
The most exotic and expensive pets

Today, the Russians, deciding to have a pet, turn to special pet stores in search of an exotic representative of the fauna. Instead of standard cats and dogs, iguana, lemur, lynx, etc. are of interest. Strange pets are much more expensive and require special care and upbringing, rather than the animals, familiar to the Russian eyes and everyday life.

Hematogen: calorie content, the benefits and harms of the bar, with the taste of chocolate. What is hematogen, than it is useful for children and adults

At the end of the 19th century, the following opinion was spread: iron is the most important component of blood. In pharmacies in Europe, drugs responsible for hemoglobin levels began to appear. In Russia, the drug has become popularized since 1917. Initially, the hematogen was in the form of a liquid and poured into glasses.

How to cook juicy and tender cutlets of beef and pork. All the secrets of cooking homemade minced meat pork and beef cutlets

Cutlets are a universal dish that is loved by both adults and children. You can enter them into your child’s diet as early as 10 months, and steam cutlets can be consumed even by people who are on a diet for health reasons. And, of course, each mistress has her own special recipe. General principles for the preparation of beef and pork cutlets The taste of homemade cutlets, first of all, depends on the meat from which the minced meat is made.

How to care for raspberries in spring: pruning, processing and tying shrubs. How to feed raspberries and how to overcome pests and diseases

Mid-April to early May is the most favorable period for caring for raspberries in the spring. It is at this time of year that the shrubs need special attention, and the measures taken for trimming and top dressing can stimulate intensive growth and high yields of raspberries. Inspection of shrubs after winter Before starting to care for raspberries in the spring, conduct an audit (inspection) of shrubs.

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