April 22: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 22.


Holidays April 22

International Earth Day

It’s so good that in the spring there are so many holidays related to environmental protection! So on April 22, the world celebrates another, perhaps the most important in the field of ecology - International Earth Day, which is recognized to encourage the public to pay due attention to the preservation of the earth's ecosystem. The first major rally in this regard was held on April 22, 1970 in several cities in the United States, and, as it turned out later, it was a huge success. The following year, Senator Nelson announced the feast of the Earth, after which this day became a very popular annual event among the inhabitants of America. Today, Mother Earth Day has gained worldwide proportions and is celebrated by almost all continents.

The flag with the image of a “blue” planet became a symbol of the celebration. Yes, not just a drawing, but a real photograph taken from space by the Apollo 17 crew during his trip to the moon. In the Russian Federation, Earth Day is being held as part of a large-scale program to protect the planet from global environmental hazards. This holiday, unlike Earth Hour, held in March, obliges mankind to join efforts to protect the environment and contribute to its restoration.

According to tradition, on April 22, those who wish can take part in the cultivation, gardening and improvement of their cities, streets and sections. Every year on this day, hundreds of scientists from all over the world gather at a round table to discuss important aspects of the common cause. And many states organize a wide variety of events: these are conferences, exhibitions, as well as planting trees and cleaning territories with the involvement of young people.

April 22nd in the folk calendar

Vadim Klyuchnik

On April 22, the Orthodox Church commemorates St. Vadim, who lived in Persia in the fourth century and was the archimandrite. By order of the ruler, he and his disciples were thrown into prison, where for several months the martyrs were tortured. Tradition says that the stamina of the saints struck many pagans to such an extent that after the death of the immaculate they turned into Christianity.

In Russia, Vadim was nicknamed Klyuchnik, because on that day it was customary for peasants to go to the keys (sources) and clean them, saying: "Underground voditsa, we open the spring for you." After ritual words from the springs, they washed themselves with healing water, and also drank several sips of it to strengthen their health. In addition, it was possible to tell fortunes at the sources. So they looked at them about the life and death of seriously ill people. Making a name for the sick, we watched the behavior of the water: if it remains clean, the person will recover, if the source is buried, then the worst should be expected. Spring water also seared cattle and sprinkled land.

Historical events of April 22

April 22, 1370 - Started the construction of the Bastille fortress

On the day indicated by us, on the orders of Charles V (the French king), the first stones were laid in the foundation of the Bastille fortress. The construction was to carry out protective functions and with its walls contain the British attacks on Paris. At first it was: eight huge towers more than thirty meters high, surrounded by high walls and a wide moat proudly towered over the city, protecting it. Under Cardinal Richelieu, the Bastille began to be used as a state prison, until 1789. A few years later, the Constituent Assembly decided to demolish the fortress. Since then, France annually celebrates on July 14 an official holiday - Bastille Day, which is accompanied by large-scale military parades on the Champs Elysees.

April 22, 1864 - In the USA, the minting of bronze money in denominations of one and two cents

The then Treasury Secretary, Salman Portland Chase, ordered two-cents worth of American coins to read “In God We Trust.” Over time, this motto went over into dollar bills as well. An innovation in the United States introduced a ban on the private minting of money for the first time.

April 22, 1931 - The Council of People's Commissars adopted a resolution on Soviet citizenship

The resolution on Soviet citizenship confirmed that every person who was on the territory of the Soviet Union was recognized as his full citizen, but only if he was not a filed by another state. The document also had an additional clause stating that if a citizen of the Soviet Union was also a citizen of another Union Republic (where he lived), then the choice of citizenship was determined by the prerogative of each individual individually.

Born on April 22

Vladimir Ulyanov (1870-1924) - the founder of the first socialist state, the leader of the proletariat Ulyanov is better known to us under the pseudonym Lenin. He is one of those politicians who does not have an autobiography. Riddle man, legend man! What was he really like? First, an icon was presented to people, and then, after many years, at the end of perestroika, this icon was dumped in the mud. One thing is obvious, Lenin was a controversial figure and, in a sense, tragic. Hoping to change the fate of his homeland, he received a very wrong result. Brilliant and extraordinary, he turned Soviet power over, millions of people were under the influence of his ideas, and many remain to this day. Thus, the opinion of most historians is unambiguous: the role of Lenin in the history of our state is enormous. Due to severe congestion at the beginning of 1924, his condition worsened greatly, and soon Ulyanov died. The official cause of death was advanced vascular atherosclerosis, which explains the presence of symptoms such as paralysis, speech impairment, etc.

Vladimir Nabokov (1899-1977) - a talented writer. The author of such well-known works as “King, Queen, Jack”, “Mashenka”, Lolita “, Camera Obscura”, “Luzhin's Defense”, etc. Nabokov considered himself an American writer of Russian origin, wrote about himself: “My mouth speaks English , the heart is in Russian, and the ear is in French ... "

Julius Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) - an outstanding American physicist, the "parent" of the atomic bomb. Subsequently, he became her own adversary, for which in 1954 he was deprived of the right of access to classified materials and tests. Later, Robert Oppenheimer stated that he performed the "work of the devil."

Ivan Efremov (1907-1972) - paleontologist, Russian science fiction writer, explorer-explorer. At the age of 19, he made his first discovery, and at 30 he already became a doctor of sciences. Efremov approached literature quite unexpectedly, when he was acutely worried because of the strong “tilt” of society towards technology and science. He boldly said that science without philosophical support is empty and meaningless. Here are a few of his distinguished novels: Wind Road, Andromeda Nebula, Snake Heart, Razor Blade, Star Ships, Bull Hour and several others.

Name day April 22

April 22 is celebrated: Gabriel, Ilya, Disan, Vadim, Luke, Leon, Ivan, Juliana, Irina, Denis.


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