The top of the head hurts: possible causes and related symptoms. How to help with pain in the top of the head


Headache is one of the most common symptoms.

Sooner or later, it begins to bother more than 70% of all people on earth.

This condition should alert, because it can indicate the development of many dangerous diseases.

Let us consider in more detail why the top of the head hurts and how to deal with it.

The top of the head hurts: causes

Most often, pain in the crown area occurs for the following reasons:

1. Hypertension or hypertensive crisis. This disease can cause severe pain in the top of the head. Usually it worries a person in the morning and has a growing character. With hypertension, people experience sharp jumps in blood pressure, which overstrain the vessels of the brain, which leads to severe pain in the head.

2. Stress, neurosis, as well as severe nervous strain can easily cause dull paroxysmal pain in the crown. Most of all, women and men with an age of about thirty years who work under conditions of constant tension and stress are subject to this condition.

3. Physical overfatigue can occur with excessive loads or a long stay in one position (most often at a computer table).

4. Diseases of the cervical spine is a common cause of pathological headaches. In this case, the pain is acute, stitching and increasing in nature, especially with sudden movements of the head. The most effective way to reduce soreness is to massage.

5. Excessively rapid development of osteophytes (lateral joints of the spine) can cause pain in the top of the head. Usually this condition develops in older people who lead a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the ligament joints are gradually transformed into hard bone tissue, which causes acute pain.

6. Myogelosis is a strong crushing of muscles that provokes prolonged exposure to drafts or sleep in an uncomfortable position. A good massage course will help to get rid of it.

7. Neuralgia is a condition that occurs in the occipital nerve and causes a person to have acute headaches, aggravated by sudden movements. Such diseases as spondylarthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis and others provoke neuralgia. Her treatment should be comprehensive.

8. Migraine or “cervical migraine” quite often provokes aching (dull) pain in the nape of the neck, as well as in the temples. This disease is quite difficult and long to treat, however, with timely diagnosis and correctly selected therapy, painful symptoms can be reduced.

9. Improper lifestyle can also affect the development of pain in different areas of the head.

Most often, the following leads to this:

• non-observance of a balanced diet;

• smoking;

• drinking alcohol;

• chronic lack of sleep;

• eating “junk” foods;

• muscle strain.

10. Traumatic brain injuries can contribute to pain in the back of the head. At the same time, it is important to know that "fresh" bruises, as well as previous injuries, can cause such a symptom.

After any mechanical damage to the brain, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor, otherwise it can cause the development of epilepsy, seizures, cancer, visual impairment, oxygen starvation, etc.

11. Cluster pain. As a rule, they arise in any separate area of ​​the head and last from a couple of minutes to one hour. Usually they occur in men with an age of about forty years, as well as in women during menopause or menstruation.

Cluster pain is almost always accompanied by the following symptoms:

• sensation of tinnitus;

• redness of the face;

• bouts of sudden nausea (vomiting);

• hypersensitivity to noise and light;

• weakness in the body;

• chills;

• a sharp decrease in physical activity;

• dizziness;

• redness of the eyelids and eyes;

• trembling hands;

• headache.

12. Various pathologies of the spine are the most common causes of persistent pain in the crown. To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to correctly diagnose and treat the initial cause of such pains - to recognize the exact disease of the spine (scoliosis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, etc.). Therapy should be comprehensive.

13. The development of oncological pathology in the brain can manifest itself as aching pains in the crown, temples and frontal part of the head. Also, sometimes the patient has nausea, cramps, blurred vision, fever and severe weakness. This condition is very dangerous, so the success of its treatment will largely depend on the timeliness of diagnosis and the detection of pathology.

14. Vascular pain. They can cause low blood pressure (hypotension), vegetative-vascular dystonia, or severe stress. Because of this, a person may increase vascular tone, which will lead to jumps in pressure and vasospasm, which is characterized by a very strong, paroxysmal pain in the head.

In addition, in this condition, a person may lose consciousness, so he needs to provide medical assistance as soon as possible.

The top of the head hurts: symptoms that need to consult a doctor

Pain in the head is always unpleasant and painful, especially if it is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. It is important to know that some signs in a person’s condition are especially dangerous, therefore, when they appear, you need to contact a doctor as soon as possible. These symptoms include:

• severe dizziness;

• loss of consciousness;

• sharp visual impairment;

• memory impairment;

• a sense of disorientation;

• loss of balance;

• continuous vomiting;

• jumps in blood pressure;

• pain in the head, which does not even go away with analgesics;

• head injury;

• increase in body temperature against a background of severe headache;

• dry mouth, which is accompanied by nausea and aching pain in the crown.

All of the above symptoms can signal the development of a serious illness, so it is best to immediately contact a therapist so that he can prescribe all the necessary examinations.

Also, if necessary, the doctor will refer the person to a neurologist, ophthalmologist or other specialist of a narrower medical focus.

The top of the head hurts: diagnosis, treatment

As the most effective procedures for diagnosing diseases in the head, the following examinations are performed:

• ECT of the heart;

• examination by a neurologist, ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, therapist and traumatologist;

• general blood analysis;

general urine analysis;

• radiography of the cervical spine;

• MRI of the brain;

• CT scan of the brain;

• clinical observation of blood pressure indicators;

• general collection of medical history and patient complaints.

Treatment of pain in the top of the head is carried out based on the detected disease, age and general condition of the patient. Therapy usually involves taking medication, performing physiotherapeutic and relaxing procedures.

Drug therapy involves the intake of such groups of drugs:

1. Citramon, Askofen are prescribed under reduced pressure.

2. Pharmadipine, Captopril - used with high blood pressure.

3. The course of vitamin and mineral is prescribed for severe migraines.

4. Sedalgin is used for cluster pain.

5. For acute paroxysmal pain in the head, the patient is prescribed such painkillers: Spazmalgon, Ibuprofen, Nurofen. Also in this condition, the patient is recommended bed rest.

6. In case of neurosis, depression or stress, the patient is recommended to walk more in the fresh air. He is also prescribed antidepressants, massage and psychotherapy courses.

It is important to know that taking medications is necessary only after the appointment of a doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous to health, because a person without a medical education will not be able to independently choose the right drug and dosage for himself. This is especially true for the treatment of adolescents and children, medicines for which should be selected exclusively by the attending physician.

Unauthorized side effects in the form of nausea, dizziness, visual impairment, diarrhea, etc.

As an adjunct therapy for pain in the top of the head,

1. Acupuncture. It is an acupressure that relieves headaches quite effectively. Only a specialist should do it.

2. Massage is very useful for various pathologies of the spine, which gave complications in the form of pain in the head. It can be done independently. It will relieve sharp pains and improve blood circulation.

3. Relaxotherapy provides for the general normalization of a person’s mental state. It’s best to use classical music for this. At the same time, it is important to know that such therapy will be effective only at the last stages of treatment, because in acute headaches the patient is better to maintain peace and quiet.

The top of the head hurts: prevention

In order to prevent the development of severe headaches, it is recommended to adhere to such tips:

1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle (stop smoking and drinking alcohol).

2. Engage in sports or physical activities.

3. More walk in the fresh air.

4. Avoid stress and nervous strain.

5. Eat right.

6. Have a full sleep.

7. Regularly undergo examinations for the presence of diseases of the brain and spine.

8. To do exercises during long stay in one position.

9. Drink more fluids.

10. Refuse to drink coffee.

11. Take vitamins.


Watch the video: Symptoms of Stroke and Migraine. Cedars-Sinai (June 2024).