Low back pain after childbirth: causes, what is the norm, and what is a disease. What to do if lower back hurts after childbirth: how to relieve pain


Seven out of ten women experience back problems after childbirth: pulling or sharp lower back pain causes pain to mothers. What are the causes of these unpleasant events and is there any deliverance? And what to do in response to a pain attack? Consider problems and solutions.

Often, discomfort in the lumbar and sacral spine disappears by itself. If the lower back hurts after childbirth, the reason is not clear, the pain does not go away within three days, the symptoms intensify or appear: fever, burning sensation during urination and other phenomena - you should immediately seek medical help.

Low back pain after childbirth: causes

First of all, it is worth noting that the most common cause of back pain after childbirth is the consequences of pregnancy and childbirth. The second reason for the appearance of women is the health problems associated with the genitourinary tract. And the third - chronic diseases of other organs: the gall bladder, gastrointestinal tract, etc. Consider them in order.

Low back pain after childbirth: the reason is pregnancy and difficult birth

Pregnancy leaves its mark on a woman: being overweight and changing the location of internal organs lead to the body starting a countdown to its previous state. First of all, the center of gravity of the spinal column is shifted, which is the main cause of lower back pain after childbirth.

Also returned to the site: the bladder, stomach, intestines and kidneys. For example, the return of the kidneys to their place may be accompanied by a dull and aching pain in the lower back, giving to the leg.

Many mothers are concerned about lower back pain after childbirth, which is caused by stretching of the muscle tissue of the abdomen and back due to rapid weight gain. An untrained ligamentous apparatus leads to the fact that pains appear in places of stretching, which includes the lower back. It is difficult to make inclinations and turns, to move legs - the back of the thigh and buttocks hurt. To prevent this unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to perform special gymnastics.

Returning to the place of the pelvic bones after childbirth is a common occurrence. This is especially true for those mothers who survived a trauma during childbirth. Rapid childbirth or the large size of the fetus contributes to the fact that in the process of labor, not only the reproductive organs, but also the pelvic bones can suffer. These include the coccyx and sacrum.

Difficult birth can also lead to a pinched nerve in the spinal column, from where pain occurs. With nerve injuries in the spine, back pain is also accompanied by numbness and tingling, often the pain syndrome spreads to the legs, it is difficult for a woman to walk and rise. With long sitting or standing, sneezing, coughing and other actions, the pain intensifies.

Low back pain may be the result of a caesarean section under local anesthesia. Numerous adhesions make themselves felt not only in the abdomen, but also in the lumbar region.

Excess weight increases the burden on the body and causes pain in the lower back after childbirth. This is especially true for those women who gained weight very quickly during pregnancy. Extra pounds, meaning third degree obesity, negatively affect the spinal column. Due to such a high weight, protrusion of the discs and the initial stage of osteochondrosis can also develop.

Low back pain after childbirth: the cause is acute and chronic diseases

Causes of severe pain in the lumbar:

1. Chronic and acute diseases of certain organs (kidneys, gall bladder, small intestine, etc.)

2. Inflammation of the back muscles, the so-called myositis. The disease develops quickly, it is enough to cool off or catch any infection (viral or bacterial). With severe pain in the lower back, body temperature also rises.

Often, after childbirth, a woman develops an intimate illness. Inflammation of the uterus and its appendages, cystitis, urethritis is far from a complete list of diseases that cause back pain.

Prolapse of the kidney is a dangerous disease, the catalyst of which is a sharp weight loss and birth injury. In this syndrome, the mesenteric ligament supporting the kidney is lengthened. As a result, lower back pain occurs when bending, bending. In addition, a woman may have difficulty urinating.

With osteochondrosis, the pain syndrome increases and does not last long.

With inflammation of the appendages, unilateral or bilateral lower back pain, accompanied by abdominal pain, is characteristic.

Appendicitis, cholecystitis also affect the appearance of reflected back pain. They are accompanied by nausea, pain on the right side of the iliac region, etc., characteristic of these diseases. The nature of the pain is unclear, dull pain.

With pancreatitis, the pain is shingles, in addition, constipation and nausea are observed.

Low back pain after childbirth - what to do?

If you have back pain, what to do tips suggest:

- If you have low back pain for the first time and you don’t know the reason, the best way is to call a doctor. While the therapist is traveling, identify the symptoms: is there tingling or numbness or not, what pain? Shingles or local? Gives up or not other symptoms. Be sure to measure the temperature. Check the language for plaque in the language.

- If you know the cause of the pain, for example, stretched muscles, then take a one-time analgesic, non-steroidal drug, for example, Ibufen or Ketoprofen.

Attention! This method is used with caution, observing the condition of the baby.

For pain in the kidney area, take a diuretic once, it will help relieve swelling and remove all toxins from the body. Kanefron-N is best suited for this.

Wear a support corset or bandage your back. This will help fix the muscles in one position.

Make an appointment with your doctor.

! If there is a displacement of the vertebrae, we turn to a specialist, undergo the necessary examinations (MRI, etc.) And only after that we go to the chiropractor to adjust the vertebrae.

Low back pain after childbirth, what can not be done? Prohibited:

  • Smear warming ointments for pain of an unknown nature or warm the lower back with any other method.

  • Direct vertebrae without prescribing a doctor;

  • Take painkillers for constant pain of an unknown nature.

Therapeutic exercises for back pain

Relief and relief of lower back pain will help therapeutic exercises. This complex provides that muscle relaxation will be carried out on exhalation, and tension on inspiration.

First exercise. Standing with your back to the wall and leaning on it, raise your leg at the knee. Raise for 20 seconds., Relaxation also lasts 20 seconds. The number of repetitions is 15 times.

Second exercise. If the right side hurts, we bend to the left, if on the right, vice versa. Sideways tilts will relax the muscle and relieve spasm. We leaned to the side and hold the position for 20 seconds., The break is the same. Repeat 15 times.

The third exercise. If pain occurs when leaning forward, you must stand up straight. We put the thumbs on the sacrum. We bend the back and simultaneously push on the point. Hold for 9-10 seconds on inspiration. We relax the back and bend as much as possible backwards in a natural movement, while the fingers do not press on the sacrum, but lie calmly. The muscles are also relaxed. Execution time - 6-8 seconds. When relaxing, try to bend back as much as possible. Repeat exercise 3-6 times.


How to prevent the occurrence of lower back pain after childbirth, what should I do? Doctors give these recommendations:

1. Avoid wearing weights for six months after giving birth, as the muscles and ligaments are still weak. Easy to tear.

2. Do not overeat, excess weight will aggravate the problem of back pain.

3. Get up correctly from a chair or bed. Do not straighten up sharply. Best of all, if you use your hands to rest, start to get up from a position on your side, dangling your legs from the bed, take care of the spine.

4. Do daily exercises, medical exercises.

5. Feed in the correct position while lying on your side or in another convenient way.

6. Lean correctly - squat for a start, so you reduce the load on the spine.

7. Carry your baby in a sling or in a kangaroo; raise your baby as little as possible.

8. The place to sleep should be as comfortable as possible for the spine, it is better if it will be an orthopedic mattress.

9. Do not overcool; if you experience pain, consult a doctor immediately.

Take care of your spine and your back will thank you!


Watch the video: Postnatal Stretches for New Moms----Help Pain and Tightness After Baby (June 2024).