Marat Basharov’s wife forgave him for assault


Elizaveta Shevyrkova and her star husband were published together. Their couple was spotted at the premiere of Russian Demon. Nothing in the behavior of the spouses reminded of the recent breakdown in relations. Although a month ago, Elizabeth was set to divorce, and already almost filed an application. And Marat himself left his beloved and went to celebrate the New Year holidays at one of the ski resorts.

Recall that on December 27, on New Year's Eve, stunning news spread around the Internet and print media - Marat Basharov took up the old and beat his wife. If earlier he broke her finger, then this time he broke his nose. The incident occurred in the elevator of a residential complex. After this, Elizabeth had to drop everything and grab her son, to flee from her angry spouse at night. In the morning, accompanied by her mother, she turned for help to one of the medical institutions of the capital.

The girl refused to write a statement to her husband to the police and in every way to comment on the situation. But her brother did not become silent and addressed the press. He promised that he would not leave Marat unpunished.

The actor and TV presenter of the mystical show “Battle of psychics” refused to comment on the situation in front of the press and fans, and later went on vacation altogether. He rested in France with his daughter, as evidenced by the joint pictures that got into the network.

During the evening of the premiere of the film "Russian Demon," the couple did not part for a minute, sweetly communicated with each other and other guests. That this is a show of reconciliation or the triumph of love and forgiveness - time will tell.

Internet users expressed the version that in this way Marat Basharov draws attention to his person, so as not to lose the ratings of the television show “Battle of psychics”.

The fact is that not so long ago a program was released on the Rossiya channel, which proves the utter mediocrity of the project participants as psychics. The presenter of the documentary film Going to Hell said that the so-called psychics do not have any abilities, and the cast members suggest the right answers. After the release of the film, the audience accused the creators of the project of deceit, and the show itself faces a closing.

This is not the first time that Marat Basharov has become a participant in scandals involving assault on his soul mates.

Before that, he raised his hand to his wife, now the former, actress Ekaterina Arkharova. They were married for almost a year, but after maiming, the actress could not forgive her husband, and they divorced.

Colleagues in the acting workshop express the opinion that the cause of the outbreaks of aggression in Basharov is alcohol, under the influence of which Marat loses control over himself.

FEMALE OPINION: Domestic violence has already destroyed many families, whether mere mortals or show business stars. In the case of Marat, this is not the first incident, but we sincerely hope that the latter. After all, he has more than one reason to correct his behavior and lifestyle. And the main one of these reasons is the rising son of Marcel.


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