How to lose weight with a nursing mother, if you really want to. Proper diet and exercise will help a nursing mother lose weight!


Slender young mother with a baby in her arms - what could be more beautiful.

But, unfortunately, after childbirth, the figure does not always remain ideal.

During pregnancy, a woman gains extra pounds, which is not always easy to get rid of.

Complexity is caused by lactation.

A nursing mother should continue to eat fully so that breast milk is beneficial for the baby.

How to lose weight with a nursing mother: diet

There is a prejudice that breastfeeding only contributes to the deterioration of the woman's figure. A young mother tries to eat "for two" so that there are more components useful for the baby in breast milk. In fact, experts have proven that lactation helps to restore the figure after childbirth. All you need to do is follow the principles of a balanced diet. If you use the right foods, in a few months you will be able to return to those forms that were before childbirth.

How to lose weight nursing mom? The first thing you should pay attention to is calorie content. A woman should not forget that the taste and benefits of breast milk depend on the quality of the products used. The calorie content of the daily diet should not be lower than 1800 kcal. The ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins should be observed. Nutrition should be varied and healthy. It is worth giving preference to fresh products, to eat more seasonal vegetables and fruits.

What is worth abandoning is confectionery and flour. Buns, chocolate, cakes and pastries - all this not only does not saturate breast milk with useful substances, but also is negatively displayed on the figure. Smoked and fried foods are also worth consuming. It is advisable to prefer steamed meat and fish.

The key to lactation is drinking enough pure water. You should definitely drink a glass of still water in the morning on an empty stomach. The daily rate should not be less than 2.5 liters. Water will not only contribute to good lactation, but also improve the body's metabolic processes. As a result, extra pounds will melt before our eyes.

Fasting days will help you lose weight faster. Do not confuse with fasting! Several times a week you can arrange "kefir days." The daily norm is 1.5 liters of kefir. Other products are not included in the daily diet. The rule of consuming enough water on fasting days is maintained.

How to lose weight with a nursing mother: sports loads

Correct physical exertion will also help bring the figure into shape. But starting any exercise is not earlier than a month after giving birth. Any activity interferes with the normal recovery of the uterus and the healing of ruptures. After mom’s state of health has recovered, you can begin to do daily exercises.

Often, new worries that come to the life of a young mother are enough to restore a figure in just a few months. The baby needs to be rocked, get up to him at night. Huge benefit for the figure of a young mother brings a sling. The load when carrying the baby in her arms is not significant. But it is quite enough to get rid of a few extra pounds. The optimal load is given to the muscles of the back and abdomen. At the same time, the smooth distribution of sling tissue is a protection against spinal problems.

How to lose weight with a nursing mom using sports exercises? Those who decided to thoroughly engage in a figure should properly approach the choice of load. Excessive activity may affect the quality of breast milk. Any exercise should be carefully analyzed. Stress that could potentially injure the breast should be avoided. If the lesson involves active hand swings or jumps, you should purchase a special supportive bra.

Swimming will be the best choice. This sport is useful both during pregnancy and during lactation. But it is advisable to refuse classical aerobics and running. The problem is that such activities contribute to the loss of body fluid. And this is the direct reason for the extinction of lactation.

How to lose weight with a nursing mother: body care

After the extra pounds begin to gradually go away, skin problems may appear. It will become less elastic and resilient. Most of the nutrients that a woman receives along with the products go to the baby with breast milk. But the skin, teeth, nails and hair need additional care. Initially, you should pay attention to special cosmetics for the body. On sale there are many gels and lotions that retain moisture, and tone the skin.

A huge problem that worries many women after pregnancy is striae (stretch marks). It is impossible to completely get rid of them. But if you take action, ugly white stripes will become less noticeable. Peelings will come to the rescue. You can use homemade cosmetics. Ground coffee shows excellent results. A few tablespoons of the powder are rubbed into problem areas and then washed off with warm water. After the procedure, any suitable moisturizer should be applied to the body. Peelings not only help fight stretch marks. Such cosmetics are also effective against cellulite.

Self-massage will also help improve skin condition. It is worth starting the procedure with a washed body in a relaxed atmosphere. It is better to choose a time when the baby is sleeping. To act on problem areas is soft movements. There should not be any pain. You can alleviate the problem by buying a special electric vibratory massager. The duration of the massage procedure should not exceed 30 minutes. To achieve a good result, you can do massage daily.

Practice shows that every woman who strives to look better is able to return to a slim figure after childbirth. One has only to adhere to the rules of nutrition and lead an active lifestyle.


Watch the video: best diet plan for Lactate Mothers. 4 weeks weight loss plan. Breastfeeding diet to lose weight (June 2024).