Properties of nuts for beauty and health


Nuts are not an easy addition to salads or cakes. This is a whole storehouse of vitamins, trace elements, protein and many other substances that make us more beautiful, younger, slimmer and healthier. Let us dwell on the properties of certain types of nuts.

The walnut

These nuts are excellent for improving brain activity, and also nut butter helps to improve the quality of tanning. Regular consumption of nuts can tone the skin and give it elasticity and moisturize. The properties of walnuts are improved by eating them with vegetables or fruits, cheeses and meats.

The actions of the nuclei are limited, only a year, so if the term has expired, there will be no benefit from the use of the product. To improve the taste of nuts, they need to be cleaned and sent to the oven for 15 minutes. At least 15 nuts should be consumed per day to saturate the body with microelements.

By the way, nuts in reasonable quantities (daily rate) are not capable of harming the figure, so use it without fear.


Many believe that peanuts are harmful and contribute to weight gain, but this is true only when peanuts are combined with sugar. And if there is a nut without any additives and sweeteners, then you can fill the lack of such vitamins as B, C and A.

Peanuts perfectly satisfy hunger, so in many diets it is recommended to use it as a snack, although you can eat no more than 50 grams per day, otherwise allergies can occur.

Cocoa beans

Roasted, ground and brewed in a fragrant drink, these nuts can protect teeth from plaque, prevent colds, and improve the functioning of the heart and brain.

Cocoa strengthens the skeleton, cleans the blood vessels and makes our teeth stronger. In natural cocoa bean chocolate there is no cholesterol, and the phenol content allows chocolate to prevent the formation of cholesterol in the body. Dark chocolate slows down the aging process due to the large amount of flavonoids.

Naturally, chocolate is high in calories, but if you prefer dairy black, then the number of calories will decrease.


These nuts are able to prolong our youth and cure many diseases, due to their properties of the nut kernel, they minimize the effect of nicotine on the body. Drinking almond improves sleep and cures for cramps and stress.

Vitamin E, located in the almond is a powerful antioxidant that not only prolongs youth, but also is able to fight cancer cells. Almonds are also able to regulate our weight, which is very important for those who are on a diet.

As you can see, nuts are not just an additive to salads or chocolate filling - they are useful foods that are responsible for the beauty and health of our body.

Text: Ksenia Alexandrovna


Watch the video: Why Dr. Oz Thinks You Should Eat More Peanuts (July 2024).