What is the use of coffee with lemon, the Italian version of espresso. What can be the harm from coffee with lemon, contraindications


Italian origin coffee with lemon, is a serving of classic espresso served with an indispensable slice of lemon directly in a small cup.

The sourness of the lemon and the astringent strength of coffee merge into a unique taste and properties, expressed in both beneficial and negative effects on the human body.

Coffee with lemon - benefits and extraordinary taste

Lemon and aromatic freshly brewed coffee - just two ingredients of this amazing drink can be served very varied.

· To serve Romano or Roman coffee, put a slice of lemon in a cup of espresso, and sometimes a spoon of lemon juice;

· Sicilian coffee is prepared with lemon juice and chopped zest, serving with a required slice of the same citrus. And sometimes with a lemon twist - a narrow strip of peel twisted into a spiral;

· French lemon coffee is added to coffee with lemon in French and the drink is served by putting a cap of chilled cream whipped with sugar and lemon zest in a cup with it.

It is important to note that serving coffee with lemon, with the condition of preserving its original taste and useful properties, is possible only if there is a natural, freshly brewed drink. There is no good coffee with lemon from instant powder.

One of the main properties of coffee is to invigorate and tone, it is best to experience it in the morning or after dinner, but not at night, unless you need to close your eyes to it.

Moreover, it is coffee with lemon that invigorates stronger than ordinary espresso or with milk.

In the cold, coffee with lemon will warm, and in the heat, by the way, it’s not bad to drink it and chilled, but, in any case, it refreshes and quenches thirst.

The benefits of coffee with lemon are obvious for those who want to lose weight. And not only because it has almost no energy value, but also because it accelerates metabolism, removes toxins and wastes from the body.

The union of aromatic espresso and lemon essential oils is a powerful antioxidant that effectively resists age-related changes. Both external, which are manifested in wrinkles and wilting of the skin, and internal, which are indicated by joint pain and loss of muscle tone.

Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is a bad habit, and coffee with lemon is even more harmful. But his cup after a meal, especially if there was plentiful, heavy and fatty food on the table, will contribute to its assimilation and the disappearance of heaviness and discomfort in the stomach.

But coffee in conjunction with a light snack or dessert an hour or two before eating - it stimulates appetite and stimulates digestion, increasing the production of gastric juice.

On the benefits of coffee with lemon in detail - lemon properties

It is widely known that the main vitamin of lemon is C. But its exceptionally high content in this fruit is a myth. Ascorbic acid is an order of magnitude more found in Brussels sprouts, wild garlic, wild strawberries, kiwi.

But, speaking in alliance with essential oils and trace elements, vitamin C in lemon is capable of much:

· Be a prophylactic for colds, flu and SARS;

· Remove cholesterol;

· Improve blood composition due to iron, participating in the process of its splitting and absorption;

· Protect against the effects of carcinogens entering the body from air and food;

· Increase the production of one of the most important hormones - adrenaline.

The reaction of the body to a lack of vitamin C is simply monstrous and does not take long, manifesting itself in everything from deteriorating hair and nails, to weakening immunity and the development of depression.

Lemon in this drink is useful not only juice, but also pulp - let it pinch a pinch on its cup, and even then - a portion of pectins, which accelerate the removal of toxins, contribute to wound healing, coupled with antiseptic and bactericidal effects.

If you drink coffee in Sicilian style, the bioflavonoids acting in two areas at once will enter the body from the lemon zest.

· Facilitating the process of assimilation of vitamin C;

· Restoration of blood vessels.

In a word, not in vain during the era of the Great geographical discoveries, sailors stocked up lemons as a miracle cure for a hundred ailments, including scurvy.

The benefits of coffee with lemon in detail - coffee properties

A lot has been said about the benefits and harms of the main component of coffee beans, the alkaline of the purine series of caffeine, but in this drink its effect is largely neutralized by lemon ascorbic acid, so those who want to exclude foods and drinks from their menu can safely drink caffeine containing.

As for the beneficial properties of caffeine, their lemon, oddly enough, even enhances and this is where they appear:

· Caffeine acts as an antiallergen for reactions caused by foods and drinks, as well as flowering plants;

· Coffee in drinks, like chocolate, is recommended for low blood pressure. And for the speedy improvement of well-being and the duration of the normalization of pressure, it is worth eating and drinking it along with cheese and grapes;

· Stimulation of coffee of the nervous system is especially useful during colds and acute respiratory infections, as it supports the body's natural defenses;

· Coffee is effective for migraines, as it constricts blood vessels, but acts softly in this;

· A cup of this drink drunk on time is able to enhance and prolong the effect of pain medications, including analgesics;

· Caffeine has a beneficial effect on mental activity, reducing fatigue in the process of processing information by the brain and stimulating it to work actively.

In addition to caffeine, each cup of coffee in Roman, from coffee tree beans, contains:

Trace elements - potassium, cobalt, sodium, magnesium, selenium, manganese, and in a smaller amount - iron, zinc, copper and aluminum;

Vitamins - PP and B2 and A.

What is the harm of coffee with lemon

The main recommendation that can be made regarding coffee with lemon is that it should not be abused, just like any other coffee in general.

Excessive consumption of coffee once not only ceases to act tonic, but begins to suppress the body, provoking its fatigue and a bunch of problems - from heartburn and cellulite, to spikes in blood sugar and visual disturbances.

Acting like a diuretic coffee, along with the removal of fluid from the body, it also actively flushes trace elements from it, and especially calcium from bones.

Also, the harm of coffee with lemon is great in a number of diseases that actually prohibit its use:

· Chronic diseases of the stomach and pancreas in the acute stage;

· Heart disease requiring diet;

Cerebral arteriosclerosis;

Hypertension of 1 degree;

Joint diseases during pregnancy.

But in principle, pregnant women, who do not particularly complain about their health, will not be harmed by coffee with lemon in the amount of a cup or two a day, and whether it is coffee with lemon or something else is entirely a matter of taste.

How to serve a cup of coffee with lemon for the whole body

Coffee with lemon has a positive effect on the nervous system, it can not only invigorate, but also relieve stress, improve mood, and contribute to this knowledge about how deliciously you can diversify its presentation.

· In a duet marshmallows, marmalade, oriental sweets like kozinaki and nougat, as well as cakes - eclairs and honey cake, are great;

· More interesting than adding sugar to this coffee, it will sprinkle with lemon slices served on a saucer;

· Lemon is the first fruit for this coffee, but it is also not bad with lime or orange;

· Even the strongest roasting of coffee beans will not spoil the espresso romano, but it will be curiously manifested by the bitterness hidden by citrus acidity.


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