The meaning of the name Dmitry


Name Dmitriy, and in the church calendar - Demetrius - a common Russian name. It came from the ancient Greek word "Demetrios", which can be interpreted as "referring to Demeter" - the Goddess of fertility. Therefore, Dmitry was affectionately called "the sweet earthly fruit."

The name began to spread from the mid-19th century. Of the 10 newborn boys, one or two were called Dima. It was believed that the name brings prosperity and prosperity to the house.

Dmitry - character traits

As a child, Dmitry is a very painful boy: frequent colds are haunting. Parents take care of him too much and pamper him, trying to compensate for the lack of strength and health, so Dmitry becomes spoiled, moody and demanding for adults.

At school, the boy is doing well, distinguished by modesty and silence, but this does not prevent him from making a couple of three bosom friends with whom he is completely free. Despite modesty, he will not tolerate reproaches and insults against him - he will certainly give back, he can violently pounce on the offender with his fists. Brawls and fights for Dima - a frequent occurrence.

Having matured, Dmitry becomes more restrained, learns to control himself, and sometimes such passions boil inside! The temperament of a man can be compared to a spring, he, like a sponge, absorbs everything, and at an unexpected moment, he can explode and say some nasty things in a rage, and it does not matter who is in front of him - a grandmother, mother, wife or boss.

The representative of this name is very smart, cunning and prudent, persistently achieves his goals, often using other people. Ready for a lot of things for best friends, as she appreciates true friendship.

Dmitry has some positive aspects: he is well versed in the environment, does not lose his temper in critical situations, loves children and animals, prefers to act, and not talk in vain.

In relation to women does not show much activity, the weaker sex has to take everything into their own hands. Dmitry does not show his feelings, although he is very attached to the girl. It is not easy with him in family life; he does not try to change something in it, but simply goes with the flow. Does not value love, however, having lost, deeply worries. Re-marries rarely. He is sensitive to his children, even after breaking up with his wife, he continues to visit them often.

Dmitry - name compatibility

A happy family union is expected with Love, Anna, Elena, Lyudmila, Elvira and Natalya. Difficulties can arise with Victoria, Angelica, Irina, Julia, Nina, Marina and Sofia.

Dmitry - famous people with this name

Dmitry Solunsky (Christian saint), Donskoy, Shostakovich (composer), outstanding scientist Mendeleev, Sychev (master of sports), Mamin-Sibiryak (writer), Alenichev, Ustinov, Medvedev, Singers (famous actor), etc.

Dmitry - interesting facts about the name

- a close sign of the zodiac - Scorpio;
- patron planet - Saturn;
- safe color - purple, red, blue;
- mineral mascot - black opal, lapis lazuli;
- a characteristic plant - chrysanthemum, mountain ash and elm;
- animal - walrus, tiger.


anya 06/16/2016
Do not call the child like that. I study with Dima and he is so vile and nasty. FU !!!!! The whole class thinks so !!

Alena 04/16/2016
Dmitry is wonderful combined with many middle names. For me it’s just perfect. We will have Dmitry Olegovich :))

Milli 04/16/2016
Dima, Dimon - from this name are a lot of derivatives. You can call it affectionately. We have christened our son so and do not regret at all.

Kristina 04/16/2016
How great is translated Dmitry - "sweet earthly fruit." I am delighted with Dim. Those I know are very domestic and family people, besides, they are monogamous.

Lana 04.16.2016
Dmitry is a name for all time, it was popular before and now there are many Dimochek. My name is my nephew, and affectionately they call Mitya.


Watch the video: Dmitry Meaning (June 2024).