5 worst office snacks


It is no secret that the work of most office staff is associated with the active work of the brain, which often, for the energy supply of the body, necessitates frequent snacking. Part of the employees bring food from the house in a box, part of it visits nearby food outlets.

Experts have identified a list of products, the use of which in the workplace can seriously affect the state of human health.

Scientists found out that some products have a depressing effect on the nervous system, adversely affecting brain activity.

So, in particular, the beloved by many cherries and cherries, containing a large number of useful substances, also contain the hormone melatonin, which provokes drowsiness. Doctors recommend to use these berries before bedtime. This is especially true for those people who suffer from insomnia.

Coffee, which is famous for its invigorating effect, is not as useful as it seems. Doctors say that this drink has the maximum tonic effect only for an hour and a half after its adoption. After this period of time, as a rule, the tone begins to decline and the person feels some lethargy.

Bananas, perhaps one of the most popular office snacks. However, doctors believe that these fruits cause muscle relaxation, resulting in drowsiness. The same, by the way, concerns the seeds.

Meat is rightly considered a product that can perfectly satisfy hunger. However, doctors warn: the body spends a lot of energy on the digestion of meat products, which prevents the full circulation in the brain. And tryptophan contained in meat can cause severe sleepiness. All this applies to various sweets, which should be consumed in the workplace in fairly limited quantities.


Watch the video: Healthy Snacks. Cincinnati Children's (June 2024).