How effective is arthrosis to treat folk remedies? We study the recipes for the treatment of arthiasis folk remedies


A severe dystrophic disease of any joint, inevitably accompanied by a slow degeneration of cartilage and its destruction, is called arthrosis by doctors.

In the later stages, the process is accompanied by curvature of the articular endings of the bones and degeneration of the periarticular tissue.

What folk remedies for the treatment of arthrosis exist

Most patients decide to go to the doctor already at that stage when it is difficult to move or the small joint has significantly lost its mobility. It doesn’t matter what caused such a delay - it’s a matter of lack of money, laziness, distrust of doctors, and the outcome of advanced forms of arthrosis is usually the same: surgery.

But, despite the deplorable experience of thousands of people who have undergone an operation, patients still resort to self-treatment. But the methods of such treatment folk "medicine" knows a huge amount. Just how to catch them all try ?!

Vodka and oil: one hundred percent effect

Recipe. In unrefined sunflower oil (30 milliliters) add 40% alcohol in the same amount. Tightly close the container with the “medicine” lid and shake vigorously in the hands for several minutes. Open, take a deep breath and drink the whole mixture in one gulp. Drink three times a day 10 minutes before meals. The course lasts thirty days, the course pattern is as follows: ten days of use, five days - a break, repeat twice, and after the thirtieth day of application, take a break of two weeks. The course is over.

The author of the technique suggests to continue the treatment until complete recovery, categorically prohibiting the use of any medications, vitamins and sweet juices. But rejection of bad habits is recommended.

Does the tool work? Indeed, the rejection of bad habits brings a positive effect in any case. The result of this method is due only to the placebo effect. The rest of the technique is very dangerous, because such an amount of fat with alcohol on an empty stomach will have a detrimental effect on the gastric mucosa, liver, pancreas, completely without affecting the condition of the joints. And at this time, the disease progresses sharply, as the body's defenses weaken against the background of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, there is a risk of developing alcoholism.

Arthrosis Treatment: Miracle Gelatin

Recipe for oral administration: one hundred grams of cold water five grams of gelatin - mix, leave overnight. In the morning add another hundred grams of warm water and heat in a water bath until completely dissolved, do not let it boil.

Drink on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, it is better to add orange juice. To be treated for at least one month, but not more than three.

External use: roll up a wide bandage four times, soak in hot water and squeeze. Pour each layer of the bandage with dry gelatin, fold in such a way as to cover the entire affected area. Apply at night to the sore joint, cover with foil and bandage with an elastic bandage. The duration of treatment is not less than a month.

Does the tool work? Doctors with full confidence assert that any means used locally do not provide a therapeutic effect in the case of osteoarthrosis! The joint is securely protected prudent nature of such external influences. If any component applied to the skin near the joint could penetrate into the articular bag, people would suffer from arthrosis and arthritis more often.

That is why compresses of gelatin and similar products do not make sense. The only possible effect of such a popular method is hypothermia and inflammation of the joint due to a wet bandage.

As for the use of gelatin inside, it will not restore the destroyed joint in any way and will not relieve inflammation. The lack of gelatin in the human body is visible to the naked eye: if the patient has thin and brittle hair and nails, the skin has lost its tone, then there really is a lack of protein. We need to radically revise the diet, include more protein foods. When a man or a woman suffering from arthrosis boasts luxurious head of hair and a long, durable manicure, there is enough protein-gelatin in the body of such a patient, and an excess can only harm.

Folk remedy for arthritis: bear bile in compresses

Recipe: bear bile, iodine, ammonia and glycerin mix and insist for ten days. Make compresses from a heated tincture. Apply until recovery.

Does the tool work? Medical bile in the post-Soviet space can really be found in pharmacies. It is properly purified bile of cattle and pigs. Indeed, the effect of treating bile of a limited number of gastrointestinal diseases has been proven, but it is usually prescribed by followers of folk remedies. Professionals know that the international medical associations according to the results of research have not revealed the proper effect of medical bile on the body.

Bear bile "helps" from arthritis, unfortunately, only to its producers - it supports their material well-being.

Help with arthrosis: treatment with honey massage

The principle of "treatment": warm the knees with a hot-water bottle for ten minutes, then smear the sore spots with honey and massage for fifteen minutes. Attach a whole sheet of burdock, tie a warm scarf or other cloth and sleep overnight. Adherents of such a means claim that after ten sessions the pain will pass, and the joint will become mobile as before.

Does the tool work? If we are talking about the ingredients, then nothing. Neither honey nor burdock will not be able to build up cartilage on the one hand, and remove growths on the bone on the other. Honey does not penetrate into the intraarticular bag, it will not even have a positive effect on inflamed outer tissues. It can only cause allergic reactions with an excess of.

Arthrosis joints, but without pronounced inflammation, can actually become more mobile. But it helps not listed complex, and regular massage in its composition. Manual therapy is included in the mandatory scheme of conservative treatment of arthrosis - the joint is stretched, the blood circulation is resumed and the lack of synovial fluid is replenished.

In general, the procedure will bring more complications than benefit, because external heating of the inflamed tissue will only exacerbate inflammation and pain, the disease will be supplemented with synovitis, and surgical intervention can no longer be done.

Everyone advises, but does not help anyone: burdock with arthritis

Topical method for osteoarthritis of the knee joint: rinse and dry five sheets of burdock, brush with oil of sabelnik on all sides, apply a fleecy side to the knee. Wrap a wrap and a warm cloth.

Popular recipe for taking burdock root inside: wash, dry and peel the burdock root, grate it. Pour a tablespoon of substrate with 200 ml of boiling water. Let it stand. Take five times a day for a tablespoon.

Does the tool work? Unfortunately, not a single remedy used externally can help to cure arthrosis, no matter how convincingly the neighbor has told about the healing effect of burdock. If it had taken place, the surgical departments were not overcrowded.

Taking inside a decoction of burdock root with arthritis, one can only hope for a general strengthening effect due to inulin. It can really normalize the state of lymphoid tissue after prolonged use, but these are all its properties that can at least somehow explain the effect on the joint. All “cured” burdock patients are usually suggestible and have experienced the placebo effect. But after the effect goes away, the worsening disease is much more difficult to cure.

We will cure arthrosis according to Grandma's recipe: pepper warming ointment

The recipe for folk remedies: Heat the dark honey, pour it into the goose fat. Add one pod of hot pepper, ground to powder, and mix. Fresh leaves of nettle and birch pound in a mortar and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected area, wrap it with a film. After forty minutes, remove the compress, carefully wipe off the remnants of ointment and wrap with a woolen scarf or shawl. The course of treatment is to eliminate the pain syndrome.

Does the tool work? Indeed, the hot pepper contains the anti-inflammatory component recognized by scientific medicine, capsaicin. Based on it, many effective medicines are produced for the treatment of inflammation, neuralgia and muscle pain. But you need to take into account the strong irritant effect of pepper on the skin and the possibility of getting a burn. Part of this "ointment" goose fat prevents this danger.

Nettle leaves are rich in vitamins, in particular groups B and C, which help relieve pain and have an anti-inflammatory effect, as do tannins from birch leaves.

In general, except for honey, all components of the pepper folk "ointment", in theory, are really able to have a positive effect in case of arthrosis with synovitis. But in such recipes, kindly offered by the grandmothers on the bench, there is no ratio of ingredients, and no one did any research on their compatibility.

Draw your own conclusions and do not forget: any, even the most useful at first glance and on the advice of others, a folk remedy, should be discussed with your doctor before using it.


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