment of sodium bicarbonate will not contribute to good absorption of products.

2. In the interaction of soda and gastric juice, a chemical reaction occurs, accompanied by the active release of carbon dioxide. This causes the stomach to produce new portions of acid (which makes up the gastric juice), which leads to irritation. Therefore, soda should be taken only when the stomach is in a neutral environment - about an hour and a half after eating.

The effect of soda on the body is comparable to the influence of salts, of course, the necessary elements. Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes the acidic environment and increases the alkali reserve, maintaining a balance between them. In alkali, water decomposes into hydrogen ions, positively charged and HO-, elements that contribute to the improvement of biochemical processes.

The next element of the chain is the duodenum, which digests the food that comes to it in an alkaline environment, which again contributes to soda. Alkalis also help to preserve teeth and prevent the appearance of worms and similar parasites that feel good in an acidic environment.

What to think about

All this sounds beautiful and contains a grain of truth - research really shows that people who use baking soda for weight loss quickly lose a few pounds of weight. Unfortunately, these results obscure the main meaning of the effects of soda on the body. When it enters the stomach, it breaks down into a neutral substance and salts that enter the bloodstream and spread further through the cells.

But the effect of alkaline salts is the same - they contribute to dehydration. As a result, the body begins to lose moisture accumulated in the tissues, which affects the total body weight. The fact that fat deposits are not removed at the same time does not bother anyone at first, because the main thing is that weight began to decrease ... True, this does not last long and subsequently leads to skin problems that dry up and make dermatitis happy with other troubles.

Slimming Soda Baths

This can be considered an ideal recipe for losing weight. The cost is 200 grams of soda per bath water, while sodium bicarbonate acts only on those parts of the body that are immersed in water. Additional effects of the method are the destruction of cellulite, cleaning the lymphatic system, removing radionuclides, tightening and smoothing the skin. In addition, water treatments alone help get rid of edema. Also, taking a bath provides removal of physical and emotional stress, which no less affects health.

It is recommended to maintain the water temperature at the level of “not yet hot, but not just warm” - usually it is 37-38 degrees. Another measure is to maintain the temperature so that it is warm, but perspiration does not start, as sweat salts will react with soda.

After the bath you need to rinse under a cool shower, wipe dry and lie under a blanket for an hour. The procedure must be repeated every other day, and the effect of it will become noticeable after completing the full course, which lasts 20 days. Before the next course, a break is taken for 50-60 days.

If for some reason it is impossible to take a bath, then it is allowed to confine oneself to simple pouring water with soda. This applies to hypertensive patients, pregnant women, those who have open wounds on their bodies, people with diabetes, women during menstruation and lactating mothers. It is necessary to apply the procedure in those places where it is necessary to achieve a decrease in body fat.

What about science bathtubs with soda for weight loss says science

The first thing to remember is the structure of human skin. It is designed so as not to let anything into the body. Sweat comes out through the pores on the skin, but nothing can penetrate back through them. Otherwise, a person would constantly receive poisoning - you never know what he is constantly in contact with.

To provide this protection, the outer layer of the skin is covered with a protective film (mantle), which is based on lipids (fats). Their composition is different from subcutaneous fat and is aimed at moisturizing and protecting the outer layers of the skin. It is they that prevent the penetration of infections and other microorganisms into the body.

While taking a bath with soda, this film is destroyed, and without it the skin quickly loses moisture, and in a dried state it is prone to eczema, streptodermatitis and similar diseases. At the same time, even when the protective film is destroyed, the skin compresses the pores and still does not allow any particles to pass through, so any interaction of soda with subcutaneous fat is excluded.

As a result of exposure to soda, the skin loses moisture, which leads to insignificant weight loss. Moreover, no one promises super-results - for 3 weeks soda baths tentatively predict the loss of two or three kilograms of weight. Given that as a result, you can get irritation on the skin as a bonus, it is worth considering whether it is worth it.

Brief results - will it be possible to use baking soda for weight loss

Baking soda alone cannot be used for weight loss. If you start drinking it or taking baths with it, it will cause some weight loss due to dehydration. It is not worth counting on fixing the result or on burning subcutaneous fat.

Dehydration dramatically negatively affects the skin, which is expressed in its overdrying, accompanied by peeling and itching at best, and in the worst case, infections that cause irritation or a larger rash or acme.

It is worth paying attention to advertising this method of losing weight, as unscrupulous manufacturers can offer the usual mixtures of bath salt and soda as a miracle cure that allows you to lose extra pounds of weight in a short period of time without any effort. The cost of these mixtures, as a rule, is ten times more expensive than the same salt and soda, which can be freely bought at pharmacies or a store.


Watch the video: Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda Drink: Benefits Daily (June 2024).