The signs that most accurately predict disaster. And how to avoid them.


If you are afraid of Friday the 13th, you are probably not alone in your fears, because we all humans are somewhat superstitious. Where do all these signs come from? Everything is very simple: when our brain cannot explain something, we ourselves will come up with the necessary explanation. What superstitions that predict misfortune, adversity and trouble are the most common?

Small coins cannot be raised from the ground

Since ancient times, people believed that witches, sorcerers, and healers “speak up” a trifle, transferring negativity to it in the form of illnesses and troubles, and then throw them onto the road - or rather, at the intersection of roads. And if you are too anxious for that kind of money, then, accordingly, you will take away everything “spoken” to yourself.

Do not go under the stairs (stepladder)

One hypothesis suggests that this sign is based on faith in the Holy Trinity: since a staircase leaning against a wall forms a triangle, this triangle should never be “broken”. Another common theory is that such a staircase resembles a medieval gallows, and therefore walking under it is fraught with trouble.

Black cat crossing your road

In the traditions of all peoples, cats have always played a role - both positive and negative. In ancient Egypt, cats were idolized, but in the Middle Ages, on the contrary, they were considered messengers of the devil. So what is the fault of the poor black cat? This sign has arisen on the basis of old beliefs in witches and their assistants and companions, who were believed to take on the form of black cats.

Breaking a mirror is trouble

This is a sure way to guarantee yourself seven years of misfortune. People have long believed that mirrors not only reflect your image, but also contain part of your soul. Hence the tradition of covering the mirrors in the house where the person died so that his soul would not remain in the mirror trap. By the way, people came up with countermeasures in order to free themselves from the seven-year curse of the broken mirror. These include touching a fragment of a tombstone with a fragment or grinding the fragments of a mirror into powder.

Do not open the umbrella indoors

It is believed that the umbrella in the house cannot be opened, otherwise it will bring failure, although the origins of this sign are not entirely clear. There are many legends: from the story of an ancient Roman woman who opened her umbrella a few minutes before the destruction of her house, to the story of a British prince who received two umbrellas as a gift from a neighboring monarch and soon died.

Do not give watches

Allegedly, this item symbolizes the passing of time and the reduction of the hours of your life. And among the Chinese, the hieroglyph designating the clock is generally consonant with the expression "go to the funeral." So, if you do not wish a person anything bad, then do not give him such a dubious gift.

Sprinkle salt - to a quarrel

Such a mistake promises quarrels, disagreements and even fierce conflicts. In fact, in the old days, salt was an incredibly valuable product, worth fabulous money. Therefore, if some clumsy poor man scattered this food jewel, then he was either scolded or severely punished.

Do not hang the horseshoe with its horns down

This is a very controversial sign, because there is no consensus on the correct location of the horns. However, people say that if the horseshoe in the house is located with its horns down, then luck follows from it, and if up - then luck, on the contrary, accumulates in the horseshoe.

Do not put shoes on the table

Of course, it is difficult to find a place more inappropriate for shoes than a table, however, the sign suggests that if you still think of putting your shoes in there, there will be quarrels and scandals in the house. The darkest version of this superstition even predicts the suicide of the owner of the house.

If you meet your double - be trouble

According to this sign, you meet your double before your own death. Agree, it sounds, firstly, creepy, and secondly, strange. And, of course, a logical question arises: how then do identical twins feel when they see a copy of themselves throughout their lives?

You can not ignore the "letters of happiness" and break the chain

This, apparently, is one of the “freshest” signs of our time, which will make you smile. You must have repeatedly scooped up a bunch of such spam from your email inbox. However, imagine that people who believe in this still exist.

But for children and adolescents, the scale of the bad will take a different ...



Watch the video: 7 Ways to Survive Natural Disasters (June 2024).