How to cook rice kuta with raisins. Recipes of Kutia funeral with raisins and Christmas kutia


Kutia with raisins is a lean porridge that is cooked on a memorial table or before Christmas.

Traditionally, it is made from wheat, but you can cook it from pearl barley, oats or even cook kutia from rice with raisins.

Kutia funeral raisins are prepared for funeral dinners or certain days when people come together to pray through common prayers with the Almighty to calm the soul of the deceased.

Wheat grains symbolize Sunday.

To germinate, the grain must fall into the ground and decay. Honey and raisins are a symbol of the spiritual blessings of eternal life.

Kutia is the personification of our faith in the immortality of the soul.

Kutia with raisins are prepared not only on the eve, but also for the New Year and Epiphany.

Before Christmas, they prepare Poor Kutya, that is, Lenten, since there is still fasting.

And already on New Year's Eve they cook Rich Kutia, in which you can already add butter and cream.

Kutia with raisins - the basic principles of cooking

Kutia is cooked wheat grains or boiled rice, flavored with honey, nuts, raisins and poppy seeds. The main thing is that the grain groats remain intact in kutya.

Our ancestors cooked kutya only from wheat, now many people cook this dish from pearl barley, egg or rice groats.

There is a belief that the richer the kutya for the New Year will be, the more generous and prosperous the whole year will be. In addition to honey and raisins, nuts, cream, candied fruits, poppy seeds, marmalade and jam are added to such kutya.

Rice raisins with raisins are very popular today, as cereals are cooked faster, and the food itself is more tender than kutia cooked from wheat.

Before cooking kutya, cereals are washed several times. If you cook from wheat or oats, they must be soaked for several hours, so that the cereal is cooked faster. Then it is boiled until tender.

Sugar or honey is bred in water or boiled from them uzvar and pour them boiled cereal. You can not dilute with water and add immediately to the porridge. Then add dried fruits, nuts, poppy seeds and candied fruits and mix. A kutia of rice with raisins is cooked in the same way, only rice does not require such a long soaking.

Kutia is transferred to beautiful dishes and must be decorated on top with nuts, candied fruits or dried fruits.

Recipe 1. Kutia with barley raisins


a glass of pearl barley;

30 g of honey;

a third of a glass of honey;

30 g of sugar;

a third of a glass of walnuts;

third of a glass of raisins.

Cooking method

1. Boil water in a kettle. Wash the pearl barley and pour boiling water over it. Leave for ten minutes. Then put a saucepan with grits on a small fire and cook until soft.

2. Rinse the raisins and soak it in hot water for a quarter of an hour. Grind poppy in a coffee grinder.

3. Transfer the finished barley to a deep bowl. Add sugar and honey to the hot porridge. Stir until they completely dissolve.

4. Nuts crushed with a rolling pin. Add raisins to the sweet porridge, drain the water from it and slightly squeeze, poppy seeds and nuts. Stir again. On top you can decorate with slices of fresh apple.

Recipe 2. Kutia from rice with raisins and dried apricots


rice - a glass;

salt - a pinch;

poppy - half a glass;

liquid honey - 80 ml;

raisins - half a glass;

dried apricots - 70 g;

walnuts - half a cup.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the rice groats several times until the water becomes clear. Place the washed rice in a cauldron and pour boiling water over it so that the water is two fingers above the level of the cereal. Add a pinch of salt. Cover the cauldron with a lid and cook rice over moderate heat for a quarter of an hour. The main thing is that rice cereal does not boil completely and does not turn into a sticky mass. Rice should turn out friable, but not moist. After 15 minutes, turn off the fire and leave the cauldron with rice for another quarter hour.

2. Poppy soak in boiling water. Drain the cooled water, and grind the poppy two or three times in a meat grinder.

3. Rinse raisins and dried apricots. Pour dried fruit with boiling water and soak for 20 minutes. As soon as they are steamed, drain the water, and dry the dried apricots and raisins on a napkin. Cut dried apricots into thin strips, and leave the raisins whole. Break the nuts into several pieces.

4. Dilute honey in a small amount of drinking water, and pour it into rice. Then add nuts, poppy seeds, dried apricots and raisins. Mix well and transfer to deep bowls. Garnish with nuts and stripes of dried apricots on top.

Recipe 3. Kutia funeral with raisins in a slow cooker


a pound of wheat grains;

100 g of walnuts;

a pound of honey;

two liters of drinking water;

200 g of raisins;

poppy - 100 g.

Cooking method

1. To sort and wash wheat grains under a stream of cold water. The washed grains are placed in the capacity of the multicooker. Pour cereal with filtered water. Turn on the "Cooking" mode and cook for half an hour. Then leave the wheat in the “Preheat” mode for another hour. Transfer the cereal into a sieve and rinse again with cold boiled water.

2. Put poppy seeds and raisins in separate bowls. Pour boiling water over them and leave for an hour.

3. Transfer the wheat grains to a salad bowl. Put broken nuts and raisins on top. Mix poppy seeds with half a serving of honey and beat in a blender for two minutes. Add the honey-poppy mixture to the porridge.

4. Mix everything well, add the remaining honey and pour warm water to get a thick sour cream consistency. Garnish with nuts, poppy seeds and small sweets on top.

Recipe 4. Rice kutia with raisins, nuts and dried fruits


long-grain rice - a glass;

50 g granulated sugar;

50 g butter;

70 g of liquid honey;

a mixture of prunes, dried apricots and dried cherries - 100 g;

100 g of dried apples with pears and raisins;

100 g of poppy seeds and walnut kernels.

Cooking method

1. Cut apples, prunes, pears and dried apricots into small strips. Put the chopped dried fruits in a saucepan, add cherries and pour everything with two glasses of drinking water. Put the stew-pan on the fire, boil, and cook on low heat for about ten minutes.

2. Pour poppy seeds into a deep bowl and pour boiling water over it for forty minutes. Then drain the liquid, and grind the poppy in a blender until it turns white.

3. Rinse the rice under running cold water several times. Pour rice into a dry frying pan, and stirring constantly, dry the cereal. Then add the butter and continue to frying, gradually adding sugar, until the rice becomes slightly golden.

4. Transfer the rice groats to the pan, add the raisins and pour in all the pre-cooked sausage with dried fruits. From the moment of boiling, boil kutia for a quarter of an hour over low heat.

5. Dissolve honey in warm water and pour kuta with this mixture. Add broken nuts and poppy seeds. Gently mix the contents of the pan. Transfer to a beautiful dish and serve with kutia completely cooled.

Recipe 5. Kutia funeral with raisins and prunes


whole pearl barley - 200 g;

granulated sugar and honey;

poppy - 100 g;

30 ml of vegetable oil;

peeled nuts and raisins - 50 g each;

prunes - 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the barley and soak in cold drinking water overnight. Rinse cereals the next day. Transfer the barley to the cauldron, add vegetable oil, pour two cups of filtered water and cook, periodically removing the foam. Salt the porridge, twist the fire and cook for about an hour, until the croup is soft.

2. Rinse dried fruits and almonds. Arrange prunes and raisins in separate plates and pour boiling water. Leave to soak for an hour. Poppy soak in boiling water. Soak the almonds for about ten minutes, then peel it off, put it on a dry frying pan and dry.

3. Drain the poppy water, and crush the grains in a mortar. Drain water from dried fruits, put them on a napkin and dry. Then cut the dried fruit into small strips.

4. Put poppy seeds, almonds and dried fruits in barley, add sugar and honey. Mix everything well and put on a dish slide. Garnish with kutia and serve it chilled.

Recipe 6. Christmas kutia with raisins


wheat - a glass;

honey - 80 g;

drinking water - three glasses;

roasted walnuts - 100 g;

salt - a pinch;

100 g - raisins;

vegetable oil - 30 ml;

poppy - 125 g


dried fruits - 200 g;

drinking water - two glasses.

Cooking method

1. Sort and rinse the wheat well. Soak the cereal for several hours. Transfer the wheat grains to the cauldron, fill them with water, salt and pour the vegetable oil. Cook the grits for about two hours.

2. Poppy soak in boiling water for an hour. Then throw it on a sieve and wait for all the water to drain. Grind the poppy in a blender until it turns white.

3. Pour boiling water over the raisins and soak for 20 minutes. Then drain the water and dry the raisins on a napkin.

4. Rinse dried fruits, transfer them to a stewpan and fill with two glasses of drinking water. Put the stewpan on a slow fire. From the moment of boiling, cook the uzvar for about ten minutes. Then cool it to a warm state, drain all the liquid into a separate bowl and add honey and mix until it is completely dissolved. Do not throw dried fruits!

5. Transfer the wheat grains to a bowl and cool. Add chopped and lightly roasted nuts, grated poppy seeds and chopped dried fruit from the bacon. Pour the honey pattern into the kuti and mix. Garnish with kutia nuts and candied fruits.

Recipe 7. Rice Kutia with Raisins and Nuts


300 g of rice cereal;

100 g of liquid honey;

250 g - almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts;

170 g each - raisins and poppy seeds.

Cooking method

1. Rinse thoroughly under running water and boil, following the instructions on the package. At the same time, make sure that it does not turn into an adhesive mass. Porridge must be crumbly.

2. Pour nuts into a dry frying pan and lightly fry. Peel them and break them into several pieces.

3. Pour poppy seeds with boiling water and soak for half an hour. Then drain the water, and pass the poppy twice through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.

4. Soak raisins in boiling water for half an hour. Then drain the water, and dry the raisins on a napkin.

5. Combine hot rice porridge with nuts, raisins and poppy seeds. Dissolve honey in an incomplete glass of warm water and pour kutia with this mixture. Stir, put in a deep plate, garnish with nuts and cool completely.

Rice Kutia with Raisins - Tips and Tricks

  • To prevent rice from turning into a sticky mass, prepare kutia from long-grain polished rice.

  • Pour a little less water into the rice first than indicated in the recipe. In the process of cooking, try rice, if the middle is damp, pour some more water.

  • To make the raisins juicy and soft, be sure to soak it in boiling water.

  • For kutya use only liquid honey. If your honey is sugared, melt it in a water bath.


Watch the video: Raisins Qabooli Biryani rice (June 2024).