Facial dandelion: how does a spring flower help maintain beauty? The use of dandelion for the face: tonics, lotions, masks


The yellow-headed dandelion looks unpretentious, but a large healing potential is hidden behind the modest appearance. In the juice of the plant there are many active biological substances, thanks to which the spring flower can be called a flower of beauty.

Face dandelion can be turned into lotions, tonics, masks and used with any skin type, at any age.

Useful properties of dandelion for the face

The juice of the leaves and flowers of dandelion contains very useful and sometimes unique substances:

retinol (Vit. A) moisturizes, cleanses the upper layer of the skin, eliminates acne and acne, stimulates the production of collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin, relieves inflammation, protects against ultraviolet radiation;

riboflavin (Vit. B2) provides renewal and oxygen nutrition of cells, which means it improves complexion, helps the skin get rid of post-acne, prevents acne;

ascorbic acid (vit. C) improves skin elasticity, stimulates collagen production, protects against aging, prevents acne;

nicotinic acid (vit. PP) maintains natural skin hydration, smooth healthy color;

tocopherol (Vit. E) prevents sagging, sagging skin, makes it moisturized, fights acne and blackheads, prevents hyperpigmentation.

In addition, the juice contains saponins, organic acids, stearins and other very useful substances. Thanks to this powerful complex, a dandelion for the face helps whiten the skin, nourish and moisturize it, smooth out fine wrinkles, restore elasticity, tone, relieve inflammation, and quickly get rid of red spots from acne and blackheads.

Dandelion broth for face

The easiest and fastest way to use the plant is to prepare a decoction from it. Spring dandelions are most suitable for the face, since the concentration of vitamins in young leaves and flowers is the highest. You can collect raw materials yourself or buy dried dandelion heads in a pharmacy.

Gathering flowers with your own hands, choose territories remote from roads and industrial enterprises. Before use, rinse quickly with cold water, place on a paper towel and dry.

Decoction of flowers

Two tablespoons of fresh or dried dandelion flowers brew with two glasses of boiling water, hold over boiling water for about five minutes. Remove from the water bath, close the lid and wait for cooling. Strain the broth, pour into a glass container and keep in the refrigerator. Such a decoction perfectly moisturizes, tones, refreshes.

Decoction of leaves

10 grams of fresh or dried young dandelion leaves pour 300 ml of cold water, put on medium heat, after boiling simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool, strain and use to relieve puffiness, cleansing, softening.

Decoctions of chamomile - a liquid base for the preparation of masks: anti-aging, tonic, anti-inflammatory. In addition, the broth can be frozen in its pure form or by adding essential oils to it.

Chamomile ice

It is very useful to wipe your face in the morning with frozen ice. Incredibly tones up, tightens the oval, stimulates the production of its own collagen, reduces the formation of skin creases, and smooths fine wrinkles over time.

Grind dandelion leaves in a meat grinder, squeeze juice through cheesecloth. 10 ml of the prepared juice mixed with 50 ml of pure drinking or mineral (without gas) water, add 5 drops of hazelnut oil. Freeze the resulting liquid in ice tins. To wipe the face cleared of cosmetics in the morning and in the evening.

Dandelion infusion for face

Natural lotions with a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect can be prepared on the basis of alcoholic chamomile tincture. The tool is used to combat acne and acne, improve complexion, narrow pores, strengthen blood vessels.

Put so many dandelion flowers in a glass jar so that the dishes are two-thirds full. Pour with alcohol or vodka, insist in a dark cabinet for 10-14 days. Shake the container every 3-4 days. Then strain, drain the infusion into a bottle and use as a basis for the preparation of lotions.

To do this, take one part of alcoholic infusion three parts of water. Shuffle and wipe the problem areas of the face after cleansing the skin of cosmetics and dust.

There is another option for preparing lotion. Mix 50 ml of tincture with a glass of rosehip broth, add 5 ml of grape seed oil. Keep the product in the refrigerator for no longer than one week. The product softens and soothes the skin, accelerates the regeneration and renewal processes.

Dandelion face masks

To prepare the masks, a decoction or dandelion juice is used. They are mixed with the pulp of plants, starch, clay, honey, etc. You can’t store the mask from dandelions for the face, since the components oxidize under the influence of air for an hour and stop working. The rules for applying masks are simple: cleanse the skin, spread the mask over your face, rinse with water in half an hour, wipe your face with lotion or tonic, depending on the type of skin.

Types of masks:

• for dry skin;

• for normal and combination skin;

• for oily skin;

• anti-inflammatory;

• whitening;

• for aging skin.

Dandelion due to antioxidant substances in its composition has anti-aging properties. Masks based on it are actually effective.

Masks for dry skin

There are several compositions for the preparation of such a tool. All of them moisturize dry skin, nourish it with nutrients, eliminate peeling areas, and restore a healthy pink color to the face.

1. Pure large dandelion leaves (7-8 pieces) puree with a meat grinder or a blender, mix the gruel with raw yolk and 5 ml of macadamia oil.

2. Prepare gruel from fresh dandelion leaves by grinding in a mortar. Add liquid or honey melted in a water bath. The amount of dandelion gruel and honey should be the same. The composition is very good not only for dry, but also for aging skin.

3. Rub a tablespoon of dried dandelion leaves into powder, pour a tablespoon of warm milk and let stand for five minutes. Then add raw yolk and apply on face.

4. If the skin is irritated, you can help it with a mask of fresh dandelion pulp. Pound a handful of flowers in a mortar to form a slurry. Pour in some mineral water. Apply mass on face.

For dry skin, you can prepare dandelion oil and apply it to your face in the form of a mask. Take 100 grams of fresh flowers, rub into gruel, fill with vegetable oil to completely hide the raw materials. Keep two weeks in a dark cupboard, strain. Apply an oil mask in the evening.

Masks for normal and combination skin

Healthy skin also needs periodic moisturizing and toning. Therefore, with normal and combination skin, be sure to use a mask from a dandelion for the face in order to maintain youthfulness for a long time, relieve fatigue, and stimulate cell renewal.

1. Buy in a pharmacy a solution of vitamin A (retinol) or E (tocopherol). Puree a ripe banana, add 40 ml of a decoction of dandelion and an ampoule (or 7-8 drops) of the solution.

2. Pound three leaves, combine with two tablespoons of fresh cottage cheese.

3. Prepare a mixture of mashed healing plants: coltsfoot, chamomile, sage, dandelion, currant, raspberry or strawberry leaf. Pour two tablespoons of water into a tablespoon of this mass, warm in a water bath for about five minutes. Mix cooled gruel with raw yolk and use.

4. Grind the leaves of dandelion and mint, mix a tablespoon of juicy mass with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of melted honey.

Mask for oily skin

The objective of these dandelion face masks is to narrow the pores and prevent inflammation.

1. Buy in a pharmacy badiaga and eucalyptus essential oil. Mix 30 ml of decoction (any) of dandelions with 10 grams of powder, add 3-4 drops of eucalyptus ether. Apply to problem areas of the T-zone.

2. Prepare the slurry from an equal amount of fresh leaves of dandelion, sorrel and plantain. Pour a tablespoon of boiling water. After cooling, add raw protein. The mask is good for dealing with black dots.

3. Grind the hop cones or grind in a mortar. Grind a tablespoon of oatmeal. Combine a teaspoon of powder from cones and Hercules flour with a tablespoon of crushed dried dandelion leaves. Brew the mixture with a tablespoon of boiling water, let stand.

Anti-inflammatory mask

Any mask based on dandelion has an antibacterial, disinfecting effect. But to strengthen it, prepare a special mask for acne. It will help to cope with rashes and prevent the appearance of new inflammatory areas.

Combine 20 drops of tincture of dandelion in alcohol or 30 drops of tincture of vodka with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of pea or rice flour. Dilute the mass with hot water so that the consistency of the mask is obtained. It is better to apply pointwise on problem areas of the face. After the second procedure, the skin will calm down, the pustules will dry out, and the condition of the face will improve.

Whitening mask

Freckles and age spots will become paler and gradually disappear if you use such a mask.

Puree the fresh leaves of dandelion, squeeze the juice. Mix 10 ml of juice with a teaspoon of cosmetic clay and add 15 drops of oil squeezed from green coffee beans. It can be added to the mass of silent water to bring to the desired consistency. Apply dotted onto age spots. They will become invisible to the 7-8 procedure.

Masks for aging skin

Anti-aging masks include, as a rule, very strong chemicals. However, dandelion has no less power in the care of aging skin.

Combine the pulp of mashed ripe avocado with 5 ml of juice from dandelion leaves, add 5 grams of starch.

Mix 40 grams of kelp seaweed powder with 40 ml of dandelion broth, add 5 grams of melted coconut oil.

Use the natural power of dandelion. All parts of this plant are suitable for facial skin care.


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