The meaning of the name David


Name David translated from Hebrew as “beloved”. In Russia, this name is often used in the Davyd variant. This biblical name in different sounds is present in the names of many nations: among the British - David, among the Finns - Taavetti (Taavi), among the Scots - Dayvi (Davi), among the Italians - David. Today, the name David is very common in Europe.

Name David - character traits

In childhood, David is distinguished by increased emotional excitability, he tries to stay close to his mother. Growing up, he becomes balanced, confident and proud, with a developed will. David is always in the thick of things, he is actively involved in all matters, wants to be everything necessary, only in this case he gets spiritual comfort. Strives to be a leader in all areas of life.

David's friends value him for his responsiveness and empathy, as well as for his loyalty to his word. He is a little selfish, but not envious and not touchy. Hates lies, can be quick-tempered, but quickly returns to a state of peace of mind. Never stopping at what has been achieved, David is constantly striving for development, for new achievements and knowledge.

David is a very sociable person, he is always surrounded by friends. Not without romanticism, but prudent and careful in business. The best profession for David is one that will be for him a constant source of new experiences and a good income. Among David there are many excellent diplomats, officers, geologists, climbers, athletes, sculptors, jewelers, architects, trade workers, economists, politicians, teachers and successful businessmen. Monotonous and routine work quickly tires him. However, no matter what work he chooses for himself, there is no doubt that he will find a way to provide for his family, as he loves comfort, good food and clothing, beautiful interiors. His best incentive to work is to earn money.

David knows a lot about women. However, his first marriage often breaks up. Given his mistakes and getting married a second time, he can be very happy. David is a great husband, a good host, a wonderful father, devoted to his family. In order for David's marriage to be strong and happy, his wife must be a beautiful and sexy, smart and strong-willed woman, capable of becoming for him a source of inspiration and an assistant in achieving his goals.

David - Name Compatibility

David can have a good and strong marriage with Albina, Clara, Larisa, Marta, Emma. Having married Ada, Alla, Victoria, Inge, Kira, Ella, he is unlikely to be happy in family life.

David - famous people who wore this name

First of all, the name David is known thanks to the biblical character, the king of the Israeli-Jewish state, who defeated Goliath. Other famous David: Russian poet and artist David Burliuk, Russian violinist David Oistrakh, Soviet poet David Samoilov, Soviet shipbuilder David Mikhelev, Georgian politician David Bakradze, Scottish curling player David Murdoch, Spanish football player David Villa, Czech chess player David Navara, Polish football player David Jan .

David - interesting facts about the name

- The zodiac named David - Libra;
- patron planet - Mercury;
- color mascot - purple;
- totem animal - tour;
- totem plant - poppy;
- stone mascot - amethyst, tourmaline.


David Sergeevich 12/10/2016
I read the meaning of my name for the first time in 34 years and I am simply amazed at how much this is all reality! The first marriage was really unsuccessful The second marriage I have a very successful already 7 years in this marriage! Question: where did such knowledge come from, information about this name, such a kogbuto obsession with me was watched all my life !!

Vika 04/15/2016
I associate this name with composer David Tukhmanov. This is a gifted and talented person. David sounds noble, I like it.

Svetlana 04/15/2016
The character traits that the author of the article drew attention to are quite masculine and courageous. The name sounds extraordinary and does not fit all patronymic names.

Lucca 04/15/2016
Still, David is clearly a Jewish name. Of course, that's what boys are called, and this name has every right to exist.

Olyushka 04/15/2016
I like the name David, it has a certain charm and European style. Although David is known to me only as a biblical character.
