Why dream of kissing on the lips? Basic interpretation: had a dream that you kiss on the lips - wait for problems and trials


Every night a person, closing his eyes - is immersed in his subconscious thoughts and desires. They appear in dreams that can open the door of the future in front of him.

Why dream of kissing your lips is worth sorting out.

Why dream of kissing the lips - the main interpretation

Everyone desires to love and be loved. Sometimes this thirst is transferred by a person subconsciously to dreams. Then, closing your eyes, it’s quite possible to see passionate kisses and gentle hugs in a dream.

For many, kisses on the lips are quite important. This is a manifestation of tenderness, love and care. It is such kisses in a dream that I want to see - kisses on the lips. But you should be careful with your desires. Many dream books indicate that such dreams do not have a positive perspective, on the contrary - they indicate that a person can expect trials and problems. What kind of problems are worth sorting out.

Kisses in a dream should be interpreted based on the one with whom you kissed:

• Kissing with an employee, boss - to conflicts and misunderstandings in the workplace, a job loss is possible;

• Kissing with a loved one - to strengthen relationships;

• Kissing with a relative - a great scandal awaits you, a quarrel, it is worth being alert;

• If in a dream you managed to kiss several people - you will be successful in all your endeavors, you just have to want to.

It is worth paying attention to the general interpretation of the dream, not to miss the small nuances that may seem insignificant, but in the future they will play a huge role in your life.

Why dream of kissing lips on Miller’s dream book

Miller is inclined to believe that the kisses that appear to a person in a dream indicate more the immorality of his behavior. And the point here is not that a person initially knows that he will commit a terrible act. The fact is that from the very beginning he was pestering remorse. Despite them, he can betray a loved one, and betray the secrets of his colleagues.

It is worth being attentive to such dreams, they say that you should not count on the forgiveness of negative acts. Appearing in a dream a kiss with the enemy - to a possible truce. It can come both with a loved one, a close person, or with a stranger with whom you were in a quarrel.

If a person who is in a couple has a dream, like someone kisses his spouse, spouse - such a dream suggests that it is worth cherishing the relationship. A huge amount of misconduct was committed on your part, which should be compensated for by tenderness and affection. If you decide to defend your position in a relationship, you may lose them.

Kissing a child on the lips - longing for a replenishment. It is worth satisfying the need for childbearing, otherwise there may be big problems with reproductive function, so it’s worth considering that it is time to take a decisive step in the future. Seeing someone else kissing your child on the lips - he is under the influence of someone else's bad influence, which you do not want to see, you are too busy with yourself, you lack endurance, ingenuity.

Why dream of kissing lips on Freud’s dream book

According to Freud's dream book, a kiss is always an unrealized sexual craving for a partner. For those who do not have a formed relationship, such a dream can indicate that it is worth paying attention to all surrounding signs. It is worth giving them special meaning.

If in a dream you only dream about kisses, you lack verbal contact with your soulmate. If you dream that kisses are just a prelude to further love - it means everything in your life is harmonious and phased - you should pay special attention to whether you value your partner - now it’s really important to do this, because relationships can be on the verge of breaking all of a sudden. The reason for this will be the lack of attention on your part.

If an adult dreams about how his little mother kisses his lips on the lips, it means that he still has complexes and fears from the past that impede his further advancement in life. It is worth considering that you yourself can interfere with your personal life to develop, you prevent events from developing smoothly and carefully.

Why dream about kissing lips on different dream books

The wanderer’s dream book indicates that kissing on the lips in a dream can be interpreted by the appearance of a kiss. If the kiss is "French" - such a dream promises a severe sudden illness that will end just as suddenly.

If the kiss is passionate and long - you should not rely on help from outside - you should rely only on yourself. Also, such a kiss can promise parting and breaking plans. The situation can be restored, but losses are inevitable. Sometimes the visual pictures of dreams are accompanied by sensations at the physical level.

So, after a dream, you may feel an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth - you will be discussed a lot and diligently, but gossip will not harm you. If your jaw gets sick after a kiss - don't rush into the pool with your head - just count all the steps in advance.

In the psychoanalytic dream book such a dream promises discontent and a crisis in relations. So, the girl is unhappy with her soulmate. She wants to have a lot more than she has. Perhaps the man simply admits to himself excessive rudeness and does not pay due attention to his other half. The girl in a dream compensates for the lack of affection on the part of a loved one with illusory kisses.

Why dream of kissing a man’s lips - in reality he will find a series of love failures and love ups and downs. If a man is a couple - he expects a cooling relationship, which will soon be able to revive, breathe new life into them.

In the dream book of Medea it is indicatedthat if in a dream you kiss the dead man on the lips - his fate awaits you in the future - death can be sudden, negative events will overwhelm you.

If in a dream you kiss a celebrity - such a dream should be interpreted as an unconscious decision to increase your status in society. Such a decision will be made absolutely justified. Soon, indeed, the position of a person in society will improve dramatically.

If in a dream there is a passionate kiss with the man of your dreams - it is worth trying to establish a relationship - everything is possible, maybe you just need to wait. You will not have to wait long, but you should be prepared for sudden changes in your personal life.

Kissing a strange wife on the lips in a dream - making negative decisions in life, committing vile acts. These actions will be dictated by your subconscious, secret fears and desires. In a dream, kissing a former lover - to sudden meetings and conversations. If a girl dreams that she kisses her former lover, she will certainly lie to a loved one. It will seem to her that this is the only right decision.

According to the dream book of Felomen - kisses with a fictitious partner - a change in living conditions. It will be difficult to get used to these changes, not only because they are thoughtless, not only because they are destructive in nature - they are the result of negative actions in the past, and a person knows this.

The dead man who kisses you - to success and career advancement. You can conclude new contracts, establish business contacts. All events will be very unexpected, but enjoyable. Kissing relatives on the lips in a dream - to soon meet a well-known person who will be beneficial in financial matters.

If you dreamed about how you kiss on the lips in a crowded place - perhaps you are too talkative with others about your ongoing relationship. This is pretty rash. It is worth keeping them secret, protecting them from prying eyes.

Psychologists say that you should trust dreams that carry a bright emotional color. So, if a dream is full of passionate feelings - it means that in reality you also want passion and attention from loved ones.

If during a kiss you have unpleasant, repulsive sensations - you yourself close your happiness in your personal life. It’s worth thinking a few times before deciding something fundamentally personal. Do not blame the people who come to your life - they are just a reflection of yourself. Take a closer look at them, it's time for you to change. Take all the hint of dreams calmly and deliberately. Then dreams will bring only pleasure.


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