Urethral polyps - what is it, how dangerous? How to identify a urethral polyp, how to treat and prevent complications: doctor's answers


Polyposis in the general sense is the formation in the body of benign tumors (polyps). Polyps can occur in various parts of the human body.

First of all, mucous membranes rich in epithelial tissue are affected. Most often, these neoplasms are found in the gastrointestinal tract and uterus, but their formation in the urethra is also possible, which is rare.

Polyps carry the main danger due to their own potential for malignancy (malignancy), so you should never look at this problem through your fingers.

It is important to diagnose and treat polyps in time. It will not be superfluous to arm himself with some medical knowledge to the patient himself.

What you need to know about this difficult disease?

Causes of Urethral Polyps

A logical question arises, why are urethral polyps formed? Urethral polyposis is a polyetiological disease. In practice, this means that several factors play a role at once in the formation of tumors. What are these factors:

• Frequent and uncontrolled sex. They play an almost paramount role in the development of the tumor process of the urethra. Women are especially at risk due to the short length of the urethra. In the fair sex, polyps are also found in the bladder (multiple polyposis).

• Human papillomavirus infection. HPV (human papillomavirus) penetrates the urethra with inadequate hygiene, frequent unprotected intercourse and causes cellular atypia. Often, this type of polyp is malignant.

• Weakened immunity. Of paramount importance is the insufficiency of the body's defense system. Without exception, all neoplasms begin to form only when the immune system fails. This is true for urethral polyps.

• Burdened heredity. Fortunately, this is not a direct inheritance of pathology, but only a predisposition to the development of the disease. It is proved that if there was a person in the family who suffered from any type of polyposis along the ascending line, the risk of a similar process almost doubles. Therefore, it is so necessary to adhere to the rules of prevention.

• A rare visit to the toilet room.

• Frequent urethritis (inflammation of the urethra) and other inflammatory diseases of the genital area.

• The presence of foci of chronic inflammation. No matter where: we can talk about carious teeth, nasopharynx, etc.

• Inherited diseases associated with the formation of multiple tumors and tumor formations.

Often you have to talk about several causes of urethral polyps at once. Specific factors are determined by the physician.

Urethral polyp: signs

Signs of urethral polyps are growing. The first manifestations include:

• Pain syndrome. Its intensity is different and varies from case to case. Pain, as a rule, is strong, aching, pulling. Strengthen during and immediately after urination, sexual intercourse. Discomfort is localized in the penis, vagina, anus. May give to the testicles, lower abdomen. It all depends on the localization. Pain is especially intense when located in the final sections of the urethra (in men, this is a seminal tubercle, etc.).

Later, as the polyp grows, they are added the following signs of an urethral polyp:

• Changing the color of urine. Urine becomes cloudy, reddish. Normally, its shade varies from light yellow to straw.

• Hematuria. Blood in urine. It is caused by irritation of the surface of the urethral polyp. Because of this, small capillaries break, which abundantly penetrate the formation, blood enters the urine.

• Pain in the anus. Feeling of fullness in the anus.

• Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder. This false feeling, however, is almost always present.

• Inability to empty the bladder. This is the most serious complication and at the same time a symptom of polyposis. This manifestation is caused by obstruction (overlapping) of the urethral canal with a large polyp. Similar is a direct indication for urgent surgery.

• Decreased urine pressure (weak stream).

• Violations of sexual function. We can talk about anorgasmia, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, etc.

In a complex, these manifestations are rare. Where more often it is only about pain. Symptoms may be completely absent. It all depends on the specific case.

Types of urethral polyps

There are four main types of polyps developing in the urethra. Among them:

Papillomatous polyp. It develops from atypical cells that initially have great oncopathological potential. Such neoplasms pose the greatest danger (immediately after adenomatous polyps).

Adenomatous polyp. These are the rarest formations with great potential for degeneration.

Fibrous polyps. They are formed from glandular cells, therefore, not so often as other types of neoplasms are transformed into cancer.

Glandular fibrous polyps. Meet most often. They have an average potential for rebirth.

Without exception, all polyps are subject to immediate removal and histological examination. Trying to determine their potential for malignant degeneration is not of paramount importance. However, the type of urethral polyp allows you to determine the tactics of treatment.

Diagnosis of urethral polyposis

The basis of diagnosis is the choice of a specialist. The first step is a visit to the doctor and initial consultation.

Doctors of several types are involved in pathologies of this kind at once: urologists, urologists andrologists (for men), gynecologists.

Diagnosis begins in the doctor’s office. The specialist interviews the patient, clarifies the nature of the complaints, their strength, only then conducts a series of functional studies and palpates the affected area.

Then comes the turn instrumental research, among which:

• Contrast radiography of the urethra. It is necessary to assess the state of this body.

• Urethroscopy. Unpleasant minimally invasive research. However, despite the discomfort, it is necessary for a visual assessment of the internal state of the urethra, as well as taking a tissue sample not a biopsy. Moreover, during this diagnostic measure, polyps are removed.

• A smear from the urethra on the microflora. Allows you to set the source of the lesion.

Laboratory studies are not informative enough. With the exception of histology. To assess the general condition of the body, they are, however, necessary. Among them:

Histological examination taken biomaterial (the very exception). Allows you to accurately determine the type of tumor and the stage of its development.

General blood analysis.

• General urine analysis.

• Blood chemistry.

In the complex, even several of these methods are enough to make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of urethral polyps

Treatment of urethral polyps presents certain difficulties.

The basis of therapy is surgical intervention.

What it will be: microsurgical (right during endoscopy) or classic depends on the size of the tumor.

In any case, all polyps are subject to surgical removal; there are no alternatives to this method.

If we are talking about adenomatous polyps, chemotherapy will additionally be required.

With papillomatous lesions, additional use of anti-papillomatous drugs in the form of ointments and suppositories is necessary.

So you can destroy the pathogen with a guarantee. Only a doctor should be involved in the treatment.

Prevention of urethral polyps

No matter how trite it may sound, it is easier to prevent the disease than to treat it later. Preventive measures (prevention of urethral polyps) are not very difficult. It is enough to adhere to a number of tips:

• In no case should you practice unprotected contacts. Sexual intercourse should only be performed using classic contraceptives.

• Have a regular sex life.

• It is recommended to regularly undergo preventive examinations by a urologist.

• It is necessary to treat all inflammatory diseases of the genital area in time, as well as to sanitize sources of chronic infections.

• It is important to visit the toilet room in a timely manner (every 2-3 hours).

Polyposis is a serious disease, as it often leads to cancer. Moreover, the urethra - the anatomical structure is thin, and a large polyp can block it, causing acute urinary retention. Do not waste time, at the first suspicion it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist.
