What is the dream of a crow: old, aggressive, dead? The main interpretations of different dream books - what is the dream of a crow


In a dream you can see a variety of events that can both please you and plunge you into shock.

What is the dream of a crow? How to interpret such a dream?

What the crow dreams about - the main interpretation

If in a dream you see ravens circling above your head - you should be wary of gossip and gossip. For a full interpretation of sleep, you need to pay attention to all its details, even the most insignificant:

• Where exactly did you see the raven;

• How they behaved;

• Did they attack you;

• What emotions did you experience;

• Who else appeared in your dream.

If the crow appeared unexpectedly in your dream, try not to panic. Remember if she flew into your house through an open window, or did you see her suddenly appearing in your house? Why is it important? The interpretation of sleep depends on this.

If the crow suddenly flew into the open window - unexpected unpleasant news await you. You will even be scared by them. You can worry about the little things and then it turns out that your experiences will be in vain. Try to analyze all the details of sleep.

If a crow suddenly flew out the window and began to circle around you, then you will become the center of other people's negative words and actions. If she began to look for a way, an opportunity to leave the room, you will soon begin to look for a way out of the difficult situation that you got into because of other people's dishonest acts.

Someone will set you up, and you will look for an opportunity to clear your reputation. The dream in which you see that a crow flew into your house and sat on the windowsill - promises you travel and moving up the career ladder. The dream in which the crow sat down on your bed portends difficulties in his personal life in communicating with his partner. Try to restrain emotions and avoid excessive conflict.

If you dream that a crow is banging its beak on a closed window - then you will also be knocking on closed doors, trying to solve your problems. You should not just panic and make hasty decisions. It is important here and now to solve the problem yourself and not rely on the fact that someone will help you in solving your problems. Try to mentally thank everyone who will respond to your requests and your needs.

If you dream that you take a crow in your hand - this will mean that you will make friends with a person who has long been unpleasant to you, from whom you have long been waiting for a negative or dirty trick. Now you will have a chance to deal with him and even make friends.

If in a dream you hear a crow talking to you, you will receive sensible and valuable advice from a person whom you yourself are well treated. This advice will allow you to build life and build smooth and positive relationships with others. If you dream that the crow sits on your hand itself - you will receive a nice gift, get what you have been dreaming about for so long. It is important to fully determine your needs and your desires. So that they are finally realized.

If in a dream you see a flock of ravens that circle around your house - this is a very negative dream, which can mean impending troubles with your loved ones. They can get sick physically, you can expect a quarrel with them. The main thing is now to put in the first place the needs and desires of your loved ones, try to help them in everything and not to refuse anything.

If you have not communicated with any of your relatives for a long time, then it is time to establish a relationship with him. Try not to allow a long break in communication. This is not to your advantage.

If in a dream you see a flock of crows that fly along the street in different directions - you will in reality observe the bustle of people and their uncertainty. Try to decide for yourself what you want from life and how you will achieve it. A dream in which flying crows begin to beat at your windows and doors - suggests that you will soon have the worst enemies.

Someone from those people whom you trusted a lot will become your enemy. Now is the time to figure out your priorities and not let close enough those who were not your friend before. Otherwise, you will face anti-advertising and huge problems in life. Those people whom you recently trusted will not live up to your trust and will not live up to your expectations. They will simply betray you and will not allow you to develop worthily.

A dream in which crows begin to beat out of your windows and break to death indicates that you will become seriously ill and will leave the disease for quite some time. You will be in a state of decline in strength and emotions for a long time. This will negatively affect your personal life and your well-being.

If you dream of crows that fly far away - you can get new opportunities and new development options from life. You can quickly resolve old cases and get answers to questions that have accumulated.

If you see how the crows fly away from you into the distance and this causes frustration and disappointment in you, it means that you take some life situations too close to your heart and are not ready to say goodbye to them. This may be a conversation with someone, maybe some kind of meeting or past relationship that you should have let go a long time ago, but you stopped at them and stopped moving forward.

Try to adjust your position in life, learn to let go of the past and do not let it control your present. If dreams about crows will be repeated - try to minimize communication with those people who have already troubled you more than once.

Why do crows dream about Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book it is said that the crow is dreaming as a symbol of future positive changes in your personal life, but you must be prepared for them. If a crow pecks at you and constantly wants to hit your eyes with a beak, then the gossipers are trying to harm you and your reputation. Now you need to defend your honest name and not allow someone else to prevent you from establishing personal life.

The dream in which you see a crow falling down from heaven and abruptly rising to heaven indicates that in your personal life both ups and downs are possible. But do not worry if you suddenly start having troubles in your personal life - they will soon end, and you will become happy and contented.

If in a dream you see a crow carrying food to the nest - this is a sure symbol of positive changes in your life, a sure symbol that you will soon be able to live in a new family with your loved ones. Also, such a dream may indicate caring for someone who needs it.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a crow trying to peck at her, she should be very careful about communication and relationships. Perhaps someone will claim your personal space and your life. Gossip can be found around you.

What is the dream of a crow in the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that the crow is dreaming as a symbol of wisdom and devotion. You may have a friend who will become your advisor in important matters. This friend can help you even move up the career ladder.

If in a dream you see a black sheep - then a sure symbol of cardinal changes. After such a dream, you can often feel at ease. You may feel different than before. But this should not confuse or upset you. Any changes should be perceived in a positive way. Otherwise, why let change into your life?

Why do crows dream of other dream books

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that the crow is dreaming as a symbol of future positive changes and obtaining important information. Someone from your old friends who were close to you before may come to your aid. Now you need to think about whether you are ready to bring into life something new, completely extraordinary.

In Aesop's dream book it is said that a dead crow in a dream can mean both your victory over the enemy and your victory over yourself. Now is the time when you must prioritize and not allow anyone to influence your life.

What is the dream of a crow feeding its chicks? Such a dream means that you will take care of someone. You will help someone and it will not be a burden for you, but even a joy. Try now to throw all your strength into helping the person who needs you. Then your life will be miraculously adjusted. You yourself will not expect this. You can’t even hope for it, but it will turn out that way.


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