June 20: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays June 20th.


Holidays June 20

Captive Elephants Day celebrated worldwide

There is already one date in the annual calendar - September 20, when Elephant Protection Day is celebrated. He is dedicated to the protection of all elephants - both in captivity and in their natural habitat. So June 20 is the day when they pay attention to elephants in captivity - zoos, circuses, etc. It was first celebrated in 2009. Then the organizers of the movement in defense of these animals decided that from now on their main task would be the release of all elephants in captivity. After all, elephants are the largest mammalian animals that need large territories for a comfortable existence. In captivity, they are deprived of free movement, and are forced to exist for many years in a tight and limited space. Their whole lives go through torment and hardship. And only so that people could personally witness these land giants.

A separate topic raises the question of the mistreatment of elephants, in particular non-humane methods of training. When, in order to subjugate the will of animals, pain methods are used, using iron spears and hooks. On June 20, activists of the movement hold educational conversations with visitors and employees of zoos, just people in the streets. They are told about these amazing animals, their lifestyle, habits, and how hard it is for them to live in captivity. Such lectures bear their first fruits: in the USA, some zoos transferred elephants to nature reserves, where their location is as close as possible to the natural environment. So far this day has not been attributed to official holidays, but activists of the movement petition the UN to be included in the calendar of official dates on June 20.

June 20 on the folk calendar

Fedot Harvest

On this day, peasants were waiting for warm, sunny weather. Then the rye crop must certainly be rich, and each rye spikelet - poured. Otherwise, if it was raining, according to all signs, one should prepare for crop failure and an abundance of lean and empty spikelets. Therefore, on the eve and on Fedot, the peasants prayed that God would give sunny weather that day and protect him from the rain.

According to legend, Fedot guarded bathers and scared away mermaids. Therefore, on this day you could safely go into the water. The peasants believed that Fedot walked along the river with a sharp sickle, and as soon as the mermaid tried to drag someone to the bottom, he cut off the mermaid’s hair in one fell swoop, in which all the magic power of these treacherous undines was enclosed.

Fedot had an inter-pair. This is the period when the sowing has already ended, and the haying has not yet begun. The peasants had some free time, which was spent not in idle conversations, but was used for business. Usually, peasant women started a big wash - buzz. In huge tubs and tanks they laid a large batch of clothes for washing, most often bed and underwear, poured it with lye (homemade ash detergent) and put the vats to heat-boil on a fire. Then, carts brought rinsed boiled linen. Outerwear was not buzzed. She was cleaned, knocked out, dried in the sun.

Historical events of June 20

June 20, 1803 for the first time in Russia, a balloon with passengers on board soared into the sky

The daredevil was the French balloonist Jacques Garnerin, but not one. Together with him, his wife Eliza took to the air. They arrived in Russia at a special invitation to demonstrate circus rides - taking a balloon to the air to entertain the metropolitan audience. On June 20, in St. Petersburg, the first performance and ball were given, in front of an amazed crowd, among whom was the emperor himself, rose into the sky. Two months later, Garnerin took General Lvov with him on a flight, and in May 1804, the first Russian woman balloonist Tusheninov took to the skies with a French balloon.

June 20, 1840 Samuel Morse patented a telegraph

It was a special electromagnetic design to transmit messages by wire. For the first time, the electromagnetic telegraph was invented in 1832 by the Russian scientist Pavel Schilling. In 1833 similar telegraphs were built by Wilhelm Weber and Klaus Gauss. But American Samuel Morse was ahead of everyone and guessed to patent the device. The difference between his telegraph and the previously created ones was that his design was electromechanical, while the telegraphs of Schilling and Gauss were of the arrow type. Additionally, the merit of the American inventor is considered to be the code he invented for the transfer of information - Morse code. When ordinary letters were replaced with combinations of dots and dashes.

June 20, 1934 parts of the historical Waterloo bridge were put up for sale in London

At the end of 1923, the London Waterloo Bridge, built in 1817, first began to deform and sag. The inspection committee decided that the bridge needed reconstruction. Moreover, it was suggested that at the same time the bridge should be expanded, which caused a flurry of letters and calls from the displeased British. England was divided into two parts: half of the inhabitants were in favor of preserving the old-look structure, the other in favor of expanding the bridge. The confrontation of the camps lasted as long as 10 years, and in 1934. It was decided to improve the bridge, and begin its dismantling. The love of Londoners for the old bridge was so great that many residents wished to keep this piece of history in their memory. Therefore, 1300 granite fragments of the bridge were not exhibited for sale at a pound per brick. Currently, fragments are scattered around the world - they are stored in museums, private collections or, like a talisman, were laid during the construction of various structures.

Born on June 20

Vyacheslav Kotenochkin (1927 - 2000), Soviet animator, director

Vyacheslav Kotenochkin, the famous Soviet animator, to become an animator was written in kind. Otherwise, how to explain two cases, one of which left an imprint in his memory for his whole life, as if giving an impetus to the subconscious, in which direction one should move. And the second brought him together with a man, after meeting with whom the fate of the future animator was determined. The first moment is a recollection from his childhood of a Christmas tree in the Hall of Columns, where little Slava saw the first cartoon in his life. And the second is a meeting with the famous animator Boris Dezhkin. It was he who advised Kotenochkin to try to enter the courses of animator artists organized at the Soyuzmultfilm studio. Vyacheslav entered and received a rare profession, and with it world fame. After all, it was Vyacheslav Kotenochkin who authored the popular Soviet animated series “Well, wait a minute!”.

Nicole Kidman (born 1967), Australian, American actress

Clever, beautiful, talented, sexy - with what epithets Nicole was not awarded. True film critics did not immediately recognize her acting abilities. They had to change their decision after the paintings “Portrait of a Lady” and “Die for ...”, where the actress coped with the roles just fine. Well, after the film-musical "Moulin Rouge" completely surrendered. Here she also proved herself as a singer, performing all her parts on her own. Nicole Kidman is still a sought-after and highly paid actress. She is invited to act in films, commercials, called on television. She is a member of many charity events, leads an active social life.

Name day june 20

Fedot, Anton, Artem, Ivan, Stepan, Sevastyan, Taras, Maria, Valeria, Zinaida


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).