Chicken and mushroom julienne - the best recipes. How to cook chicken julienne.


Chicken and mushroom julienne - general description

It is difficult to imagine a person who does not know what a “julienne” is, meanwhile, the idea of ​​this dish is somewhat different among its creators, the French and the Russian overseers. In France, "julienne" is called cutting vegetables in the form of straws for soups and salads, which helps the dish to be tender and pleasant to the taste. In Russian cuisine, “julienne” is a fragrant hot dish that is cooked with a lot of cheese, tender sauce and baked in the oven. The French also have a dish identical to the Russian "julienne", but it is called "kokot", maybe that is why the "Russian julienne" is prepared and served in a special bowl, called the "kokotnitsa".

In general, there is a lot of confusion in the history and etymology of julienne, but it is created quite easily. Most often, Russian housewives cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms in a creamy sauce, it is this dish that is considered traditional, both for the ordinary and for the festive table.

Chicken and mushroom julienne - cooking utensils

As already noted, julienne is cooked in cocotte mugs - small portioned bowls with a long handle, and it is in them that the dish is served on the table. At the same time, it is not necessary to observe restaurant etiquette at home, in the absence of cocotte makers it is quite possible to cook julienne with chicken and mushrooms in clay pots, in a frying pan, ducklings or baking dishes. Some housewives even use tartlets as julienne dishes.

Chicken and mushroom julienne - product preparation

In order for julienne to turn out tasty and aromatic, attention must be paid to the careful preparation of the products.
The chicken is pre-boiled and cut into small cubes or straws (it is better to remove the skin in advance). You can use not only the breast, but also other parts of the bird, this dish will not lose anything, on the contrary, it will become more saturated and juicy.

Mushrooms are finely chopped and fried in butter, it is very important that they are soft and well-fried, it is very important and do not stand out against the general background, but only give their flavor and complement the dish. The basis of julienne is sauce, as a rule, it is creamy or sour cream. Sometimes, mayonnaise is used as a sauce, but it’s better not to do this, it will take a little time to independently prepare high-quality dressing, but the result will be amazing.

Chicken and mushroom julienne - best recipes

There are a lot of recipes for making julienne with chicken and mushrooms, the taste of the dish varies depending on the addition of certain ingredients, for example, you can not compare tender julienne with cream sauce and mint and a dish that contains fragrant smoked meats and fried onions. In general, it is better to try once than to try to understand what a Russian-French dish should look like.

Chicken and champignon julienne

This recipe is the most popular in Russia, since champignons are easiest to find on store shelves. Even if there is no cream, they can easily and without damage to the dish be replaced with sour cream, so that julienne will not suffer and will still please guests or household members with an excellent taste.

- 1/2 kilogram of chicken;
- 350 grams of fresh or frozen champignons;
- 2-3 onions;
- 250 grams of hard cheese;
- 300 grams of 20 percent cream (can be replaced with the same amount of sour cream);
- 2 tablespoons of flour;
- vegetable oil for frying;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Cooking method:

Boil the chicken, let it cool and cut into small cubes. Chop onions finely. Cut mushrooms and fry together with onions in vegetable oil, pepper and salt the dish. Make the sauce: fry the flour in a dry frying pan, add cream or sour cream, salt and bring to a boil (it is important not to overdo it, the flour quickly burns). Add all the ingredients to the sauce, remove from the stove, put into molds and sprinkle with plenty of cheese. If the dish will be cooked in one dish, immediately add part of the cheese, mix the dish, top with the rest of the cheese. Close the form and bake julienne in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Julienne with chicken, mushrooms, smoked meats and olives

This dish has a special aroma due to the bright and rich taste of smoked meats.

- 1 chicken;
- 200-250 grams of champignons;
- 200-250 grams of smoked meat;
- 2-3 onions;
- 150 grams of sour cream;
- 150 grams of cheese;
- 1 can of olives;
- 1-1.5 cups of chicken broth;
- 1 tablespoon of flour;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Cooking method:

Cut the boiled chicken into small strips or cubes. Chop onions and fry in vegetable oil with champignons (do not boil mushrooms!), Do not forget to pepper and salt. Add flour, chicken stock, chicken and smoked meats, continue to fry. Put the future julienne in a baking dish, add the broth and sour cream, put in the oven, simmer for 20 minutes, then sprinkle with cheese, bake until it melts.

Julienne with chicken, beef and chanterelles

Chanterelles are fragrant and tasty mushrooms, julienne, provided they are used, is incredibly tasty.

- 300 grams of chicken;
- 200 grams of beef;
- 200 grams of chanterelles;
- 200 grams of cheese;
- 1/2 cup of milk;
- 2 tablespoons of butter;
- 2 tablespoons of flour;
- ground black pepper;
- salt.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the onion and fry in butter, chop the mushrooms and add to the pan, simmer for 10-15 minutes. Cut boiled chicken and beef into small cubes, add to the mushrooms and fry for another 5-10 minutes. Add butter, flour and milk, pepper and salt, simmer for several minutes. Transfer the dish to a baking dish, cover with grated cheese, bake for 2-3 minutes (you can use the microwave).

Chicken and mushroom julienne - tips from experienced chefs

In order for julienne not to be bitter, do not fry the onion until golden, transparency is enough.

When cooking julienne, all products should be cut into small strips or cubes, so the main principle of the dish, which corresponds to its name, will be respected.

In the absence of mushrooms or chanterelles, you can use any mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and ceps are great.
Julienne is served hot, but cold it is also very tasty.

In the absence of dishes for baking, you can use sand tartlets.


Guest 06/07/2016
Well, I advise you to try it.

Julia 02/13/2016
Hello. And if champignons with a strong aroma, will this not spoil the julienne?


Watch the video: Chicken Mushroom Julienne Recipe 4K (July 2024).