Sweet addiction: reasons. How to deal with it, is it possible to completely abandon sweets?


It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t like sweets. After all, from childhood we are accustomed to sweet buns, chocolate and sweets.

Parents do not think about the harmful effects of a large amount of sugar on the body, because you must admit, we do not stop at one candy, but, as a rule, we lose control and eat a large amount of it.

In adulthood, a person does not lose his addiction, but only strengthens, continuing to console and reward himself with sugar-containing products.

Deep memories from childhood

Parents rewarded many in childhood for merit. For example, when you took your first steps, learned to ride a bike, and then for grades at school. It remains in the subconscious that sweets can act as rewards, so in adulthood, many remain in the habit of encouraging themselves for various merits. After a hard workout, many love to reward themselves with a huge chocolate bar, justifying this by burning a lot of calories. Well, firstly, burning calories is not to gain. Secondly, to burn 600 calories (so much contains one chocolate bar) you need to work very hard. Thirdly, the matter is not only in calories, do not forget about the harmful effects of sugar on the body and health in general.


When a person is thoroughly fixed psychological dependence, it is already difficult for him to quit. It is worth noting that in addition to psychological dependence, physical dependence also develops.

After all, getting into the body, sugar causes the production of the hormone serotonin. Yes, serotonin is exactly the hormone called the hormone of happiness. But is it true that he fills us with happiness?

Yes, he is able to make a person happier for a very short period. But over time, to get the desired effect, you have to eat more and more sugar. As a rule, without the absence of sweets, a person becomes irritable, loses energy and wants to sleep.

Should I make such sacrifices for the sake of momentary happiness?

Sweets or sports?

The only thing that unites sweets and sports is serotonin, which is produced in our brain. But in addition to serotonin, during sports, we get adrenaline and endorphin.

Agree, sport is a more useful and proper source to receive hormones of happiness? Moreover, during training, not one hormone of happiness is produced, but three. While chocolate makes sleepy flies out of us, sports can charge you with activity and energy for the whole day, which greatly improves the quality of life.

The norm of sugar per day

Daily sugar intake is 40 grams for men, and 25 grams for women. In one teaspoon of sugar is placed 6 grams of sugar. Calculate how much sugar per day a person drinks tea with sugar. And don't forget that many foods contain hidden sugar.

How to cope with sugar addiction?

Start with an elementary

If you have never thought about your addiction, chances are sugar products have filled your entire diet.

Start with the simplest, for example, stop adding sugar to drinks and cereals. Start reading labels and you will be very surprised that “diet” yoghurts and curd products contain a huge amount of sugar.

He is also not forgotten to add to pickled products and even to bread.

Tell everyone about your desire.

Let everyone know that you want to get rid of sugar addiction, especially if you have friends with whom you often drink tea with buns.

Firstly, this will exclude situations in which your friend or girlfriend decides to come to visit you with a full package of sweets.

Secondly, you will feel responsible.

Thirdly, perhaps your friends will want to join you.

Pharmacy preparations

Chromium picolinate helps to remove “carbohydrate thirst”. Buy a package of chrome in the pharmacy, take it according to the instructions, and perhaps in a couple of weeks you can look at your favorite sweets without trembling.

If you replace the sources of the hormones of happiness, you will be much easier to deal with the addiction to sweets. Set a goal in sports, achieve results, engage as often as possible. Do not forget that you do not need to poke reflexes that assure you of the need to encourage yourself every minute on the treadmill.


Watch the video: Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days (June 2024).