Why people get fat in winter - four main reasons


Every year, with the advent of cold weather, many people notice that they are slowly starting to gain weight. Someone goes to the gym or pool and is engaged to exhaustion, trying to get rid of unsolicited kilograms. And he does it right, because over the summer excess weight may still not go away, which is hoped by those who are too lazy to do anything. It builds up over the years and eventually leads to obesity. Many probably wondered why it is overweight that occurs in the winter. The American Health Committee has identified four reasons.

Reason 1. Low motor activity. In cold and wind, the desire for walks, and even more so long, does not arise. People prefer to use transport than walk. What can we say about fitness centers.

Reason 2. Inadequate intake of fresh food. Only a few vegetables and fruits (cabbage, apples, carrots and roots) are preserved until the summer. But these days in winter you can eat vegetables, fruits and berries in frozen form. While just a few years ago we consumed vegetables and fruits in the form of canned foods with a high content of salt, sugar, vinegar and oil.

Reason 3. Clothing. It’s quite difficult even to see for yourself what your body looks like when you are wearing several layers of clothing every day. And this contributes to weight gain. But there is a solution: to acquire scales and keep the weight under control, and also to try on summer outfits from time to time, which, as they were fit, should remain.

Reason 4. Longing and depression. In winter, starting in the fall, many experience seasonal depression and longing, which in some people turn into depression.


Watch the video: 4 Reasons Its Harder to Lose Weight in Winterand What You Need to Do Differently (June 2024).