Sulfur plug in the ear in an adult and a child: causes, symptoms, treatment methods. How to remove sulfur plug from ear at home?


Earwax is a mixture of secretions of the sebaceous and sulfur glands in combination with desquamated epithelium.

Without the presence of earwax, it is impossible to imagine that the hearing organ is functioning.

The sulfur composition includes: antibacterial components, fats, proteins, fatty acids, mineral salts, cholesterol, etc.

Types of sulfuric plugs in the ear

Earwax cleanses, moisturizes and protects the organ of hearing from negative factors. In the absence of pathology, sulfur is easily removed independently. This happens when talking, chewing as a result of a natural process - movement of the jaw.

But under certain conditions, about which is slightly lower, the secret accumulates, forming hardened masses. Them and commonly called sulfur cork. It is soft and dry.

Soft, in turn, is divided into plasticine and pasty. The first has a variety of shades of brown and is characterized by high density.

Pasty in its appearance is similar to honey. It is characterized by a yellow tint (from light to dark).

The dry sulfuric plug in the ear is dark (brown or black) in color and has a dense texture.

Sulfur plug in the ear - causes

Improper ear care, which uses so beloved by many cotton buds, can be called, though not the only, but quite common cause of pathology. Besides, the problem provokes:

• Excessive cleanliness, when a person is so fond of ear cleaning that trying to completely clean them of sulfur only contributes to its even greater production.

• The unusual structure of the ear canal, which can be considered an anatomical feature.

• Pushing earwax deep into the ear with cotton buds, hairpins, matches, etc.

• Diving, flowing water into the ear.

• Work in a room where the air temperature or humidity is too high, where atmospheric pressure is higher or lower than normal.

• Work associated with high dust levels.

• Old age.

• Hair in the ear canal.

• Irritating effect on the external auditory canal of the hearing aid, headphones.

Sulfur cork in the ears can exist for quite a long time, without declaring itself. This happens until it completely covers the lumen of the auditory canal. As a rule, the situation is aggravated by the ingress of water into the ear, which provokes the swelling of sulfur.

The sulfur plug in the ear is clearly indicated: hearing loss, the appearance of noise, ringing in the ears, a feeling of stuffiness, and sometimes pain. In severe cases, symptoms are also added, which, by the way, can clearly indicate the presence of an inflammatory process. This is a well-known headache, dizziness, periodic nausea, cough, heart rhythm disturbance.

Then about getting rid of sulfuric cork at home alone should not be out of the question.

Sulfur cork in the ear - diagnostic methods

For an experienced otolaryngologist, it is not difficult to determine the sulfur plug in the ear. A doctor is able to diagnose an ailment with the help of otoscopy.

First, the doctor examines the ear using a special ear funnel and determines the type of cork by the color of the secret. Pathology in an advanced stage is easily detected during a routine examination.

In addition, the doctor takes into account the patient's complaints, information about past illnesses, and studies ear hygiene.

Sulfur cork in the ear - treatment methods

Treatment of sulfuric cork involves its removal, which in a medical institution is carried out physically or mechanically, as well as by dissolution. Often, methods are combined.

Mechanical removal - This is the washing out of a sulfuric plug of soft texture with warm water (saline) and a Janet syringe. Under the power of water, sulfur is easily removed from the ear canal along with the fluid.

In some cases, the removal of the cork using an electric suction pump. As a rule, this method is also used for mild sulfur plug constitutions.

Among other things, sulfur accumulation may dry remove. For this, an ear probe is used, and dissolution involves the introduction of special solvents into the ear.

However, this method will not help with too dense constitutions or with too much secret.

Sulfur cork in an adult's ear - how to remove at home

1. It is recommended to start the process of getting rid of the disease with the banal softening of the sulfuric plug. Hydrogen peroxide - a remedy that no doubt has in every home. It is a deodorizing, bactericidal effect. Peroxide is extremely useful. The foam released during its use cleanses the skin, removes microorganisms, particles of dead tissue, pus. In this case, a 3% solution should be used.

Or use ordinary vegetable oil in the form of heat. Perform the procedure with a pipette.

Grab your earlobe and pull it down a little. Drop no more than 5-6 drops of the solution.

Instead of a pipette, you can use a regular syringe without a needle, but it should not be inserted too deep into the ear. Hydrogen peroxide will hiss a little, and then it will flow out with small pieces of sulfur.

During the procedure, wait until the solution flows out completely, then pat your ear with a cotton swab.

Be careful! If the cleansing process causes you discomfort, itching, pain, then you should stop the procedure and seek the help of a doctor.

2. The use of finished or self-made beeswax candles, propolis, essential oils, as well as medicinal herbs effectively helps get rid of sulfur cork.

To get started, prepare everything you need for the cleansing procedure: 2 candles, cotton buds, a pair of napkins, matches, cotton wool, baby cream.

Massage your sore ear thoroughly using a cream. Then lie on your side (on the side of a healthy or that ear which is not processed), cover your head with a napkin in which you previously make a hole for the ear.

Carefully place the lower edge of the treatment candle directly into your ear, and set the upper one on fire. Wait until the candle burns a little, then remove the cinder and extinguish in water.

Attention! The procedure should not be carried out independently. Ask to help someone you trust. After the procedures, plug the ear with cotton wool and lie down, keeping warm for about 10 minutes.

What are ear candles good for? They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, sedative effects. Gentle warming of the ear only enhances the effect of therapeutic candles.

Under the influence of these factors, a warming up process occurs with a slight massage effect, the pressure on the tympanic membrane decreases, the cork softens and is removed under the influence of reverse traction. The procedure must be performed for both ears, even if the cork is only on one side.

There are some rules for its implementation:

• First heat the ear where there is no problem or it is less pronounced.

• Cleansing is best done before bedtime.

• After the procedure, you cannot go outside for 10-12 hours.

• It is forbidden to wet your head immediately on the day of treatment.

• Be careful when handling fire. Do not let the fire fall below a certain limit. Remove the cinder not with your hands, but with tweezers.

• As already mentioned, do not carry out the procedure yourself.

Use candles daily until you get a positive result. However, if the first few attempts were unsuccessful, then seek the help of a specialist.

Who is contraindicated in the use of ear plugs? First of all, people who are allergic to beekeeping products, as well as with injuries of the ear canal, purulent otitis media, tumors in the head area.

3. You can remove the sulfur plug in the ear using soda solution. Under the influence of soda and water, solid masses soften and crumble.

Stir a teaspoon of soda in 50 ml of warm water and instill a few drops in each ear during the day. Perform the procedure 3-4 times a day.

4. Another simple way to get rid of the sulfuric plug in the ear at home: first soften the sulfur mass by dropping into a sore ear before going to bed warm sunflower oil. Close your ear with a cotton swab.

In the morning, pull out the cotton, drip the ear with hydrogen peroxide, lying on the opposite side. Wait 10 minutes.

Then, in the bathroom, using a shower hose with a unscrewed diffuser, gently, gradually increasing the pressure, rinse your ear with warm water. The procedure is painless and highly effective.

4. Or use this method: instill hydrogen peroxide in a sore ear, lie down for several minutes, with your ear up. Do not be afraid if you feel hissing and tickling. This is normal. This is how peroxide works.

Then, draw a pre-prepared solution into the syringe: 2 teaspoons of soda into a glass of warm water and pour the mixture into the ear under high pressure.

Under the pressure of water, the softened cork is simply washed out, freeing the ear and bringing noticeable relief. Instead of a syringe, you can use a rubber syringe.

6. Try to remove the sulfur plug in this way: wrap your finger in a damp cloth and treat the surface of the outer ear. Use dry heat to soften the sulfur mass. Will fit a bag of hot salt, a heater with moderately hot water. Over a period of time, sulfur softens and is more easily eliminated.

This method has contraindications. Use it if you are sure that you have a sulfur plug, and not a masked inflammatory process.

Sulfur cork in a child’s ear - features of removal at home

The causes and symptoms of cerumen are similar in adults and children. What to do with a disease in the ear of a child if there is no way to see a doctor?

1. Do not try to free the baby’s ear from sulfur accumulations with sharp objects, so as not to create an even bigger problem. do not use cotton buds. With their help, you only push the sulfur further.

2. Warm the vegetable oil (in a water bath) and instill it in the child’s ear daily with a couple of drops (5 days). If there is no positive result in the allotted time period, consult a specialist.

3. In the same way, but without heating, use a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

4. Mix a quarter of a teaspoon of soda, a tablespoon of water and a teaspoon of glycerin. Water should be warm. Drip this solution into the ears of adult children 4 times a day, 8 drops.

5. Removes sulfur plug well from ear Remo-Wax - a hygiene product for ear care, which contributes to the rapid dissolution of sulfur.

The drug is approved for use by children from birth. However, it cannot be used for pain, for damage to the eardrum, for discharge from the ear canal.

The tool is used exclusively locally, after holding (for warming) the bottle in the palm of your hand for literally a couple of minutes.

The method of application is as follows: lay the child on the opposite side of the treated ear. Pull the ear slightly over the earlobe down and back (carefully!) And drip about 20 drops of the drug on the back wall.

Wait a few minutes (5-10), and then allow the solution to flow naturally. This is achieved by turning the child’s head on the other side.

In addition, nothing needs to be done: neither to clean, nor to rinse, or to plug ears with cotton wool.

The drug has been clinically tested and its safety and antiallergenicity have been confirmed.

Advice! Many mothers who have experience in treating sulfuric plugs in a child’s ear suggest that for babies this procedure is best done while breastfeeding. So you can easily achieve that the child lies quietly necessary for the time of the cleansing process.

In addition, it is quite effective. A-Tserumen. It is used for children from 2.5 years. To prevent the accumulation of earwax, it is enough to use it 2 times a week, and to wash the plugs - 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 3-4 days.

The bottle with A-Tserumen is preheated in the palm of your hand, then a certain amount of the product is poured into the child’s ear and kept for about a minute. After that, the head is turned over, allowing the solution with sulfur flakes to flow out.

Drops make the process of cleansing the ears convenient, safe and effective. The use of this tool does not require any additional measures. Drops will save the baby from unpleasant consequences, remove and prevent the emergence of new sulfur plugs.

The procedure for removing sulfuric plugs in the ear should be carried out in the child if you are sure that the plug was formed recently and is not too deep.

Also, ear cleansing by the above methods is recommended for adult children who can sit still.

Why is it necessary to remove sulfur plugs in a child? First of all, in order to avoid hearing impairment, inflammatory processes, chronic rhinitis, bedsores of the ear canal in the future. All these complications are much more difficult to cure than to get rid of sulfur cork.

If you are not sure about the diagnosis or are afraid to deal with the problem yourself, do not postpone the visit to a specialist.

Sulfur cork: important tips

After removal of the sulfuric plug in the ear, in some cases there is a possibility of a new appearance of it. Therefore, you should be aware of simple preventive measures:

1. If you are prone to pathology, regularly visit a doctor (at least 2 times a year).

2. Use cotton swabs to clean your ears, but do not enter them deeply. It is especially important to clean your ears after bathing.

3. Sulfur cork - your constant problem? In this case, do not use vacuum headphones or listen to loud music.

4. Protect your ears from the cold.

5. Women with a tendency to sulfur formation should not wear heavy earrings.

6. If you are swimming, use special ear plugs.

And a little more about cotton buds. Do not use them to clean children's ears. You can clean your ear with a damp cloth. The auricle is rubbed with it, after which the moisture is blotted with a dry cloth.

Remember! In 70% of cases, rupture of the eardrum in children occurs through the fault of parents who are unreasonably approaching the issue of baby hygiene.

Before using any means for instillation, it is desirable to clarify the diagnosis. Symptoms of sulfuric plugs in the ear are similar to signs of serious inflammatory processes. Therefore, daring to carry out the procedure for cleansing the ears at home, consult with a specialist in advance.

Compliance with the described preventive measures and an adequate approach to the treatment of an existing pathology will preserve the health of the hearing organ for you and your children.


Watch the video: Removing impacted ear wax (July 2024).