Why do you need bowel cleansing with kefir and its benefits for the body. All methods of cleaning the intestines with kefir


Few people think that one of the most important products to maintain the normal functioning of the body is kefir.

The lactic acid bacteria that make up the product have a beneficial effect on the immune system, normalize digestion and support the intestinal microflora.

The drink also contains folic acid, vitamin D, B6, B2, B1, iodine, calcium, iron.

Kefir bowel cleansing is recommended to every person once a month, regardless of gender, age and lifestyle.

Bowel cleansing with kefir: a positive effect of the product on the body

Once in the body, kefir begins to actively reduce the smooth muscles of the intestine, even its most secluded corners. As a result, the development of fermentation processes and the formation of stagnation are prevented. Cleaning the intestines with kefir prevents the further development of diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Other benefits of kefir bowel cleansing

1. The metabolism is normalized.

2. Normal intestinal microflora is restored.

3. Prevents toxic poisoning of the body.

4. Increases human immunity.

5. Relieves stress and tension.

6. Regular defecation is being established.

7. Overweight goes away.

8. The condition of the skin, hair and nails improves.

9. The proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is activated.

Kefir is one of the most healthy dairy products. Its regular use helps to improve the condition of the body from the inside and the appearance of a person from the outside.

Bowel cleansing with kefir and juice

This technique is designed for three days. During this period, it is required to delete smoked, fatty and fried foods from your diet, as they negatively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

1. Day 1. During the first day, only kefir is allowed to drink. The required volume of the drink is 2-3 liters. This amount is distributed evenly throughout the day. For example, you can drink one glass of kefir every 1.5-2 hours.

2. Day 2. On the second day, we forget about kefir and go to the juice. It is desirable that it be freshly squeezed. Suitable apple, beet or carrot, it is not forbidden to mix them. During the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of juice and the same amount of clean water without gas.

3. Day 3. The third day is the transition to a three-time low-calorie diet, which is based on fruits and vegetables. It is strictly forbidden to eat other food. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should consist of fruits or vegetables. You can cook them as you please, you can’t just fry them.

On the fourth day there is a gradual return to the usual diet. This does not mean that you can immediately gorge on. Little by little fish and meat are added to the menu, confectionery and flour products are allowed in limited quantities. Such a bowel cleansing with kefir and juice improves digestion, helps to lose weight.

Bowel cleansing with kefir and linseed flour

Over the years, parasites, calculi and mucus accumulate in the human intestines, which negatively affect the body. Cleansing the intestines with kefir with the addition of flax flour is a sure way to remove toxic deposits without damaging the microflora.

The technique is designed for 3 weeks. Kefir is better to acquire a fat content of 1%. As for flax flour, it is sold in a pharmacy ready-made, but is in short supply. It is for this reason that it will be better to cook it yourself by wiping flaxseed through a coffee grinder.

1. The first week. Every day in the morning you need to add 1 tablespoon of flax flour to 250 ml of kefir and drink the drink on an empty stomach.

2. The second week. The dose of flax flour is doubled, while the volume of kefir remains the same.

3. The third week. Now in kefir it is necessary to add already 3 tablespoons of flax flour.

It is important not to forget about heavy drinking throughout all three weeks. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water without gas. It is recommended to refuse fatty foods.

Bowel cleansing with kefir and buckwheat

Kefir and buckwheat are a great combination to cleanse the intestines. These products and separately remove toxins and toxins, and together they get it even more efficiently.

Bowel cleansing with kefir and buckwheat is designed for 2 weeks. Everything is done very simply.

1. In the evening, 1 tablespoon of buckwheat is ground with a coffee grinder until it becomes like flour.

2. The resulting flour is poured into 250 ml of kefir. All must be thoroughly mixed and put in the refrigerator for the night.

A healing and cleansing drink is drunk every day for half an hour before breakfast for two weeks. The result is impressive - defecation normalizes, hair and skin acquire a healthy glow. Another advantage is that losing weight. When everything inside works like a "Swiss watch", there is no constant need for food, which allows a person to eat properly and in measured portions. Bowel cleansing helps normalize its microflora, which favorably affects every "detail" of the body.

Bowel Cleansing with Beets and Kefir

This technique is ideal for those who have never cleaned their intestines and neglected a healthy lifestyle. No large costs are required, and the simplicity of the method sincerely "captivates." Duration of cleaning - 1 day.

The diet must include:

• plain non-carbonated water - 1.5 liters;

• 1.5 liters of kefir with a fat content of 0%;

• boiled beets - 1 kg.

The listed products must be consumed during the day in several doses (5-6). You can not eat beets and seize it with kefir, otherwise it will feel heavy in the stomach. Everything needs to be painted evenly. In the morning and in the evening - boiled beets (you can grated, you can cut into cubes). During the day - water and kefir.

Bowel cleansing with kefir and bran

Of cereals, bran is considered the most useful product. It contains a large amount of fiber, which swells when it enters the body, while absorbing excess fluid, stagnant mucus. In addition, the use of bran helps to normalize metabolic processes and cholesterol levels in the blood.

Cleaning the intestines with kefir and bran is a very simple technique, designed for 7-10 days. Every morning on an empty stomach it is necessary to drink a glass of kefir with a fat content of 1%, after having previously stirred a tablespoon of bran in it. Also, you should not forget about the drinking regimen. In order to speed up the process of intestinal cleansing, a person should drink 2 liters of pure still water per day. It is also recommended to abandon fried foods, smoked and fatty foods. The emphasis is on healthy foods that contain healthy vitamins. For example, seasonal vegetables and fruits, low-fat varieties of fish and meat.

There are a lot of methods for cleansing the body. If you want to normalize your metabolism, remove toxins and toxins that have accumulated over the years, you just need to choose the best method for yourself. Cleansing the intestines with kefir is useful for absolutely everyone, after it the general state of health will noticeably improve, and the appearance will be refreshed.


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