How to increase breasts at home? Breast augmentation methods at home: dangerous, dubious, safe


High sexy female breasts for most men are a source of great aesthetic pleasure.

It is unclear whether women themselves receive the same pleasure from contemplating the shapes and bends of their body.

However, at least once in a lifetime, the idea of ​​how it would be good to show the world a more obvious beauty creeped into the head of almost any young lady with modest forms.

How to increase breasts at home: is it possible?

So, the most important question: is it possible to add at least one size to your native size? Say, change the natural “unit” to a second-size bra? There are two opposing opinions on this score.

Some young ladies claim that it is possible to enlarge breasts at home and give happy examples. Others strongly disagree: you will not go against nature, and all manipulations with such a valuable organ are unnatural and unhealthy.

All new generations of young pretty women join the argument. As you know, it is in a dispute that truth is born, therefore it is worth taking a closer look at the accumulated knowledge, theories and practices. Indeed, some of the methods of exposure to the breast can lead to the desired result for completely natural reasons.

How to increase breasts at home: methods

Female breasts are a very sensitive organ. Therefore, you need not even a hundred, but two hundred times to think before deciding to apply any method of changing its natural shape or size. No matter what it will be: a surgical operation or any of the less radical methods.

Mammologists say that any external effect on the mammary glands can lead to the development of mastopathy, fibroadenoma, the development of other benign, and most importantly, cancerous tumors. If you consider that today, breast cancer in women is in the first place among all oncological diseases, then you immediately lose the desire to use dubious and dangerous ways to increase breasts.

Let's separate the grains from the chaff, that is, acceptable methods of breast augmentation at home from useless, dubious and potentially dangerous. Let's start with the chaff.

Doubtful Methods - 1: Hormonal Creams

If a girl is looking for an easy answer to the question of how to enlarge breasts at home without any hassle and doctors, sooner or later she will learn about hormonal creams and lotions. Manufacturers of such products promise an increase in size by one or two sizes, hinting that with longer use, more impressive results are possible.

Such funds are made on the basis of estrogen - a group of female sex hormones. When a woman becomes pregnant, the production of such hormones by the ovaries increases. As a result, breast enlargement. To achieve a similar result without pregnancy, manufacturers include estrogens in ointments, creams, and injections. It’s very convenient: I used a tube or did five injections - I got a second-size breast. I want to wear the third number of the bra - go to the second round.

However, mammologists are sounding the alarm: trying to trick genetics is very dangerous. Uncontrolled administration of estrogen-based drugs leads to a change in the cellular structure. Cells in the area of ​​influence begin to divide intensively, change, and this leads to the development of various pathologies up to oncological.

Equally doubtful is the use of hormonal tablets, which can cause an increase in the size of the mammary glands. Acceptance of any hormonal drugs is possible only as directed by a doctor and must be supervised by a specialist!

Doubtful Methods - 2: Breast Enlargers

Various devices and devices designed for breast augmentation at home can be ordered through the online store. They are not expensive, but they do much more harm than good. Manufacturers rely on improving the blood supply to the breast, which is why it will begin (supposedly) to grow by leaps and bounds, as well as pumping up the pectoral muscles.

To understand the absurdity of this proposal, you need to understand what a woman’s breast is. The mammary gland consists of fifteen to twenty separate lobules with a large number of vessels. That is why the breast does not need artificial stimulation of blood supply: it is already enough, even in excess. The more we improve blood circulation, the more we stimulate cells. And this again leads to their uncontrolled division and the real danger of the appearance of a tumor.

In fact, in the female breast there is only glandular and adipose tissue, but almost no muscle tissue. Therefore, it is worth considering, and what and how are we going to stimulate? At least two methods are suggested for breast augmentation at home:

• myostimulation;

• exposure to vacuum.

Miostimulatorsthat offer to stimulate, that is to pump up, the muscles of the chest easily and without any efforts, is a trap for gullible girls. Not only is there simply nothing to pump up in the chest, a suspicious effect also occurs. An electric current of incomprehensible force, that is, actually electrical stimulation, is passed through the breast tissue.

Before using the device, at least you need to undergo an examination to make sure that there is no benign or (God forbid) malignant tumor. Because under the influence of a current from a harmless fibroadenoma, a full-fledged cancer tumor can develop in just a month.

The big question is whether the current can actually strengthen and tighten the sternum muscles. To seek an answer to it, applying foreign objects to the most tender part of your body is very dangerous.

The second, quite barbaric way to enlarge breasts at home is to use of a vacuum simulator. It is assumed that it needs to be pressed tightly against the chest and pumped air inside the sealed structure. Thus, the device creates a negative pressure in the affected area. Manufacturers claim that it increases blood flow and breasts grow.

Indeed, while using the "simulator" the breast size increases. However, this happens due to constant microtraumatization of the tissue. How does our body respond to injuries and pain? Inflammation and swelling. This is exactly what happens with delicate female breasts. The body simply thus defends itself against the brutal treatment of itself.

Incidentally, the sensations of "vacuum pumping" are very unpleasant. To increase the breast by one size, you have to torture yourself for half an hour daily: fifteen minutes on one and the same amount on the other chest.

But even this would be half the trouble. As soon as a woman stops using the simulator, the chest gradually returns to its previous size. In about a month, artificial edema subsides, tissue is restored. And then for one to two months ... sagging! The force of vacuum not only injures, but also stretches the tissue.

Safe but useless methods

Cabbage. Ah, this wonderful, but absolutely useless for the chest garden pie! God knows where the myth came from that cabbage dishes can increase breasts. In fact, neither fresh, nor stewed, nor sauerkraut, unfortunately, has no effect on the growth of the mammary glands. And all the stories from the series "fed daughter a cabbage - she grew a fifth-size breast for a girl" was either a hoax or a coincidence. In any case, there is no correlation between the cabbage diet and the size of the bust.

What else do traditional nutritionists recommend when they tell (in secret, of course) how to increase breasts at home? Here is a list of hypothetically useful products:

• a decoction of hops (half a cup three times a day) or beer (at least two liters per day);

• walnuts and honey (insist nuts on honey for a week, and then eat a few "sweets" per day);

• natural dairy products: sour cream, cottage cheese, whole milk;

• bread crusts;

• green apples;

• real dry red wine;

• river and sea fish.

You can still think about beer and hop-brew. For example, two liters of beer a day is serious. Weight gain is simply guaranteed. More fat - more breasts! The same applies to fatty dairy products, bread, nuts, oily fish. However, is it worth increasing breasts by obesity?

As for apples and wine, this is complete nonsense. They have nothing to do with the growth of glandular tissue.

Safe and relatively effective

Is there really nothing to be done? So you have to dejectively look at the "chicken breast" in the hope of a miracle, while busty beauties grab the best men? Nothing like this. Firstly, not chicken-like, but neat and attractive. Secondly, something can still be done.

The best way is to naturally pump up the sternum and shoulder girdle muscles.. The chest, of course, will not grow, but it will rise and acquire mouth-watering forms. Thanks to the appearance of a beautiful posture, what used to be hidden in hunched shoulders can be proudly shown to others.

1. The main exercise is push-ups from the floor. If it is very difficult - at first you can push up from the wall. Three approaches with as many movements as possible.

2. Gradually connect exercises with dumbbells: lying on the floor, spread your arms (weighting from three to five kg) and bring them over your head, without bending at the elbows.

3. During the working day, you can perform static exercises for pumping up muscles: squeeze palms closed in front of the chest with maximum force (elbows are apart). Keep tension for ten seconds, relax. Run nine more times.

It strengthens the skin turgor, tightens and gives elasticity contrast massage shower followed by applying nutritious oil. Another method is classic douche. Hardening of the breast with the help of temperature difference not only strengthens health, but also causes a physiological rush of blood to the skin, but can also stimulate the growth of the mammary glands.

Mammologists say: the only way to naturally breast enlarge at home is to get pregnant and feed the baby.

How to increase breasts: causes of failure

The chest is adipose tissue. The more the woman’s weight, the more magnificent her breasts. As soon as the weight returns to normal, the mammary glands become smaller. The fat layer is burned throughout the body, and with it the chest melts. Therefore, when losing weight, especially fast, be prepared for this.

What else can cause a small breast size:

• hormonal failure (in this case, serious treatment of the underlying disease is required):

• genetic predisposition, or heredity.

In young girls who have just stepped over children's age, the pace of breast development can be different. This is normal, you should not try to artificially speed up the process - it is very dangerous. The development of the body is completed by the age of 20, such is human physiology.

The problem of the small breast is not physiological, but psychological. You need to love yourself just the way nature created, without trying to artificially improve or fix something. The most important thing is health, which is very easy to lose and sometimes impossible to restore.

And anyway, who said that men like large breasts? Attracting attention - of course. But they really do not like the size, but the shape, grooming and elasticity. And this is a completely different story.


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