June 28: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on June 28th.


Holidays June 28

Ukraine celebrates Constitution Day

Ukraine became an independent state in 1991, after the collapse of the USSR. And for five years she lived without a new Constitution. It was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada only on June 28, 1996. This day began to be celebrated annually as a public holiday. The Constitution is the highest legislative act of the Ukrainian state. It stipulates the totality of public values, relations between the state and citizens, their mutual obligations and rights, defines the border of state intervention in the life of both society and an individual citizen. The adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine made it possible to distinguish legislatively the rights and duties of political parties, branches of government, public organizations. To consolidate the territorial integrity, sovereignty of the state and raise the country's international authority.

June 28 on the folk calendar

Feat's Day. Modest Livestock Protector.

With the advance of Feet, all cereal crops were stopped. It was believed that bread will not have time to ripen and there will be no harvest. But by this time oats were rising well. Therefore, they tried to protect juicy greens and did not let livestock enter the fields. But not only the fields were protected from animals, but also the animals were protected from grain emergence. Therefore, the cattle were very vigilantly watched. Otherwise, you could lose the nurse. Usually, a cow who had eaten grains of grain was inflated by evening, she could not stand on her feet. It was almost impossible to save the animal. In most cases, it died. Therefore, the peasants prayed to St. Modest in order to protect livestock from pestilence, disease and death.

Historical events of June 28

June 28, 1933 large-scale operation on deportation of persons of gypsy nationality from Moscow

He walked hungry 1933. People in remote areas left their homes and moved to major cities, especially Moscow, trying to gain a foothold there. Gypsies who simply flooded the capital were no exception. Some of them managed to get on the construction of the subway. The bulk were begging, street fortune telling, or theft. Attacks on honest citizens, whose bags of food and bread were pulled out of their hands, became more frequent. The discontent of Muscovites with uninvited guests grew. And the streets of the city themselves with tramps greatly spoiled the general background of a frustrating and renewed Moscow. Foreigners coming to it should have seen a completely different capital. Therefore, Stalin issued an order prescribing to clean the city of antisocial elements. A passport system was introduced in the country, and those who did not have documents, mainly Roma, were deported from Moscow and other large cities.

June 28, 1941 the famous song "Holy War" was first performed at the Belorussky railway station

Three days after the outbreak of the war, the verses “The Holy War” by Lebedev-Kumach, were printed on the front page of the Izvestia and Red Star newspapers. Only after seeing the text of the printed verses did the composer Aleksandrov literally pick up a melody for them on the go. To save time, he wrote notes in chalk directly on the blackboard, and the musicians already copied them into their notebooks. And on June 28, this patriotic composition was performed by one of the groups of the Red Banner Song and Dance Ensemble right at the Belorussky Train Station. The song was repeated five times in a row. Until mid-October 1941, this song on the radio sounded not so often so as not to escalate an already disturbing atmosphere. But, as soon as the Nazis captured the cities of Rzhev, Kaluga and Kalinin near Moscow, the Holy War began to sound daily, immediately after the morning battle of the chimes. The song quickly became popular. "Holy War" was the unspoken anthem of the defense of the Fatherland, helping to maintain the fighting spirit of warriors, which was especially important before difficult battles.

June 28, 1997 Mike Tyson, boxing with Evander Holyfield, bit off an opponent’s ear

This was the second battle between the famous heavyweights. In the first battle, which took place in November 1996, Holyfield defeated. Therefore, it was clear the desire of Mike Tyson to take revenge and recoup. The first round was an equal fight, the second ended with an advantage in favor of Evander Holyfield. Tyson’s behavior in the third round from the very beginning was quite aggressive: he rushed at the opponent, showering him with a series of powerful blows, most of which hit the target. But by the end of the round, Evander was able to break Tyson's furious attack and completely took control of the situation in the ring. Out of desperation, Mike gripped his opponent’s right ear with his teeth. Having examined the place of the bite, the doctor gave the go-ahead to continue the fight. Half a minute before the end of the third round, Holyfield hits Tyson with his head in an eyebrow. For which he receives another bite in his left ear. The fight was not stopped and the boxers were able to exchange blows several times. Holyfield refused to go the next round. But Tyson demanded a continuation of the battle. He became uncontrollable, threw himself at the guards and beat everyone who tried to calm him down. The judges decided to disqualify the raging Mike Tyson, and award the victory to Evander Holyfield.

Born on June 28

Alexander Pankratov-Cherny (born 1949), Soviet, Russian actor

The future People’s Artist of Russia in childhood wanted to become a clown to amuse people. And mother dreamed of seeing her son as a military man. As a result, he did not become a clown or a military man, but went to the artists. The real name of Alexander is Pankratov. But it learned so that while studying at VGIK, another student Alexander Pankratov studied with him on the course. To avoid confusion, the future actor came up with the prefix "Black", because was a burning brunette. Alexander is more an actor in the comedy genre, but also easily copes with serious, dramatic roles. In whatever roles the actor starred - major or minor, he always creates vivid and memorable images for his heroes. Alexander has a brilliant sense of humor, a sea of ​​charm and immense charisma. Therefore, it is not surprising that for many years it has been a constant favorite of the audience. Pankratov-Cherny starred in more than fifty films, many of which became movie hits. The most famous are “The Master and Margarita”, “We are from Jazz”, “Womanizer”, “Promised Heaven”, “Shirley-Myrli”.

Yana Poplavskaya (born 1967), Soviet, Russian actress, television and radio host

June 28 marks her birthday Little Red Riding Hood of the whole country - Yana Poplavskaya. Yana was born in a creative family - her dad was a journalist, and her mother an actress. For the first time, the girl got on the set at 4 years old, where her mother brought her. She categorically refused to act in films, asked to take her to the section of rhythmic gymnastics. She even achieved certain results - she is a candidate for master of sports. But Jan nevertheless entered the stage, with the light hand of the famous director Yuri Lyubimov, where she played one of the roles in the play "Crossroads". And already at the age of 10 she starred in the film "About Little Red Riding Hood" that made her famous throughout the country. She coped with the role so well that she was awarded the USSR State Prize. In addition to Little Red Riding Hood, viewers could see her in the films Fantasies of Vesnukhin, Transitional Age, Gloss, The Snow Queen, Bachelors, Proposed Circumstances, and many others. Currently, Yana Poplavskaya teaches at Moscow State University, He broadcasts on television, radio and continues to act in films.

Birthday June 28

Name Day Celebrate: Michael, Ephraim, Gregory, Fedor, Modest, Vit (Fit)


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