Remove greasy or sweet foods? What diet really helps to lose weight: a doctor


In the 1950s, American researchers found that high-fat foods raise blood cholesterol. Therefore, a low-fat diet has previously been considered a key component of a healthy life. However, most of the research was funded by the sugar industry, so it was biased and methodologically incorrect. A new study showed that fat plays far from the most important role in the development of obesity.

Paradoxically: Does Fat Extend Life?

PURE study involved about 7 years 135000 people. The main conclusion of scientists: people who eat a lot of fat are less likely to die from various diseases. The study confirmed the results of Spanish scientists, which were published two years earlier.

What is surprising in the PURE study: people who ate saturated fats - from meat and dairy products - also lived longer.

Until now, doctors have always been worried that saturated fats may increase LDL, the “bad” cholesterol. However, PURE researchers said: consuming 100 g of fat daily is not only harmless, but also prolongs life.

Who is responsible for obesity?

The second conclusion was that people who consume a lot of carbohydrates are more likely to die at an early age.

Carbohydrates increase the level of insulin in the blood, so in the long run they increase the risk of obesity.

Within 10 years, people can develop type II diabetes. Scientists have suggested that uncontrolled carbohydrate intake can also increase the risk of cancer. Colon cancer is the most common cause of death in the study.

Nutrition experts say you need to distinguish between carbohydrates from refined sugar and whole grains or vegetables. The negative effects are mainly associated with carbohydrates from processed sugar, wheat flour and similar products.

How to deal with obesity?

Nutritionists recommend consuming a lot of vegetables and fruits. Olive oil is an important source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Sunflower oil is rich in omega-6 fats. Vegetables cooked with plenty of oil help reduce appetite and therefore carbohydrate intake.

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) has updated its dietary guidelines.

It recommends eating less sugar and more fatty foods. DGE follows the general practice of many nutritionists who have long recommended a low-carb diet in combination with proteins and healthy fats.

The PURE study did not study the effect of proteins on patient body weight. According to experts, proteins along with vegetables are the basis of a healthy diet. They provide the body with important building blocks for muscles and cause a long-lasting feeling of fullness.

Daily it is recommended to consume from 1 to 1.2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight. It is necessary to divide the proteins into three meals a day. Vegetable protein is ideal for a healthy and balanced diet.

Vegetables cooked with good vegetable oil can be used with protein foods. If there is an appetite for pasta, rice or potatoes, after heat treatment it is necessary to allow them to cool. In this way, the conversion of carbohydrates to starch, which cannot be decomposed by human enzymes, can be increased. Therefore, it is excreted without consequences from the body.

What diets are recommended by the scientific community?

Scientific studies have shown that reducing carbohydrates in your diet is the most effective way to lose weight.

The Atkins method was superior to three other carbohydrate-rich diets: participants lost about 6 kg in one year.

A low carbohydrate diet can lead to short-term weight loss. However, an increase in protein and fat intake increases the burden on the kidneys and joints.

It is recommended to combine a low-carb diet with physical activity in order to achieve maximum results. Before starting a diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor to avoid possible health effects.


Watch the video: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (May 2024).