Salads with beans and cheese - hearty and nutritious! Recipes for everyday and festive salads with beans and cheese


Salads, not particularly emphasizing the classification, can be conditionally divided into nutritious and light.

And if beans and cheese are present in one recipe, then calling such a diet salad is already quite difficult.

But you can add fat mayonnaise, meat, or seafood with a light soul, resulting in a very satisfying dish.

Beans and cheese salads - general principles of preparation

• Salads are prepared from unripe pods of beans or its beans, both canned and boiled. The choice of beans depends on the type of salad and the availability of free time. Dry beans require prolonged soaking and boiling, so canned ones are often used instead.

• Various types of cheese are added to such salads. They can be solid, semi-solid or pickled, both regular and smoked. Cheeses are ground with a grater or cut with a knife. They are added to the salad or decorate with them the finished dish.

• Salads with beans and cheese use squid, crab sticks, boiled dietary meat, mushrooms or fresh vegetables, greens. Salads with beans, cheese and crackers are often prepared, which are bought ready-made or dried on their own.

• Components of salads in a crushed form are mixed or laid out in layers. Dress or dress the salad layers with sour cream or mayonnaise. The fat content of the product is selected independently or according to the recipe.

Salad with Beans and Suluguni Cheese


• 300 gr. frozen squid;

• 250 gr. red bean;

• black olives without stones - 100 gr.;

• two medium-sized cucumbers (fresh);

• five boiled eggs;

• 400 gr. 45% mayonnaise;

• 1 bunch of parsley;

• 120 gr. smoked cheese "Suluguni";

• one pod of sweet pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Sort beans and soak in cold water overnight. Rinse in the morning, cook until tender. Drain the broth, transfer the beans to a colander and wait until all the moisture has drained.

2. Grate four eggs on the smallest grater, and leave one to decorate the salad.

3. Dip the washed squid carcasses into slightly salted boiling water and boil for no more than three minutes. Cool, remove the transparent chords from the carcasses and cut the flesh into small pieces.

4. Cut the cucumbers and pulp of pepper into small cubes.

5. Drain the marinade from the olives, cut each berry in half. Be sure to leave a few olives for serving.

6. Disassemble the Suluguni into fibers and cut them into short strips.

7. At the bottom of the salad bowl, evenly spread the beans and apply a thin layer of mayonnaise. Then eggs, cucumbers on them and again a thin layer of mayonnaise. Lightly salt the cucumber layer. Lay out the squid pieces, bell pepper and mayonnaise again. The last layer will be halves of olives, sprinkle them with chopped parsley.

8. Spread the Suluguni pieces evenly over the entire surface of the salad.

9. Take a previously laid egg and use a sharp knife to cut off the tip on the pointed side by a third. Dip the cut protein into a strong tea leaves for 15 minutes.

10. Carefully remove the yolk from the other part of the egg and mash it, season with mayonnaise, mix and fill the void in the protein with the mixture.

11. Place the filled part of the egg in the center of the salad, cut down, and lay a piece of the egg painted with tea leaves on it.

12. Gently lay a few sprigs of parsley around the "mushroom", and lay the laid-out olives without slicing around.

Bean, cheese and crackers salad


• 300 gr. boiled chicken (breast);

• 200 gr. canned beans;

• four pickled cucumbers;

• cheese, varieties "Russian" - 200 gr.;

• canned corn - 400 gr.;

• clove of garlic;

• low-fat mayonnaise;

• fresh parsley;

• three small slices of brown bread.

Cooking method:

1. Rub slices of bread with salt and crushed fresh garlic. Cut the bread into small cubes, put it in one layer on a dry frying pan and dry it.

2. Cut the boiled chicken into small strips, pickled cucumbers into cubes. If the cucumbers gave a lot of juice - strain it and additionally squeeze lightly with your hand.

3. Thinly chop the cheese. From cans with corn and beans, strain the whole marinade.

4. Wash the parsley, cut the solid stems and dry the greens well. Then chop it finely with a knife.

5. Put all the chopped ingredients in a salad bowl. Add corn, beans. Pour in rye crackers and mix well.

6. Salad season not very thick with mayonnaise and serve immediately.

7. If the salad is prepared beforehand, add crackers and season before serving.

Crab Salad with Beans, Tomatoes and Cheese


• white beans (canned) - a can of 450 g .;

• semi-finished crab - 250 gr.;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• tomatoes - 250 gr.;

• bell pepper pod;

• cheese, Parmesan varieties - 100 gr.;

• some mayonnaise for dressing.

Cooking method:

1. In small cubes or straws, cut crab sticks into a deep salad bowl.

2. Peel the bell peppers from the seeds, rinse the leftovers with water and cut the pulp into strips or small slices. Send the pepper to the sticks.

3. Drain the marinade from the beans in advance and dry it well. Put the beans in a salad bowl.

4. There, grate the cheese with an average grater and spread the tomatoes cut into small cubes.

5. Season with a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, rub the garlic, add a little salt and stir the crab salad well.

Family salad with beans and cheese (with green beans)


• frozen green beans - 300 gr.;

• three boiled eggs;

• semi-hard cheese - 100 g .;

• garlic;

• 72% mayonnaise - a couple of spoons for dressing;

• feathers of young onions;

• Five black pitted olives for serving.

Cooking method:

1. Pour water into a saucepan, add a little salt and set to maximum heat. Immediately after boiling, immerse the frozen beans in water and boil them for 6 minutes with a slight boil, quickly drop them into a colander and immediately wash them under a stream of cold water, and dry them.

2. Peel the eggs, wash and wipe dry, cut into even small pieces.

3. Mix the dried beans with eggs and large crumbs of cheese.

4. Rub the garlic on top with a fine grater.

5. Add chopped onion feathers, season with mayonnaise. Try "salt" and add salt if necessary.

6. On the surface of the salad, gently spread the olives cut into rings.

Cracked salad with beans, tomatoes and cheese


• one large red tomato;

• a small jar of canned corn;

• 150 gr. boiled sausage without lard or ham;

• garlic;

• 400 gr. canned red beans;

• two slices of white bread;

• for dressing mayonnaise of any fat content.

Cooking method:

1. Cut boiled sausage or ham into small thin slices, tomatoes into cubes and leave for a while, laying out in a separate plate.

2. Pre-dry the corn and beans from the marinade.

3. In a salad bowl, combine beans, corn, sausage (ham) and chopped dill.

4. Drain the juice from the tomatoes and transfer to the chopped salad components.

5. Add finely chopped garlic, salt, season to your taste with ground pepper and season with mayonnaise.

6. Cut the bread slices into medium-sized cubes and brown them over low heat, do not pour oil into the pan.

7. Put the fried bread on top of the salad, and mix with it before serving.

Mushroom salad with beans, cheese and crackers


• a half-liter can of colored beans (canned food);

• a small jar of pickled champignons;

• large onion;

• refined vegetable oil;

• large carrot;

• low-fat mayonnaise for dressing.

Cooking method:

1. Rub the carrots with a special “Korean” carrot grater, chop the onion finely. On a small fire in vegetable oil, lightly fry the vegetables separately. They should not be too fried. Ideally, onion slices will acquire a light amber hue, and strips of carrots will soften well.

2. Cut champignons into strips or thin plates and mix with dried beans from the marinade.

3. Add the fried and chilled onions with carrots and mix well.

4. Before serving, add crackers to the salad and season it with mayonnaise.

Salad with Beans, Tomatoes and Cheese - Watermelon Slice


• cheese, varieties "Russian" - 180 gr.;

• 200 gr. canned or boiled beans;

• 130 gr. smoked sausage (Cervelat, Cognac);

• 70 gr. black olives (seedless);

• three tablespoons of 72% mayonnaise;

• two boiled eggs;

• young dill;

• three red tomatoes.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the cervelat into thin strips and the olives into rings. Leave some olives for decoration.

2. Grate the cheese with the finest grater, but not all. Set aside a small piece of it weighing about 30 grams.

3. In a small bowl, mix the sausage with olives and beans. Add mayonnaise, grated cheese and mix. Be sure to salt.

4. Put the salad on a wide dish and shape it into a slice of watermelon.

5. Tomatoes cut into small cubes and put on a salad so that between the pieces there are no gaps. It will be the flesh of a watermelon.

6. Grind the remaining cheese - grate with a fine or medium grater. Small shavings in a salad look spectacular.

7. Gently put the cheese chips on the salad, on one side of the tomatoes with a 2 cm wide strip. This light strip will imitate a light strip of “watermelon peel”.

8. Green stripe - “peel”, form with chopped dill or its branches.

9. Cut the deferred olives into four parts and put on tomatoes. Sliced ​​olives will mimic the seeds.

Bean and Cheese Salads - Tips and Tricks for Cooking

• It is recommended to rinse canned beans before use with water and dry.

• Do not thaw frozen pods before boiling. Dip in boiling water in a frozen form, and slightly add salt to the water.

• Salad crackers are best prepared on their own by drying the bread cubes in a dry pan. If you want to get more ruddy crackers, add a little refined oil to the pan.

• Do not season salad beans, cheese and crackers well in advance. Crackers will soak, which will degrade the taste of the dish.

• Leave chopped tomatoes for a few minutes in a separate container so that juice comes off from them, which then strain.


Watch the video: Mexican Salad - Healthy Salad Recipe - My Recipe Book With Tarika Singh (July 2024).