Swollen earlobe: causes and symptoms. Methods of treatment and preventive measures


Lobe the ear can swell and hurt for various reasons. These signs should not be ignored, since these phenomena can indicate the onset and development of the disease. What are the symptoms, methods of therapy and preventive measures, we will consider further.

Why the earlobe is swollen: causes and symptoms

In most cases, the cause of pain in the earlobe is inflammation. In addition, various pathologies can provoke an alarming symptom. The sebaceous glands are located on the earlobe, and when for some reason the synthesis of sebum is disturbed, they can become clogged and provoke the appearance of atheromas. If you feel it, you can feel something roundish, soft and painless.

When the earlobe is swollen, dull, aching, or throbbing pain can be felt. This suggests that the inflammatory process has begun. The main symptoms are itching, inflammation, burning, peeling and redness of the skin. Unfortunately, a tumor in the region of the earlobe may also indicate a more serious pathology, for example, the development of a neoplasm. At an early stage, the oncological process proceeds without symptoms, but over time, pain and swelling of the ears appear. Oncology can be distinguished from atheroma only with the help of histology.

Swollen earlobe - causes of edema:

- allergic reaction. It can develop into various cosmetic products for hair and skin care (shampoo, balm, soap, hair styling products), as well as jewelry. For example, nickel is often found in cheap earrings; it can easily cause allergies. To prevent the occurrence of unpleasant sensations, it is recommended to wear jewelry made of gold, stainless steel, silver. How does edema manifest itself? It is characterized by soreness, may be accompanied by discharge and bleeding from punctured sites. To solve this problem, first of all, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen. To alleviate the condition, it is useful to make a cold home compress;

- piercing. This reason is one of the most common among young people. After a puncture has been made, pain, redness, and slight swelling may be felt. All this will pass in a few days, if you properly care for the punctured place. To reduce swelling, you can take anti-inflammatory drugs and apply a cold compress. If within a few days the edema does not go away, it is necessary to consult a specialist and make sure that the infection does not develop;

- injuries and sprains. Small injuries are enough to cause irritation and inflammation of the earlobes. Injuries occur when wearing heavy and large jewelry, if there are scratches on the earlobe, with bruises or during sports. If the injury is open, there may be capillary bleeding, because there are many vessels in the lobe. To stop the process, it is enough to press the dressings tightly. Jewelry sprains also provoke pain and swelling. If swelling and swollen lymph nodes are palpated, there may be an infection;

- atheroma. This formation is benign, groping in the form of a dense ball, occurs where sebaceous and fatty glands accumulate as a result of blockage of skin pores. If the metabolism in the body is impaired, then the likelihood of the appearance of atheroma increases. This formation is able to quickly grow and degenerate into a dangerous cyst. It is not recommended to get rid of it yourself, surgical removal is required;

- furunculosis. This purulent inflammatory process has a fungal nature. It proceeds in the acute stage and looks like a tumor with a conical elevation and a white rod. During exacerbation, pain, fever and redness appear. A boil is a secondary disease that forms as a result of internal infections of an infectious nature, such as otitis media. You can not open it yourself, this can contribute to the spread of infection, sometimes leading to sepsis. If during this period the condition becomes worse and new formations arise, you should visit a doctor to be examined and treat the underlying ailment;

- insect bites. Many are familiar with edema after being bitten by bees and wasps. But small insects can provoke an inflammatory process and swelling. If the situation is not complicated by infection, and there is no allergic reaction, then the discomfort will quickly pass;

- hematoma. It can appear as a result of a blunt injury to the auricle. Usually this problem occurs among boxers and martial arts enthusiasts, for whom regular blows to the head are the norm. If such an injury is not treated, the ear is deformed and takes a tuberous and rough appearance;

- lipoma. In the people, this formation of a benign type is called a wen. He is small in size and has no inflammation. The cause of the appearance of lipoma is not fully known. But it carries nothing wrong with itself, it can only cause aesthetic discomfort;

- dermatitis. This is a skin disease that manifests as peeling, swelling, itching, and redness. Such symptoms appear as a result of allergies, a weak immune system, and chronic ailments. The treatment of dermatitis should be comprehensive, since what appears externally signals internal problems in the body.

If the earlobe is swollen, there may be other reasons. These are various infections leading to an abscess, surgical interventions, for example, with a facelift, acne or rash.

When to see a doctor

If there is edema, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Therapy will depend on the main cause. If inflammation is due to allergies, allergens must be avoided. It is necessary to refuse to wear jewelry made of nickel. Infections and other problems caused by bacteria require antibiotics as a treatment. Only a specialist will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe therapy to reduce the risk of complications.

If the edema appeared due to a boil, you need to urgently go to the surgeon. You can not hesitate to avoid dangerous complications. If the cause of the swelling is atheroma, it turns red, there is a temperature and soreness, you need to consult a doctor. Since these symptoms indicate an inflammatory process in the contents of the capsule. Lipoma itself is not dangerous. But if it is large and there is an aesthetic defect, you can consult a surgeon.

Swollen earlobe: what to do and how to treat

If you have a question about what to do, the earlobe is swollen, the most important thing is to identify the cause. Local therapy includes the use of medications or surgery. Medication includes the following: antiseptics, antibacterial drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, ear drops, antihistamines. You can not pick up medications yourself, since you can only worsen the condition.

What to do, the earlobe is swollen, but there is no way to see a doctor? This situation can occur at night, on weekends or somewhere on a trip. How to help yourself? You can prepare a cold compress, it will help get rid of pain. Anesthetic such as ibuprofen will also help temporarily relieve soreness. The people use a leaf of aloe, which is cut in half and the wet side is applied to the affected area, fixing with a band-aid. This folk remedy helps relieve inflammation and draws out pus. You can rinse the earlobe with a solution of sea salt in water. In a glass, it is enough to dissolve three tablespoons.

What to do is not recommended:

- squeeze purulent formations and wen;

- heat the affected area;

- independently select drugs for treatment.

Preventive measures

If you monitor your health, then many problems can be avoided. It is necessary to maintain your immunity in order. It is recommended to eat right, do not overcool, experience less stress, exercise, and walk more often. In the presence of chronic diseases associated with dermatitis or allergies, you must adhere to the doctor's recommendations. Medications should be taken on time, and allergens should be avoided.

Piercing piercing should only be in specialized institutions. And ear jewelry should be of good quality and made of hypoallergenic materials. It is important to monitor the hygiene of the auricles and regularly clean them. And treat any injuries on time.

Not always swelling of the earlobe is a cause for concern. But if the edema and pain do not subside for several days, you should consult a doctor. Since any delay can worsen the condition and cause unpleasant complications.


Watch the video: Your Ears Can Indicate Your Health: Don't Ignore These 8 Factors (June 2024).