The benefits of sunflower unrefined oil. How to choose and store whether unrefined oil can be harmful


Unrefined oil from sunflower seeds is one of the most popular types of vegetable fats, characterized by aroma and amazing properties. To get the most out of it, it is important to know the features of handling it in the kitchen and the details of its composition.

How the use of unrefined sunflower oil is revealed through the manufacturing technology and composition

In a sunny, luxurious sunflower, which arrived in the Old World from America, for a long time remained an ornamental plant, then its seeds were tried.

But only in the first half of the 19th century in Russia was the plant first evaluated as a source of oil and after some half a century it thoroughly entered the world cuisine.

Unrefined sunflower oil has a distinctive taste, but most importantly - a bright, rich aroma that perfectly shades everything it is added to - warm and cold (including a lot of salads!) Snacks, sauces, pastas and cereals (as well as other main dishes), some pastries .

Like most other vegetable oils, it is produced according to one of three technologies (however, the first two are usually combined into one):

· The pressing method, in which the oil is literally squeezed out of the crushed raw materials at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees (cold method) or from raw materials heated to 100-120 degrees (hot method). According to scientists, in the first case, it retains a maximum of useful substances, but it costs more and is stored less. But what is made according to the second option - the smell clearly reminds of fried seeds;

· The extraction method consists in the extraction of fats from raw materials by exposure to special chemicals, after which the liquid result is divided into waste solvents and, in fact, edible oil. This method increases the yield of finished products and reduces its cost, but significantly reduces the quality of the oil.

The resulting oil is purified, that is, it is mechanically filtered from impurities, and such, as preserved as unchanged, is called unrefined.

The fact that the product (unlike the refined one) is not subjected to a multi-stage purification system allows preserving the taste with aroma, as well as all the benefits of unrefined sunflower oil.

But for a number of reasons, it is not intended for cooking with it, through exposure to high temperatures:

· When frying, it fudges and foams a lot;

· The specific taste is enhanced and like the smell is transmitted to cooked dishes;

· Heat treatment is able to release carcinogenic substances from oil;

· It also destroys beneficial components, including vitamins and amino acids.

The energy value of sunflower oil is stunningly high - about 900 kcal per 100 g, that is, 1 tablespoon containing about 15 ml contains about 130 kcal.

2-4 tablespoons of vegetable oils are considered the daily norm, and it does not matter if the salad is seasoned or the meatballs are fried, only the amount of oil that has got into the body is important.

If you follow a diet to reduce body weight, vegetable oil is usually not necessary to exclude - the main thing is to be content with a reduced portion of 1-2 tablespoons.

Almost 100% of sunflower oil is made up of fats, but it contains neither protein nor carbohydrates.

It is also important to note that although sunflower oil can affect cholesterol already in the body, cholesterol is virtually absent in it.

Crude oil contains a high content of essential vitamins:

· And often it enters the body with vegetables and fruits, but sometimes it is initially - only provitamin - it becomes the reaction with sunflower oil that helps him become vitamin A. This vitamin is essential for good vision, cell division, and blood cell production;

· E in sunflower oil contains no less than in olive. It is necessary for the synthesis of hormones, metabolism and without it vitamin A cannot be fully absorbed;

· It is required to create cell membranes, and at higher levels of exposure it reduces cholesterol, resists the course of inflammatory processes and is important for the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

· It is important for the prevention of vitamin deficiency - if at least there is no deficiency in it, the deficiency of the remaining vitamins is not so critical. He is responsible for the accumulation of calcium in the bones and mineral metabolism in general, a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys.

Note that in sunflower oil there is practically no such element as Omega-3, for this - you need to take olive or linseed oil.

When will sunflower unrefined oil benefit?

Regular consumption of unrefined sunflower oil contributes to the overall strengthening of the body and a surge of vitality, strengthening immunity and increasing endurance to both physical and psycho-emotional stress.

Oil delicately solves such a digestive problem as constipation, supports the treatment of gastritis and gastric ulcer.

In it, as already mentioned, there is no cholesterol, but as if not only that, it somewhat reduces its level in the human body.

Unrefined sunflower oil is justly recommended for the following purposes:

· Optimization and acceleration of metabolic processes;

· Prevention of cardiovascular diseases;

· Establishing the functioning of the genitourinary system;

· Cleansing the body of toxic substances and toxins;

· Prevention of demi-season colds and the relief of symptoms of SARS, such as a painful reaction to bright light and sore throat.

It is well known how this oil is valued in the care of appearance, letting, for example, on hair masks. But a similar effect will soon be observed when it is included in the diet.

This is explained to a large extent by the high content of vitamin "beauty" E, which rejuvenates and cleanses the skin, makes hair thick and silky, and nails - strong and shiny.

Unrefined oil in vegetable salads is very useful for expectant and lactating mothers - it contributes to the formation of a healthy fetus, strengthens the baby's immunity and supports the metabolism in his body.

Rules for selection and storage while preserving the benefits of unrefined sunflower oil

Unrefined sunflower oil should not be either too pale or too dark, good oil is almost transparent, but there may be sediment at the bottom of the tank - this is a normal indicator of the organic phospholipids contained in it.

You should not buy oil from untested hands on the market - there is a chance to try out a fake diluted with cheap surrogate, for example - soybean oil.

As for butter with official labels, the most delicious and healthy is that made from October to December, that is, from fresh, not last year's, seeds.

Compared to refined, unrefined oil has a shorter shelf life and requires special storage conditions:

· At a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees, but optimally - on the shelf of the refrigerator;

· Far from direct sunlight;

· Under a tightly closed lid;

· If it is in plastic, it is better to pour it into a glass container.

Not quite fresh oil, or if it is stored in unsuitable conditions, quickly deteriorates, which can be determined by the changed in the unpleasant direction shades of taste and smell with a touch of rancidity and turbidity of the oil.

Can there be harm from sunflower unrefined oil

The damage to unrefined sunflower oil in case of an overdose of 80 ml per day is manifested by unpleasant impressions - nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, but after a day or two the condition normalizes. If there are no alarming symptoms, and the oil in the diet is almost pouring in, you can expect more impressive damage to unrefined sunflower oil, including weight gain, the development of obesity and impaired functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Caution should be taken so that there is no harm, unrefined sunflower oil (or, on the recommendation of a doctor, refuse at all) under the following conditions:

· Diseases of the biliary tract;

· Serious disorders in the pancreas;

A weakened or diseased liver, since all fats are a big burden for it;

Taking medications that reduce blood coagulability;

Violations in the gastrointestinal tract, requiring a special diet and / or periodic medical supervision.


Watch the video: Healthy Cooking Oils 101 (June 2024).