Desserts without baking - simple sweets for joy! Recipes of various homemade desserts without baking from cookies, gingerbread, fruit, cottage cheese


It is not necessary to bother with a batch of dough or spend time baking a dessert. There are many other ways to prepare a delicious treat to end your lunch or just for tea. Here are collected recipes for very simple and delicious desserts without baking.

Desserts without baking - general principles of preparation

Since desserts are prepared without baking, it is easy to predict their taste by the ingredients and additives used. Moreover, you can change the recipe at your discretion, adding more sugar, chocolate, vanilla or fruit. Unlike baking options, it's hard to make a mistake here.

What desserts are made of:

• gingerbread cookies, waffles, cookies;

• jam, jam, condensed milk;

• nuts, chocolate, dried fruits.

Often, in prefabricated desserts, ready-made confectionery products are used: ice cream, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade. There are a huge number of recipes with fruits and berries. They make fresh, light, juicy and healthy desserts. But they have one drawback - a short shelf life. Such goodies should be consumed immediately after preparation.

Dessert without baking "Curd house"

To prepare this dessert without baking, you will need ordinary square-shaped sweet cookies and high-quality cottage cheese. The fatter the product, the tastier it will turn out. As a filling, you also need a banana.


• 200 grams of oil;

• 15 pieces of cookies;

• 80 grams of sugar;

• 20 grams of cocoa;

• half a kilo of cottage cheese;

• 1 banana;

• 0.5 tbsp. powders.


1. Mix cocoa powder with granulated sugar, add 150 grams of softened butter to them and beat thoroughly. It turns out chocolate butter cream.

2. Combine the cottage cheese with the powder and the oil that remains, grate it thoroughly or beat with a blender.

3. Put the chocolate mass on the plastic wrap, smudge and immediately place the cookies. Lay 3 rows of 5 pieces.

4. Put the curd on the cookies, smudge the layer.

5. Cut into slices a banana, put in the central part of the strip.

6. Use your hands to lift the edges of the film on one and the second side together with the cookies, to form a triangular bar. Wrap with a film, smooth with your hands.

7. Place for an hour in the refrigerator to set. Before use, remove the package, cut the "houses" with a sharp knife across.

Dessert without baking "Gingerbread cake"

To prepare this dessert without baking, you can take any gingerbread at your discretion, but preferably a small size. It is more convenient to lay them tightly in layers.


• 400 grams of gingerbread;

• 550 grams of sour cream;

• 300 grams of bananas;

• 50 grams of chocolate;

• 4 tbsp. l powders.


1. With a sharp knife, cut each gingerbread lengthwise into 2-3 flat cakes, depending on its thickness. The crumbs and glaze that will crumble are collected in a separate bowl.

2. Mix sour cream with a prescription amount of powder. You can add some vanilla.

3. Cut the bananas into thin circles. You can use kiwi, strawberries, peaches, and other similar fruits in their place or along with them. They should not be too soft, but not hard.

4. In a form with a volume of at least 1.5 liters, cover the cling film. The edges should hang.

5. Put a layer of gingerbread cookies, fill the voids with crumbs, which were collected in a second bowl, grease the layer with cream, put pieces of bananas. Repeat the layers until the gingerbread cookies with bananas end, the cream should remain.

6. Put the cake in the refrigerator, covering the top with pieces of hanging film.

7. After 2 hours, remove the bowl with the gingerbread cookies, unfold the film, cover the dish with a dish and turn it over sharply. Remove the film.

8. Coat the gingerbread with cream residues from above, sprinkle with grated chocolate. Put the cake in the refrigerator for another hour.

Dessert without baking from dried fruits

A variant of a simple dried fruit dessert, which is a small sweet. They can safely be served with tea even for guests, it turns out very tasty.


• 150 grams of dates;

• 150 grams of prunes;

• 150 grams of dried apricots;

• 0.7 tbsp. nuts

• 3 tbsp. l cocoa.


1. Pour dried apricots and prunes with warm water, you can in one bowl, leave for a quarter of an hour, then squeeze dried fruits.

2. While the fruits are soaking, remove all the bones from the dates. Since they are sweet, sugar will not be added. But if you wish, you can put a spoonful of honey.

3. Grind dried fruits through a meat grinder. It’s better not to use a blender here, otherwise it will produce a liquidy smoothie.

4. Add cocoa to dried fruit. It will give a chocolate flavor and make the mass thicker. Stir well.

5. Blind small balls from the prepared mass. So that dried fruits do not stick, hands should be moistened in water.

6. Roll the balls in chopped nuts, put in the refrigerator for an hour. Instead of nuts, you can take sesame seeds, coconut flakes or grated chocolate.

Non-baked fruit dessert with ice cream

A variant of a very quick and easy to prepare dessert, which additionally needs some ice cream. You can take ice cream or any other.


• 2 kiwi;

• 2 peaches;

• 1 banana;

• 100 grams of ice cream;

• 1 pear or apple;

• 1 tbsp. l coconut flakes;

• 2 tablespoons of honey;

• 3 cookies.


1. Crumble cookies, arrange one in three vases.

2. Break the banana into pieces, put it in the freezer for several minutes, while the fruit is being prepared.

3. Peel the kiwi, cut into slices. Also chop a pear or apple, do the same with peaches. Stir it all and arrange in vases.

4. Get a banana, pour into a blender, add honey and ice cream. If you don’t like the taste that is too sweet, you can cook without honey. Beat everything together for 15-20 seconds.

5. Pour the fruit into the resulting mashed potatoes.

6. Sprinkle coconut with dessert on top. You can use colored shavings or white.

Dessert without baking from the "Fish" cracker

To prepare such a dessert, you will need a cracker in the form of fish, but not salty. It is very important. The cream is the simplest based on sour cream with condensed milk.


• 400 grams of cracker;

• 1 bag of vanilla;

• 2 bananas;

• 300 grams of sour cream;

• 220 grams of condensed milk;

• chocolate, nuts if desired.


1. Combine sour cream with condensed milk, stir, be sure to add vanillin to the cream, since the cracker does not have a pronounced aroma.

2. Combine the cream with the cracker, stir again, set aside.

3. Peel the bananas, cut into small pieces, shift to the cracker, stir again.

4. Put parchment on the bottom of the tin mold, place the cookies with cream, smooth, cover. You can stretch the film.

5. Refrigerate for at least three hours. The cracker will swell, the mass will thicken.

6. Cover the dish with a flat bowl, turn the dessert onto a dish. If the cream remains, then coat it on top. Or simply cover with a layer of sour cream or condensed milk.

7. Sprinkle with grated chocolate or garnish with nuts.

Dessert without baking from Snow White marshmallows

A stunningly simple recipe for a delicious dessert. It is advisable for him to use white marshmallows so that the treat justifies its name.


• 300 grams of marshmallows;

• 350 grams of sour cream;

• 3 tablespoons of powder;

• 4 rings of pineapple;

• 2 bananas;

• 2 tbsp. l coconut flakes.


1. Peel the bananas, cut them into small pieces, you can cubes or halves of circles.

2. This recipe uses canned pineapple rings. But you can also take a fresh product, cut into small cubes, combine with a banana.

3. Marshmallows cut in half. Curly tops set aside. Put the bottoms evenly on the dish.

4. Mix sour cream and powder until smooth.

5. Put chopped fruits on marshmallows, anoint with cooked cream, half should go.

6. Cover the fruit with the curly tops of marshmallows, grease them with the rest of the cream.

7. Pour dessert with coconut, leave for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Dessert without baking from cottage cheese and gelatin

Jelly desserts are perfectly stored for a couple of days in the refrigerator, and they are very tasty, healthy, and easy to prepare. Here is the simplest recipe from cottage cheese and orange. Other fruits or berries can be used if desired.


• 400 grams of cottage cheese;

• 2 oranges;

• 140 ml of milk;

• 100 grams of sour cream;

• 90 grams of sugar;

• 15 grams of gelatin.


1. Combine milk and gelatin, stir, leave for half an hour.

2. Mix sour cream with sugar and cottage cheese, beat it all with a blender. Or just a very good knead so that there are no large lumps.

3. Peel oranges, cut into small pieces. Be sure to choose all the bones from citrus.

4. Heat milk with gelatin in a water bath until all the grains dissolve, pour over to the cottage cheese, stir. You can add sugar to your taste, be sure to try.

5. Add oranges to the cottage cheese, stir, arrange in small vases or in silicone molds.

6. Put in the refrigerator for two hours, the dessert should freeze. You can not connect slices of oranges with cottage cheese, but lay fruit in layers.

Desserts without baking - useful tips and tricks

• If the dessert is made from cookies or gingerbread, then it definitely needs time to soak. To speed up this process, you can first hold the treat a little at room temperature, only then put it in the refrigerator.

• Curd and creamy desserts should always be supplemented with vanilla, cinnamon or other essences. Dairy products themselves do not always smell delicious, sometimes give a sour taste.

• You need to think about decorating the dessert before cooking. It is advisable to immediately select beautiful berries, fruits, nuts. Otherwise, the most broken, crooked and damaged pieces will remain at the end.


Watch the video: 3 Healthy Holiday Desserts. Easy No-Bake Dessert Recipes (June 2024).