How to get rid of papillomas forever at home


Do you know what papillomas are and how to get rid of them? Papilloma is a virus that is not dangerous for a long time, but if left untreated, it can lead to cancer.

Papillomas can appear in every person. Moreover, their number depends on age, that is, the older a person is, the more there are. To understand how to get rid of papillomas on the body, you first need to find out why they, in general, arise.

Papilloma (hanging mole) - This is a small benign tumor that develops from skin cells. They look like a drop with an irregular shape. Photos can be found on the Internet. Hanging moles can appear on the face, groin, penis, head, anus, lips, mouth and even on the tongue. The virus can also affect the child. In addition, Professor Neumyvakin claims that these viruses occur in animals, for example, dogs, which requires their immediate treatment. Otherwise, it can greatly harm your pet.

What is papilloma and how to get rid of them

Such an unpleasant tumor causes papillomavirus. It affects not only men, but also women, and manifests itself only after a couple of months. The virus affects mainly people with weak immunity, as well as those who are sexually promiscuous and have bad habits. It is especially unpleasant if flat papillomas appear in the visible surrounding area. Today, age-related educations are less common, more often they appear in young people, and this may be associated with medication, flu, and stomach problems. In addition, such an unpleasant infection can be picked up when visiting the pool, beach and other places where people are not protected by clothing. How these parasites look can be seen in the photo.

Besides the fact that the formations cause inconvenience and make one wonder how to get rid of papillomas in the neck, in the armpits or breasts, they can lead to the development of a cancerous tumor. Sometimes they lead to bleeding, and when located in the mucous throat - impaired voice and breathing.
The main sign of infection is a small growth in the form of a droplet on the skin.

Where do papillomas come from

To date, there are several reasons for the appearance of papillomas:
- Contact with an infected person. To transmit the disease, it is enough to touch the open area to the patient's skin. For any small damage, the disease can penetrate.
- Unprotected sex. The most common cause of infection. Often so transmitted viruses that provoke the appearance of genital warts that appear on the body and organs.
- Transfer from mother to child. In this case, the virus is transmitted during childbirth, and with one hundred percent probability. This refers to papillomas appearing in intimate places. Therefore, timely removal of genital papillomas is very important.

How can I get rid of the papillomavirus forever at home - medicine

Elena Malysheva tells about the methods of struggle, the video can be found on the Internet.
As already known, papillomas can appear on any place - the intestines, feet, armpits, abdomen and skin.

If you do not want the appearance of scars on the skin due to hardware exposure, then you can remove the virus yourself and with the simplest methods. Before talking about traditional medicine, you should learn how to get rid of papilloma medication.

1. Aladar cream - stimulates the production of interferon by the body, making the disease go much faster. The exception is the child age.

2. Oxolinic ointment. It copes with papillomas completely due to antiviral and antiherpetic effects. This is indicated by many positive reviews.

3. Chinese ointment is becoming increasingly popular. "San Fen Zhong". This remedy has a double effect, kills germs and selects neoplasms.

4. Ointment Stefalin made from vegetable raw materials. Herbs are harvested in the Carpathians and used to make ointment bases. Due to the strong permeability, the components penetrate directly into the papilloma root.

5. Panavir gel - herbal remedy that contains active biocomponents.
They stimulate the production of interferon and enhance the antiviral effect of the drug. Due to the deep penetration of the gel effectively fights against parasites, and also prevents their secondary appearance.

6. Isoprinosine - great help from papillomas. Available in pill form. It is an immunostimulator that helps to cope with a virus that is difficult to cure.

7. Cryopharma. Freezing medicine for papillomas. This low-temperature nitrogen instantly freezes warts. It is necessary to freeze the largest formations twice with a break of two weeks.

Getting rid of hanging moles quickly folk remedies

There are simple recipes for getting rid of human papillomavirus infection. They are effective even during pregnancy, and it is also completely safe. So, get rid of moles by folk methods.

You can put cotton wool on the papilloma and stick it with a plaster. This is convenient if the growth is located on the hands or finger. Apply such a bandage on it should be about three weeks. Change cotton necessarily after swimming. Gradually, the formation dries and falls off. This is not the only way, there are plenty of others. Here are some of them.

Effective at the beginning of the disease. Take the egg, break it and put the contents. Residues from the shell lubricate the papilloma.

To remove papillomas, chop fresh celandine, squeeze the juice, evaporate it to a thickener and lubricate the papillomas daily until cure. A diseased area of ​​skin should be smeared 3-4 times with an interval of several minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. With this therapy, you can get excellent results in a short time.

In the fight against papillomas perfectly helps the juice of potatoes. This folk remedy inhibits the development of various kinds of infections and treats them. It is used for cancer, stomach ulcers, adenoma, liver disease and even diabetes.

It is better to use red potatoes: thoroughly wash it with a brush and cut out the eyes. After that, rub it on a fine grater and squeeze the resulting gruel through gauze. Drink twice a day for half a glass half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is two months.

Bring papillomas can be soap. To do this, rub it a few days, and when the skin turns red, stop the procedure. After that, after a while the hanging mole will dry out and fall off.

Honey and celandine
Honey can be anointed sore spot, and wash in the morning. Fresh leaves of celandine squeeze, dilute with saliva and rub for two days in papillomas. After processing, seal them with a plaster. The treatment should last two days.

In addition to the above methods, the formation can be eliminated with the help of a thread. Papillomas need to be tied up with a thread and walk with it for several days.
Finally, I would like to say that papillomas can be treated with iodine, using castor oil, garlic and other means. By the way, the treatment can even be carried out by a conspiracy. The main thing to prevent the disease - to lead a healthy lifestyle (zozh).


Watch the video: HPV & Genital Warts Alynn Alexander, MD (June 2024).