New work team: how to find a common language with work colleagues? Psychologist's advice on joining a new team


Changes in life are always stress, even if they are for the better. A change of job can also be attributed to a stressful situation. Even if a person has long dreamed of another job and sought to get it, he will still be worried before going to his workplace.

First impression

It is important to make a good impression not only at the interview, but also at the first meeting with colleagues. After all, you will have to work not only with the bosses, which hired, but primarily with the team. And it doesn’t matter in what capacity a person comes to work - an ordinary employee or a department head. To make a favorable impression on colleagues, you must first get together and stop worrying. Everyone was once a beginner, which means that nothing terrible is happening.

With all new colleagues you need to communicate politely. A friendly smile and an open look are the guarantee that people will perceive the newcomer favorably. Participation in common activities, problems and tasks will help you quickly adapt to the new environment. A sincere desire to help and be useful also increases the rating and trust on the part of people. At the same time, the behavior should be as tactful as possible, without excessive obsession.

It is not necessary immediately, using the rights of a newcomer, to try to change the collective structure and approaches to work. Also, you can not interfere in the schedule of tasks. At first, you should refrain from criticizing the work, bosses and colleagues. You should observe more people and spread less about yourself and your plans in a new place. People are so arranged that they will perceive any newcomer not as a partner, but as a competitor.

What can not be done in the new team?

The first impression is not always correct, but is usually retained and remembered for a long time. Therefore, there are things that cannot be done when they appear in a new team:

1. In no case can not be aloud and publicly Compare your previous place of work with the present. In a new place, everything will be wrong. Some work moments or interpersonal relationships may seem strange, but do not immediately contrast yourself with public opinion.

2. Inconsistency in actions and unnatural behavior may cause suspicion on the part of employees. No need to play any role on the first day at the new place, and the next day to come in a new image. People will simply consider such behavior hypocrisy, and are unlikely to respect such a colleague.

3. No need to gossip and scold your previous work, former boss and colleagues. Doing this is not worth it on the first day of meeting the team, nor in the future. In a new place you need to be, to some extent, an "opportunist." There is nothing wrong. Even if some traditions and rules of the team do not fit at all, at first they need to be politely adhered to.
