Ways to get rid of acne on your own


Acne problems are familiar to many. Especially for young boys and girls. Since acne is different, therefore, each time an individual treatment is selected. Acne is an acne that needs medical treatment. But ordinary acne can be cured on its own.

In adolescents, the presence of acne is explained by the increased activity of sebaceous acne caused by the production of a large number of sex hormones.

Sebaceous plugs, clogging the pores of the goat, cause the development of bacteria in the hair follicles. White blood cells, which themselves, however, die, are capable of fighting such bacteria, as a result of which there is pus and, as a result, acne.

Often, one of the possible causes of acne is an imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract. Accordingly, in this case, first of all, you need to pay attention to the diet of your diet: reduce the amount of sweet and fat consumed. Refuse black tea and coffee. But drinking green teas and freshly squeezed juices is allowed in any quantity.

The use of dairy products can perfectly normalize the activity of the intestine. To do this, it will be sufficient to drink half a glass of kefir daily in the morning. In addition, do not neglect vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meat of chicken, rabbit or turkey.

Methods of self-cleaning skin

  • In the morning, it is better to drink half a glass of cool water on an empty stomach. So the body will “wake up” faster and get rid of the accumulated toxins.
  • When washing in water, it’s nice to add a drop of lemon juice or an apple bite, which perfectly nourishes the skin.
  • The famous "secret" is to wipe the skin in the morning with ice cubes, which is best done from a solution of chamomile. In this case, the cube is wrapped in a napkin.
  • There are various acne masks. For example, apply thinly sliced ​​slices of fresh cucumber and tomatoes on your face for 10-15 minutes. In the same way, you can use a mask of grated carrots or cottage cheese.
  • Special acne masks are also helpful. You can, for example, chop cucumbers or make a mask of cottage cheese.


Admin 01/05/2016
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Watch the video: Dr. Pimple Popper Shares 3 Ways to Help Get Rid of Acne (June 2024).