Ginger diet - a detailed description and useful tips. Reviews on the ginger diet and sample recipes.


Ginger Diet - Description and General Principles

Ginger root came to us from faraway tropical Africa. For a long time, the long-awaited "guest" has been used by healers around the world to treat many pathologies, including obesity. And to date, the ginger diet remains the most flexible, not requiring any significant changes in the diet. So what is the essence of this simple diet?

Many people mistakenly believe that the ginger diet is a technique designed specifically for the lazy, but this is far from the case. There are no easy ways to an ideal figure, and if you expect to lose body weight without changing anything in your diet, but only absorbing ginger root, then such a diet is definitely not for you.

Ginger root, as you know, has a unique ability - to disperse blood through the veins and speed up the metabolism. It is on these properties that this weight loss technique is based. But in order for it to work, it is necessary to revise your diet in the direction of a slight decrease in its calorie content. At the same time, it is not necessary to refuse your favorite foods, it is enough to limit their intake in the body and, most importantly, in the morning, evening and between meals, use ginger tea (at least 1.5-2 liters per day), prepared in the following way: 25 gr. chopped root is placed in a thermos, pour two liters of boiling water and leave to insist on the night. In the finished miracle drink, optionally add honey, as well as lemon juice.

Ginger Diet - What Foods To Eat

In the period of observance of the ginger diet, it is recommended to eat any kind of vegetables, fruits, seafood, lean meat, fish, cereals, cereals, wholemeal bread, eggs, dairy and sour milk products, mushrooms, honey, vegetable and butter (in limited quantities) cheese. In addition, lemon and seafood should be included in the diet. These ingredients contain substances that contribute to the adjustment of metabolism and the breakdown of fats entering the body.

Ginger Diet - What Foods Should Not Be Used

So, in order to achieve stunning results, you should abandon smoked meats, preservatives, useless white bread, lots of sweets, spicy, fried foods and salt (allowed up to 5-7 grams per day). And also cut back on the intake of animal fats and easily digestible carbohydrates. There can be no talk of alcohol.

Ginger Diet - Example Menu

In principle, the ginger diet does not offer us a ready-made menu. Everyone can compose it independently, focusing on their own tastes. However, one should not forget that during the observance of such a diet it is necessary to eat in a balanced way to exclude the development of a deficiency in the necessary substances, trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, we decided to help you and make an example of a ready-made menu that you can rely on in the future.


- Breakfast: a jar of whole milk yogurt, a slice of bread from flour is coarse. grinding with 5 gr. butter, ginger tea with? teaspoon of sugar
- lunch: chicken breast with lemon juice 180 gr. (simmer over medium heat, adding a spoonful of olive oil, parsley leaves and salt at the very end); mashed potatoes in low-fat milk with the addition of 5 gr. butter; fruit and berry mix 150 gr.
- afternoon snack: a glass of fruit and vegetable juice
- dinner: salad with tomatoes and herbs, seasoned 1 table. lies. olive oil - 150 gr.; half boiled egg, one pear, ginger tea


- breakfast: 1 soft-boiled egg; a slice of bread made from flour is coarse. grinding, spread with a thin layer of butter; one fruit to choose from and ginger tea
- lunch: 200 gr. boiled rice with mushrooms and cheese (30 g. of any mushrooms are overcooked in oil, mixed with rice and add 10 g. of grated cheese, sprinkle with herbs and salt); boiled carrots 150 gr., grated with lemon juice, garlic and 1 liter. olive oil
- afternoon snack: 200 ml of grapefruit juice
- dinner: stewed liver 180 gr.; salad of oranges (cut 60 g. oranges, 40 g. peppers, 70 g. cucumbers, 50 g. grapefruits and season with oil); slice of bran bread, ginger tea


- breakfast: fried eggs with milk (per 1 egg 100 gr. milk); any fruit 150 gr.; ginger tea with 1 teaspoon honey
- lunch: fried trout in flour 150 gr.; mashed potatoes and carrots 150 gr., 100 gr. berries (fruit)
- afternoon snack: orange juice 250 ml
- dinner: a salad of tomatoes and cheese (120 gr. tomatoes and 40 gr. cheese) with a spoon of vegetable oil, basil and salt; 180 gr. stewed vegetables, a slice of bread if desired, ginger tea


- breakfast: one soft-boiled egg; ginger tea with a spoonful of sugar, 1 slice of bread with plums. oil
- lunch: stuffed zucchini (peel and peel the average zucchini, 1 "boat" fill with minced chicken 80 g. mixed with yolk, herbs and a spoonful of grated cheese, put on a baking sheet and bake until cooked); 500 gr. salad of tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers with grows. oil
- afternoon snack: low-fat milk 150 gr.
- dinner: rice salad with tuna and tomatoes 150 gr., seasoned with oil and lemon juice; green apple, ginger tea


- breakfast: any porridge on the water with butter (10 g), a slice of bran bread, ginger tea with a spoon of honey
- lunch: boiled fish 180 gr.; stewed carrots with herbs, garlic with the addition of a spoon grows. oil 200 gr.; 180 gr. fruit
- afternoon snack: a glass of low-fat milk
- dinner: mushroom salad with celery and finely chopped cheese, dressed with oil 130 g .; omelet from 1 egg with 30 gr. ham, a slice of cheese and 50 gr. milk, ginger tea


- breakfast: boiled egg, a slice of bread and butter, ginger tea with honey
- lunch: spaghetti in tomato sauce (60 g. boiled spaghetti mixed with 50 g. fried tomatoes with onions); 170 gr stewed cabbage, 120 gr. fruit
- afternoon snack: a glass of fruit and vegetable juice
- dinner: two poached eggs cooked in 200 ml of meat broth with spices and herbs (eat with broth), 100 gr. vegetables, a slice of bread, ginger tea


- breakfast: yogurt 120 gr., 1 bun, unsweetened ginger tea
- lunch: boiled cod 200 gr., baked fennel (boil fennel 220 gr. in broth, put on a baking sheet, sprinkle with cheese and bake for 15 minutes); fruit 120 gr.
- afternoon snack: a glass of pear and carrot juice
- dinner: boiled veal fillet 200 gr., vegetable stew with olive oil 300 gr., ginger tea

This menu is designed for 1200-1400 kcal per day. Its observance by itself leads to smooth weight loss. However, combining it with a ginger drink (do not forget to drink it between meals instead of snacks) will double the effect. That is, instead of the usual 3-5 kg ​​per month, you can completely part with 8 or even 10 kg (everything here depends on the subjective characteristics of the metabolism).

Ginger Diet - Useful Tips and Reviews

Despite the fact that the ginger diet has undeniable advantages, it has a number of contraindications. These include:

- gallstone disease (use leads to exacerbation);
- gastric ulcer, 12 duodenal ulcer;
- period of pregnancy and lactation.

After processing numerous reviews, we came to the conclusion that the ginger diet only bears fruit in combination with a low-calorie, but balanced diet. In addition, many women report a positive effect of ginger root on the nervous system. It helps to cope with the very irritability, which is an integral companion of any dietary restrictions.


valentine 10/25/2016
if you don’t sew up your mouth for the night, not one miracle ginger will not help

Lily 09/11/2016
Now a lot of things have been written about ginger, and they began to use it with us relatively recently. Many people like to put it in a dish, and with ginger I like only green coffee green ginger., Cool taste like as if with the addition of cream. I buy for one result, in order to lose weight and then keep in shape. I did it all, for two months almost 6 kg, now the weight is stable, as I wanted.

Marina 09/07/2016
Now a lot of things have been written about ginger, and they began to use it with us relatively recently. Many people like to put it in a dish, and with ginger I like only green coffee green ginger., Cool taste like as if with the addition of cream. I buy for one result, in order to lose weight and then keep in shape. I did it all, for two months almost 6 kg, now the weight is stable, as I wanted.

Guest 04/28/2016
Miracle!!!! I’m dieting today)

Anastasia 04/11/2016
We will try


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