What diseases provoke a spasm in the intestine, is it necessary to go to the doctor? How to get rid of bowel spasm in a short time


Translated from the Greek language, the word spasm means - cramp, constriction.

Muscle tissue is stretched with a delay, so the relaxation phase does not occur on time.

A bowel spasm develops in the small intestine, and then begins to spread throughout the gastric tract.

Gradually, intestinal colic becomes generalized.

Intestinal spasm - causes

Doctors have known about the existence of the disease for a rather long time, but it is still not possible to formulate the main causes of its occurrence. After all, a spasm can occur even after eating poor-quality food. Most researchers are inclined to believe that a violation in the mental and physiological state can cause spasm. But still, the main causes of the appearance of spasm in the intestine were deduced:

1. Brain. It controls how the intestines work. If the signal from one organ to another does not arrive on time, then a failure occurs. As a result, a person feels a headache.

2. Organ motility disorder. Their fast work provokes the appearance of diarrhea, and inhibited, on the contrary, to constipation. As a result, the muscles contract strongly, causing pain.

3. Hypersensitivity. People with reduced sensitivity are more likely to suffer from gas formation.

4. Psychological disorders. Regardless of the type of disorder, the intestines begin to suffer, and the person feels discomfort and pain.

5. Bacterial gastroenteritis. Fortunately, not many suffer from this, but those who still have the disease suffer from frequent pain. This is due to the fact that the intestines are not working properly.

6. Dysbacteriosis. Bacteria are rapidly developing in the small intestine, and this provokes flatulence, cramping, diarrhea. Heredity plays a big role. Nutrition is also of great importance. The amount of food eaten, and its quality, is directly related to the work of the stomach and intestines.

7. Bad habits abusedrinking frequent sodas.

8. Duodenitis. The problem begins to affect the duodenum. This affects the body and the person feels pain.

9. Appendicitis. In many people, a sharp attack of acute appendicitis is accompanied by the occurrence of spasm.

Spasm may develop after surgery. It occurs due to the formation of adhesions. Therefore, if the patient recently underwent surgery, he will begin to suffer severe pain in the intestines. They are somewhat reminiscent of contractions. After playing sports, the pain will become more intense.

Adhesions are able to completely block the work of the body. The problem that has arisen cannot be resolved by itself, therefore, after a certain time, another operation is performed. Only after this, the patient will be able to live a full life, without feeling pain and cramping.

If the patient constantly feels severe pain, then this may indicate the presence of a tumor. Therefore, you need to immediately contact specialists for examination.

Intestinal spasm - diagnosis of possible diseases

Bowel spasm may indicate the presence of serious diseases in the body. These include:

• cholelithiasis;

• kidney disease;

• dysphagia;

• viral infections;

• helminthiasis.

In order to understand how they affect the development of spasm in the intestine, you need to know more about diseases.


The disease is characterized by the formation of gallstones. As a result, there is a violation of the liver and gall bladder. The size and number of stones is always different - more often it is a lot of small stones. The clinical picture of this disease is diverse and it is unlikely to describe it briefly. It manifests itself in biliary colic, as well as severe spasms in the intestine.

Treatment is prescribed after a full examination.

Kidney disease

The kidneys are one of all the important organs in the body. Violation or change in their functions affects the whole body.

An important but not the only symptom that they are sick is severe pain in the kidneys. At this moment, a person cannot take a comfortable position. The pain can reach a very strong character. After some time, it can spread to many organs, the intestines is no exception. Sometimes a patient cannot distinguish a spasm in the intestine from a pain in the kidneys. Therefore, it seems to him that it hurts not at all where the lesion is located.


This term describes the difficulties encountered when swallowing. Dysphagia develops in childhood. Treatment of pathology is not required, only some patients undergo reconstructive surgery.

Transient dysphagia with the use of only solid food is characteristic of mucous stenosis. If for a long time the patient suffers from heartburn, and then it abruptly stops, then there is a spasm in the intestine. It is still worth taking measures to eliminate this condition. Since a person suffers from a constant sensation of discomfort, not only in the larynx, but also in the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Viral infections

Initially, the virus enters only the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. But its penetration into the blood is inevitable, which means that soon it will be in the whole body. Many negative phenomena in the body are somehow related to viruses. One of them is a spasm in the intestine.


Parasitic worms in the intestine, gradually irritate all nerve endings on its walls. Balls of roundworm can completely overlap the intestinal lumen, thereby forming obstruction. Other types of parasites provoke the development of spasm in the intestine.

Intestinal cramps - treatment

The necessary treatment can be selected only after the reason for the development of such a condition is clarified. If it is constipation, then you can limit yourself to laxatives. The presence of serious infections in the body, requires the mandatory intake of antibiotics. The presence of stones is removed surgically.

Strongly expressed spasms are relieved by antispasmodics. Medicines will help reduce cramps. One such drug is mebeverin. But in no case should you take this medication yourself, without a doctor’s prescription. After taking it, many patients may feel unwell and have abdominal discomfort.

Phytopharmaceutical medicines are actively used to treat intestinal spasms. They are based on medicinal plants and herbs. But these are only auxiliary elements for a more serious treatment. Surgery for bowel spasm is rare.

Intestinal Spasm Tablets

To eliminate spasm, a special group of medicines has been developed:

Antispasmodics. Drugs in this group eliminate cramping and relieve pain. Quite often, experts prescribe Niaspam, Sparex. Each of these drugs greatly reduces the development of spasm. Usually all of these medicines are based on medicinal herbs.

Laxatives. Often used Metamucil and Citrucel. Almost everyone who suffers from spasms in the intestines is shown these drugs.

Antidepressants. They are prescribed only if the patient is in a state of nervous tension for a long time. After all, it is this factor that can provoke the appearance of colic.

Surgical treatment

It is difficult to answer unambiguously about the possibility of resolving problems surgically. After all, treatment depends on what caused the spasm. For example, the spasm was caused by bloating, in this situation, of course, it would be inappropriate to turn to surgeons. A similar situation occurs with an improper lifestyle, poisoning.

If a spasm in the intestine occurs against a background of hepatitis, then it is quite enough to take medications.

Intervention is performed if the spasm passes against the background of acute appendicitis. But before it is carried out, the patient undergoes tests in order to be sure of the exact presence of the problem.

Alternative treatment

Folk remedies to eliminate this problem can be used only after the approval of a doctor. In such a situation, resort to plant herbs. Propolis always gives a good result. You can use it on an empty stomach, as if it was chewing gum.

Birch mushroom has excellent properties. Before preparing the tincture, it must be insisted in water, not more than 4 hours. Then the liquid from the fungus is poured into 4 different circles, in equal proportions. For two days, the mushroom will be infused. Then it is passed through a sieve, and consumed 100 ml 6 times a day. It is advisable to take tincture half an hour before meals.

Herbal treatment

Eliminate a spasm in the intestines using herbs. But you need to understand that many plants contain poison, which can adversely affect the body. That is why, if such treatment is used, then the recipes should be checked in practice:

1. It relieves bowel spasm chamomile decoctionOr rather its inflorescences. To prepare the broth, you need to take six tablespoons of chamomile, 2 tbsp. l mint, fennel and valerian. The ingredients are mixed, placed in a pan, poured with water, and then brought to a boil. Tincture is taken every day, no more than three times. At one time you need to drink 100 ml.

2. Celandine - The plant has unique healing properties. It must be taken along with the collection of other medicinal herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow. Each ingredient should be taken in the amount of 1 tbsp. spoons. All this is filled with water and boiled. After eating, take a decoction, no more than 3 times a day.


Preventive measures for cramping are simple. It is enough that the diet will be reviewed. It is advisable to eat less fatty foods, sweets. This is especially true in the evening. Indeed, at night, the stomach must rest, therefore, it cannot digest the food that entered it at night. In this regard, a strong heaviness is felt in the body.

If your gastrointestinal tract is greatly weakened, then you need to refuse to take raw vegetables and fruits in large quantities. Salt should also be in limited quantities.

It is not recommended to neglect physical labor, but it is also not worthwhile to engage in it often and persistently. Staying in the fresh air does not hurt.

In most cases, treatment is favorable. But of course, a lot will depend on what stage the disease was at, as well as on whether the necessary actions were taken in time.

It is worth noting that the problem caused by the intake of alcohol or poor-quality food is resolved quickly.

It is important to monitor the condition of your body, listen to it. Indeed, in almost every disease, it signals that something is wrong in the body. And the main thing is, of course, visiting a doctor. This should be done at least once every six months.


Watch the video: Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS. Nucleus Health (July 2024).