In the summer afternoon: okroshka on mayonnaise, with kvass, mineral water, kefir. No need to guess what to serve for dinner: okroshka on mayonnaise


Okroshka is a whole family of cold soups based on vegetable salads and sour fillings. According to the classic recipe, they are made with sour cream, but not quite authentic mayonnaise has taken root in the list of products. By adding this sauce, the dish is given satiety and a kind of "density". Without it, the okroshka turns out to be watery, unsaturated.

Mayonnaise with a high content of mustard or in its oil is now a rarity. Therefore, seasoning is most often added separately. It is desirable to cook it yourself, while avoiding the use of vinegar, pepper, horseradish. Such mustard harms okroshka more than improves its taste. From the ready, only a very sharp “Russian” will do, in any case, you should try the product before adding.

Okroshka on mayonnaise - general principles of preparation

• Okroshka - a light cold summer soup, consisting of a thick base - vegetable salad and the liquid added to it.

• Vegetable salad can consist of both fresh and boiled vegetables. For example, potatoes are never added raw to okroshka.

• Vegetables and greens for "salad" are cut into small pieces, and then mixed. Some types of raw vegetables can be grated. Boiled potatoes are finely chopped or mashed in a mashed potato.

• Hard-boiled eggs can be added to the vegetable base to enhance the taste and satiety of the dish. Moreover, the protein can be crushed separately from the yolk. And the yolk is rubbed on its own or with mustard and injected into the liquid part.

• In addition to eggs, in the okroshka you can put boiled, sliced ​​meat or chopped sausages in the same way (cooked sausage without fat or sausage). The type of meat is indicated in the recipe and may vary depending on preferences. In addition to meat products, okroshka can also be used to put pre-cooked seafood - squid or shrimp.

• Vegetable base okroshka mixed with mayonnaise and only then pour cold liquid. Mayonnaise can also be added to an already diluted vegetable salad.

• Okroshka made with mayonnaise can be diluted with drinking water, kefir, kvass, vegetable or fruit broth, meat broth, carbonated mineral water and even beer. The liquid is cooled in advance in the refrigerator before being added.

• You can chill a cooked dish. It is worth noting that salad diluted with liquid is not stored for a long time. Since it loses taste and can quickly deteriorate.

Okroshka on mayonnaise with kefir and sausages


• 120 ml of 45% mayonnaise;

• one liter of high-calorie kefir;

• three sausages;

• four large potatoes;

• five chicken eggs;

• a large bunch of young onions;

• eight radishes;

• a small bunch of curly parsley;

• one big cucumber.

Cooking method:

1. Boil sausages, potatoes and eggs, cool and cut into cubes.

2. Finely chop the fresh foliage of curly parsley and onion feathers with a knife.

3. Rub the radish and cucumber coarsely into a separate bowl. Mix vegetables with herbs, add salt and let stand to stand out juice.

4. Pour crushed eggs, potatoes and sausages with a liter of cold boiled water. Add kefir, put mayonnaise and mix well.

5. Then add the mixture of vegetables and herbs along with the juice that has stood out, add salt and stir well the prepared okroshka.

Unusual sorrel okroshka on mayonnaise


• fresh sorrel - 150 grams;

• two medium-sized ground cucumbers;

• ten radishes;

• two boiled eggs;

• 60 gr. cooked sausage without fat;

• 40% mayonnaise, for dressing;

• feathers of a young onion.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the stems off the sorrel. Sort leaves from weed grass and rinse well with warm water.

2. Boil about two liters of water in a saucepan. Dip the sorrel leaves in boiling water and boil for seven minutes. Decant the oxalic broth and cool well, and wipe the boiled leaves on a rare sieve.

3. Boil eggs and peeled potatoes individually.

4. Mash hot potatoes with a crush in mashed potatoes. Peel the eggshell and chop them finely.

5. Cut the sausage into small pieces, and the onion feathers into rings.

6. In one bowl, mix all the crushed ingredients. Add the grated leaves, mashed potatoes and fill with oxal broth, adjusting the density of okroshka to them.

7. Rub okroshka on medium grater with radishes and cucumbers, add salt to your taste, and season with mayonnaise.

Gourmet mayonnaise okroshka (with squid)


• 100 gr. fresh squid;

• green, young onions - a small bunch;

• two large potatoes;

• a tablespoon of chopped dill;

• young radish - 4 pcs.;

• bread kvass;

• medium-calorie mayonnaise for dressing;

• two small fresh cucumbers.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse squid carcasses thoroughly and boil in boiling water for three minutes. Remove the coarse chitin plates and chop the squid meat into small pieces.

2. From mashed potatoes without peel, prepare mashed potatoes and transfer it to a bowl with squid.

3. Radish, rub the cucumbers with the peel on a coarse grater and add squid with mashed potatoes to the bowl.

4. Pour chopped dill, fill with kvass and mix thoroughly and season with mayonnaise.

Meat okroshka on mayonnaise with water


• one chicken;

• three boiled, “cool” eggs;

• four feathers of a young onion;

• 250 gr. 72% mayonnaise;

• three large potato tubers;

• ground cucumbers - 3 pcs.;

• medium bunch of fresh dill;

• 200 gr. sugar canned corn.

Cooking method:

1. Separately, in slightly brackish water, boil peeled potatoes and chicken until tender.

2. Strain the marinade from the jar of corn and transfer it to a large bowl.

3. Remove the peel from the cucumbers as thin as possible, cut them into medium-sized cubes and lay them on the corn.

4. Add the medium-sized chicken fillet.

5. Pour chopped green onion feathers and chopped dill.

6. Pepper to your taste, add salt and season with mayonnaise. Dilute okroshka with cold water to the desired density and mix thoroughly and serve.

Vegetable okroshka on mayonnaise with sparkling mineral water


• 500 gr. boiled potatoes;

• five hard boiled eggs;

• 300 gr. ground cucumbers;

• young radish - 200 gr.;

• one and a half liters of highly carbonated mineral water;

• a teaspoon of spicy, acetic mustard;

• young dill.

Cooking method:

1. Free the boiled eggs from the shell, rinse with water, dry, cut and transfer to a bowl.

2. Add potatoes chopped into medium-sized slices.

3. Cut the peel with a thin layer of cucumbers, chop finely and send to the potatoes with eggs.

4. Rinse the radish, dry it, remove the ponytails and cut thinner in half rings. If the root crop is not large - with ringlets and also transfer to a bowl. You can grate the radish coarsely.

5. Then add chopped greens to the vegetables and mix gently.

6. Pour the vegetable mixture with mineral water, salt to your taste and cool okroshka in the refrigerator well.

Meat okroshka with shrimp and beer mayonnaise


• 40 gr. peeled shrimp (frozen);

• 200 gr. any boiled meat;

• one boiled egg;

• a small bunch of feathers of green onions;

• potato cooked in “uniforms”;

• half a liter of light beer;

• two large radishes;

• 100 ml of low-calorie mayonnaise;

• fresh cucumbers - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Boil half a liter of drinking water and dip frozen shrimp into boiling water. Boil for two minutes with a slight boil and cool well by laying them out of the broth.

2. Boiled meat, cooled shrimp, an egg and peeled potato cut into centimeter slices.

3. Cut the greens with a knife, finely rub the radish.

4. Mix all the ingredients in an enamel pan. Season with mayonnaise and mix thoroughly and fill with ice beer.

5. Take a sample and add salt if necessary.

Okroshka on mayonnaise with fruit broth


• 120 gr. dried fruits (pear, apples and plums);

• 60 ml of 45% mayonnaise;

• boiled chicken egg - 1 pc.;

• several lettuce leaves;

• one fresh cucumber;

• two potatoes, boiled without peel;

• fresh parsley - a small bunch;

• powder acid - "lemon";

• to taste fresh dill and sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse dried fruit well. Pour a liter of cold filtered water and put on low heat. After the liquid in the pan boils, remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave it for four hours.

2. Cut the potatoes and cucumber into medium-sized cubes.

3. Peel the eggshell, separate the protein and yolk. Finely chop the protein, and send to the vegetables, and carefully yolk the yolk and mix with mayonnaise.

4. Cut the washed and well-dried lettuce leaves into thin strips and transfer to chopped vegetables.

5. Add chopped branches of fresh herbs as small as possible, mix and season with a mixture of yolk and mayonnaise.

6. Pour the vegetable mixture with cold fruit broth, and adjust the taste of okroshka with the addition of granulated sugar, salt and lemon.

Piquant okroshka with sausage and mayonnaise


• 200 ml of 72% mayonnaise;

• 300 gr. boiled "Doctor" sausage;

• a tablespoon of mustard;

• a little less than a tablespoon of lemons;

• four medium cucumbers;

• acute mustard - 1 tbsp. l .;

• six hard boiled eggs;

• young onion.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the sausage into thin, short cubes, cucumbers - into strips, mix.

2. Add small pieces of egg whites and thin rings of green onions.

3. Rub the yolks well with a spoon with salt and mustard. Mix with mayonnaise and, without stopping grinding, gradually introduce one and a half liters of ice water.

4. Put the right amount of vegetable mixture in a plate, and fill with the prepared mayonnaise liquid.

5. Salt to your taste and slightly acidify with lemon.

Okroshka on mayonnaise - cooking tricks and useful tips

• Refrigerate cooked foods until they are chopped and then grind completely. Otherwise, the taste of the dish will change, since fresh vegetables will become half-cooked from contact with the hot.

• Cut all chopped ingredients as finely as possible, especially green onions and fresh herbs. The dish will be much more tender.

• Boiled potatoes in their peel are slightly harsh and can be slimy, which affects the taste of okroshka. Boiled potato without peel is crumbly and okroshka cooked with such potatoes is much tastier.

• Do not cut the skin from young cucumbers, it is better to remove it from more mature ones. Try the flesh of a mature vegetable to taste, it may be bitter, especially along the edges of a cucumber. Such places need to be cut.

• Do not immediately fill the entire vegetable salad with prepared liquid. Better put it on plates and add liquid to them. Diluted okroshka is not stored for a long time even in the refrigerator. With short-term storage, the dish becomes tasteless.

• Also do not cook a lot of okroshka at once. Even a “salad” that is not diluted with liquid does not lie for a long time. In a day, it can become slimy.


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