Which zodiac signs are lucky in love, and which ones suffer forever


Love and relationships between members of the opposite sexes have always been the subject of heated discussion and passionate debate. It is no secret that stars have a great influence on the life and fate of a person.

The zodiac sign, of which he is a representative, endows a person with certain personal qualities, character traits and features that sometimes have to live all his life.

Why do some people constantly celebrate victory on the personal front, while others always suffer? To find the answer to this question, it is worth turning to astrology.

Who is lucky in matters of love - Aries

Aries are skillful seducers and masters in love affairs. They are truly worthy rivals and players. Nobody knows how to beautifully and competently look after, express their feelings and emotions like rams. Romance is their forte. They have a strong gift of persuasion.

Aries, both men and women, are extremely sensual creatures.

They know how to be caring, affectionate and show enough tenderness in relation to a partner or an object of love.

All of this, as a rule, is much appreciated. Decisiveness, confidence, fervor - these are the qualities that representatives of other zodiac signs face, which have become the object of sighing of rams. Aries surrender to the senses with their whole being. It is not in their rules and character to silently worry and cry into the pillow. Aries will not hesitate. He will act and persevere towards his goal. Aries often fall in love at first sight.

Taurus is an experienced conqueror of hearts

Taurus in love is lucky. They have a calm character, it is easy to communicate with them, build new relationships and make strong connections. Taurus never hurries, does not force, knows how to wait. He knows how to find a middle ground between passion and peace of mind. Taurus is distinguished by fidelity, constancy, is monogamous.

Good in love - wise Libra

To love, the scales are treated as an exalted feeling given by higher powers. Having fallen in love, they invest in the relationship and object of love the best that they have. Pleasant, reliable, interesting partners - scales. In addition, they are very sensual. Libra is curious in relationships, attentive to the partner. It is impossible to say about them that they neglect the beloved and their duties to him.

Lions - Love Kings

Lions are always used to being the first in everything, this rule is also relevant on the love front. Lviv can be safely called the gods of love. Their life is a bright, powerful flash of uncontrollable, wild passion and seductive beauty. The lion easily receives the attention of the opposite sex and uses the charms granted by the stars. Leo cannot stand loneliness.

To conquer a lion, it is important to be able to flatter properly. Life without love is impossible for representatives of this zodiac sign.

If Leo is truly attached, then the object of love receives from him a maximum of captivating compliments, tenderness, wide gestures and attention. Leo is extremely demanding of his soul mate, his animal instincts never doze off. He must be sure that next to him is a worthy partner.

Attractive to dizzy Aquarius

Another sign that is extremely lucky in heart matters is Aquarius. He appreciates a non-standard, intriguing “zest” relationship. Such a relationship can excite Aquarius, bring it to a state of insanity.

Aquarius cannot be boring. With him, the representatives of other signs can only obey, sigh and fall into a stupor.

After all, Aquarius can shake the imagination, attract attention and conquer. He is spontaneous in heart affairs. This quality of his often becomes the most powerful weapon.

Artful Casanova - Wise Pisces

Fish have a talent for being skilled lovemakers. They are called artists in heart affairs. Representatives of this sign need to love and be loved incredibly high. They easily change partners, learn new love aspects, create strong ties. Real deceivers are fish, they know what places to put pressure on to become the first in amorous affairs.

Stars do not favor all the signs of the zodiac. Some of them have to endure injustice or loneliness all their lives. Someone has a love front - like an empty field without a single sign of life.

So who is doomed to eternal suffering in love?

The Expendable Scorpio - he is unlucky in love

Despite the fact that scorpions are considered the most passionate and loving, in heart matters they are far from lucky.

Scorpions often have to spend days alone.

They know how to love and dizzy beautifully with their unimaginably strong sensuality, but, as a rule, scorpions do not inspire confidence. They are not capable of strong relationships, other characters love scorpions-lovers, and as a couple they choose for themselves more calm, balanced and responsible. Scorpions are demanding, hysterical, jealous, irritable, sometimes arrogant. All this becomes a serious obstacle to personal happiness.

Lonely Crayfish

For crayfish, it is important to create new relationships based on strong feelings. They are overly serious about love affairs, and such an attitude often leads to suffering and loneliness.

Cancer is easy to charm, seduce, make him trust.

His heart break is even easier. They subtly feel beauty and react to it. If the crayfish understand that the matter will end only in bed, they will quickly eliminate themselves. Crayfish are too obedient, they need to be managed, they need to create coziness. Not everyone is ready to put so much effort, nerves and time into relationships.

Calculating Capricorns

Capricorns can be called the complete opposites of cancers. They in love rely solely on a sober mind and calculation. Tenderness, warmth, passion, affection is impossible to conquer. For a capricorn to decide to have a relationship, he needs to weigh the pros and cons, see the shortcomings and advantages of the new connection, and only then make a final decision.

Capricorns require compliance with the rules. Freedom of feelings and emotions is not for them.

Responsibility, practicality - that is the most important thing. Such a perception of love and relationships often leads to unpleasant consequences.

Sagittarius unlucky in love

The restraint with which archers are suitable for heart matters does not delight other zodiac signs.

Sagittarius is not able to catch fire brightly and for a long time, burning fieryly.

You should not wait for bright emotions with them, but you can be sure of the strong and strong connection that they are able to create. Sagittarius is hard to express emotions, sometimes they are detached and cold. This behavior confuses and makes archers wary.

Fickle Gemini weak in love

Gemini, although capable of evoking sympathy and disposition of nature, they are not stars on the stage of love.

It is difficult for twins to trust, because they are inconsistent and quickly get tired of monotonous relationships.

Twins are good actors and skilled players. They know how to manipulate, get what they want and let go. Playing heart games brings them a lot of fun. They boldly take risks and often lose.

What are virgins in a love relationship

Separately, it is worth noting the virgins who found their rightful place in the middle ground. Virgo very carefully selects a partner, she has a huge number of requirements for candidates for the role of the chosen one.

Once the Virgin finds a soul mate, she shows herself from the very best side, ready to give and make the object of love happy.

But if a virgin is not charmed, not attached, she is not ready to lose time and energy. Virgo can often be ruthless if she does not find in the half of what she was looking for.

Relationships always require a special approach. To become happy in love, it is important to pay attention to many nuances, including taking into account the influence of stars on the character of a person. After all, stars often give wise clues.


Watch the video: Horoscope for today, August 22, 2019, Thursday. Lucky August 2019 For Love, Wealth, and Welfare (July 2024).