The temperature at the nursing mother, is it possible to feed the baby, will there be milk? Is sick mom's milk safe for baby


Every woman in her life, one way or another, is faced with diseases in which there is an increase in temperature.

During pregnancy and after the birth of the baby, women begin to closely monitor their health.

This is due to maternal instinct, as well as concern for their offspring.

The temperature of a nursing mother, is it possible to feed: reasons

In order to take care of the baby, mothers must feel. However, many women complain of a sudden increase in body temperature. This is a common phenomenon, which is why women should know the causes of its occurrence, as well as methods of struggle.

If the nursing mother rises in body temperature, then before proceeding with her removal, you need to find out the causes.

The most likely causes are as follows:

• lactostasis - in this condition, stagnation of milk forms in the mammary glands;

• mastitis - the disease is always accompanied by fever;

• poisoning;

• inflammatory or infectious diseases;

• endometritis;

• divergence of seams after cesarean section;


Of course, immediately after a fever, many mothers believe that they have a cold. However, one must remember that colds are always accompanied by other symptoms, such as a cough or runny nose. If there are no such symptoms, then you need to look for another reason.

Important! Nursing mothers should try to avoid places with lots of people. If the woman herself becomes infected, she can infect her baby.

If the thermometer shows 37.6, then be sure to visit a doctor. The specialist will be able to make a diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Of great importance is the period in which postpartum temperature began to rise. If this happened a few days after the birth, then most likely this may be the development of the following diseases:

• endometritis;

• mastitis;

• inflammation of the sutures.

During this period, against the background of a decrease in immunity, other ailments, for example, herpes or pyelonephritis, may aggravate.

As for mastitis, it becomes the cause of fever. Due to lactose, cracks in the nipples, the disease can begin even in the hospital.

Other causes are considered if 2-3 weeks have passed since delivery. Many people think that if the temperature of a nursing mother is, can I breast-feed a baby? Only a doctor can answer this question after establishing an accurate diagnosis.

The temperature of a nursing mother: treatment

The main condition for lowering body temperature is the use of safe means that will not affect the condition of the baby, and also will not affect breast milk.

If the thermometer is less than 38, then it is not necessary to bring down the temperature. She says that the body can fight the disease itself. But nevertheless, you can and even need to help him, for this they use healthy and frequent drinks: jelly, fruit drinks, natural juices. The liquid will remove intoxication products from the body. One must remember that some drinking can adversely affect the baby, causing him an allergic reaction. This applies to citrus juices.

Nursing mothers can be advised to drink cow and goat milk, tea from dill seeds, chamomile flowers. In addition, under the influence of such drinks, lactose will improve.

It is worth emphasizing that the decision to take medicines should be made only by a doctor. After all, a woman herself is unlikely to be able to assess possible risks and choose the right dosage of the drug. In addition, the doctor will determine the cause of the fever.

Most often, drugs based on Ibuprofen or Paracetamol are prescribed. They are safe, because in certain dosages these medicines can be given even to small children. However, self-medication, even with such medicines, is not necessary - the wrong dosage can lead to kidney problems.

It is believed that the safest are candles made on the basis of the above drugs. The active substance from them practically does not get into milk, it is absorbed into the blood. However, their effectiveness is lower than that of oral agents.

If the increase in body temperature was caused by inflammation in the mammary glands, then in no case do you need to do warming compresses yourself. If there are nodes in the mammary glands, massage is used.

The temperature at the nursing mother, is it possible to feed: is feeding possible

Modern doctors unanimously argue - to keep feeding a baby is necessary. The only reason to stop feeding is the risk of illness. Some conditions can be dangerous not only for the health of the mother, but also for the health of the child.

Also, a specialist can cancel breastfeeding if pus and blood are released along with milk. If “such” milk gets into the baby’s body, a serious threat to his life may arise.

However, this condition may occur if, after a fever, the woman has not taken any measures. That is why, immediately after an increase in temperature, you need to contact a medical institution. The sooner this is done, the faster it will be possible to bring down the temperature, which means that you will not have to interrupt breastfeeding.

The temperature of a nursing mother, is it possible to feed: folk remedies

If a nursing mother is faced with a fever, then do not rush to drink medications. Traditional medicine will help relieve the symptoms of certain diseases. But, most importantly, you need to use only proven and safe means.

You can bring down the temperature and improve well-being during breastfeeding inhalation. To do this, use boiled potatoes. Take a few potatoes and cook them directly in the peel, immediately after it is ready, drop a few drops of eucalyptus on it, cover it with a scarf on top and breathe in pairs.

With a cold will help foot baths. It is recommended to add a small amount of mustard powder to the water. The procedure is best done before bedtime, then put on warm clothes, wrap your legs well and go to bed.

During illness, try to drink more fluids, such as tea with honey or lemon. But only on condition that your child does not have an allergy.

Useful decoctions of herbs, but you need to choose medicinal plants carefully. For example, with sage or peppermint, breast milk production will decrease significantly. It is recommended to drink tinctures from lemon balm, eucalyptus, chamomile or juniper. All of these medicinal herbs have antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Medicinal drinks should be drunk all day. But the drink must be warm.

Another effective way to get rid of temperature is to vinegar wiping. But be sure to note - vinegar can penetrate the blood, so use a weak solution. Take 50 ml of warm water and add 30 ml of vinegar to it. For an adult, a solution in a ratio of 1: 1 is permissible, but with breastfeeding it needs to be reduced.

Be sure to take warm water, but by no means hot or cold. Otherwise, there will be a narrowing of the vessels, and the woman will only get worse. After you stir the composition, gently apply it to the feet and palms, only after that go to the neck.

Some more useful folk remedies:

1. Take a few tablespoons of raspberries dried with leaves. Pour them with one glass of hot water, then put in a water bath for 20 minutes. Strain and drink in small portions several times a day.

2. Take linden flowers and raspberries in equal parts. Pour one spoon of the obtained raw material with a glass of hot water and cook for 5 minutes, then strain. The flock is taken in its purest form throughout the day.

Many believe that the most effective antipyretic in folk medicine is willow bark. It acts like aspirin - the fever decreases, headaches go away. You can prepare a decoction as follows:

• pour one spoonful of bark with 250 ml of hot water, and then boil for 10 minutes. The product is filtered and drunk three times a day.

When using any means, whether traditional medicine or medicines, be sure to monitor the condition of the child, if suddenly he becomes worse, stop treatment in this way and call an ambulance.
