Men and women get sick differently


Medical research over the past forty years has almost always focused on men. Even today, doctors know very little about gender differences in diseases, especially about symptoms that affect psychological and social factors. These differences are extremely important for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Italian scientists have found evidence of differences in the course of diseases in women and men in five medical fields: oncology, cardiovascular disease, pharmacology, osteoporosis, and liver disease.

Symptomatic cardiovascular pathologies vary widely in women and men. In the latter, a heart attack is manifested by pain radiating to the left arm and chest compression. In women - pain in the lower abdomen and nausea. Moreover, in women, seizures are more difficult precisely because of atypical symptoms. As a result, women do not receive timely help and treatment.

A colon tumor is considered the most common form of cancer in women and men. However, women are diagnosed with it at later stages. Malignant colon tumors are localized in women and men in different places and women respond better to chemotherapy. It turns out that "gender" differences affect the course of the disease and the patient's chances of survival.

A similar conclusion can be made on osteoporosis. Traditionally, it is considered a female disease, therefore, doctors often overlook osteoporosis in men, which leads to a high mortality rate among men who suffer from bone fractures.


Watch the video: 10 Ways Men And Women Think Differently (June 2024).