Loach fish is a little-known fighter with ailments. The benefits and harms of char fish, the use of the product in dietetics and medicine


Any product, like a medal, has two sides. It is important to find the one that is most useful. Today we will look for it at one of the most beautiful representatives of the salmon family - char.

The fish got its interesting name due to the rare and soft scales that cover its body. And freshwater char species do not have scales at all. That is why char is a favorite of housewives who are not enthusiastic about cleaning fish.

It is also interesting that char is found in exceptionally clean and cold bodies of water, so it can be considered an environmentally friendly product.

Loach can be found on the shelves in frozen, chilled or fresh form. Also come across ready-made fish, salted or smoked. You can meet whole or gutted carcasses, individual steaks and slices of fillet. The char meat has a pleasant pink color, so it looks favorably on the table and is in no way inferior to your favorite salmon and salmon.

Loach fish: composition and benefits

To understand how valuable the use of char is for a person, it is necessary to conduct a small analysis of all the nutrients that are contained in the product.

According to nutritionists, char has a rich composition of biologically important and useful substances. We consider separately each group of components.


Loach pleases us with the presence

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). It plays an important role in the formation of antibodies, assists in the absorption of other vitamins, activates the adrenal glands,

· Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which takes part in metabolism, effectively lowers cholesterol, has a sedative effect and is useful in the treatment of mental disorders.

Folic acid (vitamin B9). It takes an active part in the functions of hematopoiesis, promotes red blood cell division, and is significant for the processes of growth and development.

It also contains:

· Filoquinone (Vitamin K), which monitors blood coagulation.

· Thiamine (vitamin B1), which plays a significant role in the smooth operation of the central nervous system and digestive system.

Retinol (Vitamin A), which is involved in the formation of optic purpura in the retina, thereby improving vision.

· Cobalamines (vitamin B12), beneficial for the hematopoietic function of the body.

· Riboflavin (vitamin B2), which contributes to the production of energy in the body.

· Calciferol (Vitamin D) is directly involved in the formation of bone tissue, enhance its growth and strength.

· Tocopherol (vitamin E), which is also called the "elixir of youth and fertility," because it inhibits the aging process and improves the functioning of sex hormones in both women and men.


· Iron takes an active part in the processes of regeneration of blood cells, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails

· Sodium, regulates the water-electrolyte balance.

· Potassium provides the brain with oxygen, while improving mental activity

· • Zinc has an immunostimulating effect, as it briskly fights against viral infections.

· Copper helps the body absorb iron.

· Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, aids muscle function and strengthens bones.

· Selenium helps protect cells from damage.

· Calcium along with phosphorus - helpers for the growth and strength of bones.

Fatty acid

Loach fish contains fatty acids such as cis-9-hexadecenoic, linoleic, myristic, hexadecanoic, lauric, oleic, linolenic, eicosan and octadecanoic. Their main and most important function in the human body is the activation and regulation of metabolic processes.

Amino acids

From amino acids, char contains glutamine, hydroxyproline, arginine, tryptophan, proline, phenylalanine, leucine, serine, lysine, methionine, isoleucine, glycine, cystine, valine, threonine, alanine.

The benefits of amino acids contained in char, in the first place, are expressed in the fact that they contribute to the proper, normal development of the body, support its functioning.

Having become acquainted with such a rich list of the vitamin-mineral complex of char, it’s even hard to imagine that this fish can cause the slightest harm to humans. After all, the entire rich harvest of biologically active substances contained in this fish is uniquely beneficial for humans. Thus, char can be considered a truly correct and useful product.

But is this really so?

Use in dietetics and medicine

The component composition of char, which is rare in its nutritional value, predetermined its healing properties. So, due to the significant content of vitamins and minerals, as well as fatty acids, such a product normalizes cholesterol levels in the body, improves the condition of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal system, guarantees a healthy and flowering appearance of a person. In addition, char fish perfectly strengthens the immune system, improves visual function, and helps to normalize the water balance. Not a product - but a true panacea!

Loach fish harm

Nevertheless, it is worth noting, char, can be very harmful to the body. In particular, due to violations of storage conditions or was treated with special dyes. In this case, without thorough heat treatment, char can become a serious cause of food poisoning. Therefore, when buying char, you need to be very careful not to fall for a fish rod. In addition, it is not worth storing a char for a long time even in frozen form, since the level of nutrients in it significantly decreases under the influence of cold temperatures.

At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the char will not really bring great harm to health. In addition to possible poisoning in case of violation of storage conditions, another unpleasant side effect may be an allergy to seafood or individual components contained in char. But, it is worth noting that such an effect will manifest itself not only when eating char, but also any other fish. This is due to the fact that some people have individual intolerance to certain components.

By and large, it must be recognized that high-quality fresh fish and properly prepared dishes from it will bring not only invaluable benefits for the whole organism, but also taste satisfaction for the most picky gourmets. It is only necessary to learn a couple of unusual recipes and include them in your daily or holiday diets.


The rich vitamin and mineral complex contained in char allows us to fully appreciate all the benefits this fish can bring to the human body. Just enough to learn how to cook it and monitor the quality of the purchased product. It is in this way that you can protect yourself from potentially harmful effects. After all, char fish is able to provide tremendous support to the body in the fight against a host of unpleasant diseases and the least cost to maintain youth, beauty and health of the whole body.


Watch the video: Sick Fish? I use these 3 meds on all fish. (June 2024).