How to care for your face after 30?


With age, facial skin loses its healthy appearance and begins to fade. This happens when a woman reaches the age of thirty. In order to prevent this, one should take special care of the skin, timely moisturizing it and nourishing it with useful elements (fortified cream, milk, masks).

Skin condition after 30 years

The skin of a woman after 30 years is undergoing hormonal changes. During this period, collagen production decreases, which contributes to:

  • The appearance of the first facial wrinkles on the face;
  • Reduced skin elasticity;
  • Reduce its elasticity;
  • Loss of freshness and radiance of the complexion;
  • The appearance of edema and swelling, especially after a night's sleep;
  • The aggravation of the nasolabial fold.

When a woman reaches the age of thirty, her skin is already considered mature. The body metabolism is disturbed and the process of cell renewal is reduced. Of course, nothing can be done about genetics, but if you follow simple guidelines for skin care of your face, you can smooth out the above symptoms of wilting.

Rules of skin care after 30 years

In order to preserve the natural radiance and elasticity of the skin, a woman after 30 years must follow a few rules. The recommendations for the care of the face include:

  • Morning face massage;
  • Washing twice a day with filtered water at room temperature;
  • Compliance with the rules wipe face. Do not stretch the skin. The best way to remove the drops is to blot them with a towel;
  • Toning facial muscles;
  • Moisturizing with a special cream (with vitamins and minerals);
  • Proper makeup removal using a special milk or tonic for women after 30 years;
  • Daily cleansing of the face with a scrub to improve the effect of moisturizers;
  • Applying moisturizing and toning masks.

Let us consider in more detail how to care for the skin of the face and moisturize it to preserve the natural youth after 30 years.

Cleansing and toning

Emollient Facial Wash Emulsion

The stage of cleansing and toning the skin after 30 years is one of the most important. Do not forget that after reaching the age of thirty, the skin is prone to dryness and it is not recommended to wash your face with simple soap. It dries the epidermis even more.

For the morning ritual of washing, filtered water at room temperature is used. If the skin is problematic, then a special cosmetic skin is used. If the skin of the face is dry, then emulsions and special cream are used for washing.

Cosmetic cream for washing

Ice cubes or cosmetic tonics are used to tone the facial muscles. If a woman has a limited budget, then you can tone up your face with the help of infusions from the following herbs:

  • Chamomile;
  • Sage;
  • Parsley;
  • Calendula.

If a thirty-year-old woman has dry skin, then tonics that include the above herbs and vitamins of groups A, B and C are suitable for toning the muscles of the face. Alcohol-based cosmetic tonics can be used for oily and combined epidermal cover.

For dry skin, use alcohol-free tonics to keep it moist.

Alcohol free dry skin tonic

Nutrition and hydration

LOreal Moisturizer

After the stage of cleansing and toning the skin of the face it is necessary to moisten. To do this, a woman after 30 years should choose a suitable composition of the cream. It is recommended to select cosmetics with protection from UV rays.

After a milestone of 30 years, the epidermis is exposed to external factors, such as ultraviolet rays. To prevent the appearance of age spots, special means with UV protection are used.

To nourish the skin of the face, the composition of cosmetics should include such useful substances as:

  • Vitamins of group A, C, E;
  • Hyaluronic acid.

Also in the composition of moisturizing face cream after 30 years should be substances that contribute to the synthesis of elastin and collagen. For example, parsley helps to moisturize and nourish the skin.

Day and night care

Care for the skin of the face after 30 years is necessary both in the daytime and at night. There are several rules for the care of the skin in the evening:

  • Never go to bed without first removing makeup. If the makeup on the face stays overnight, it can provoke acne and acne, clog pores and provoke the acceleration of the aging process;
  • Do not confuse night cream and day. Their active substances are not similar to each other and have a different cosmetic effect. For example, day cream moisturizes and nourishes the skin, while night cream smoothes wrinkles;
  • Night cream is applied on the face at least one hour before bedtime;
  • Do not put on the face too much cosmetic. This can trigger the onset of edema in the morning;
  • A woman should sleep in a comfortable environment. A soft pillow and moistened air will help the skin of the face to preserve youth and healthy look.

Day skin care after 30 years should consist of a few simple tips:

  • Morning exercise invigorates and tones the epidermis;
  • One glass of water maintains the water balance in the skin of a woman. The lack of moisture deficiency in the body gives the face a healthy and radiant appearance;
  • Cleans and tones the face. Just to wash with running water will not be enough; a special cosmetic foam is used;
  • Moisturize the epidermis with day cream for the face.

If you follow the above rules, the skin of a woman’s face after 30 years will look healthy and well-groomed.

Proper make-up removal

Proper skin care after 30 includes timely removal of makeup. It is not enough to wash it off with plain running water. Use special cosmetics:

  • Emulsions;
  • Crema;
  • Lotions

After removing the makeup, the face is rubbed with a tonic and smeared with a moisturizer.

The main rule of removing makeup is to remove cosmetics, then wash our face.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

After 30 years, a woman should pay special attention to the skin around the eyes. She becomes thin, tender and sensitive. To prevent the appearance of edema, mimic wrinkles and bags under the eyes, follow these guidelines:

  • Clean the skin around the eyes with makeup milk;
  • Moisturize epidermal cover with creams. If a woman after 30 years has mimic wrinkles, then a nourishing cosmetic is suitable. If there is swelling, then a moisturizing cream with a light texture is used;
  • Use toning masks;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle and get enough sleep;
  • Use salon procedures and visit the beautician.

do not use soap when removing makeup around the eyes. It dries the skin and can cause allergic rashes.

Recommendations for the care of different skin types

Each type of epidermis is aging in its own way and therefore requires an individual approach. In women, a skin type develops with age. He might be:

  • Normal;
  • Dry;
  • Fat;
  • Combined.

The skin of a woman after 30 may differ as well. It is sensitive, irritated, dehydrated, etc. Consider the rules of care for different skin types.

Dry skin care

The main skin type that gives in to the aging process is dry. The reason - a violation of the circulation of trace elements in the deeper layers of the skin. The main signs of aging dry type of epidermis:

  • Earthy (dull) complexion;
  • The corners of the eyes and lips look down;
  • Decreased muscle tone;
  • Face volumes decrease.

To avoid the above symptoms of dry skin, in the first place, a woman should provide herself with proper rest. Secondly, when choosing cosmetics, preference should be given to products that include:

  • Vitamin C;
  • AHA acids;
  • Antioxidants.

In the care of dry skin a woman after 30 years should not forget about the following procedures:

  • Manual facial massage of the classic type;
  • Miolifting;
  • Chemical peeling;
  • Vacuum lymphatic drainage.

Chemical peeling for owners of dry skin after 30 years is recommended to do once a year. The procedure improves the condition of the skin and contributes to the production of collagen.

Oily skin care

The problem of oily skin affects women over 30 years old. The reason for this disease is a decrease in turgor of the skin. The main sign of aging is the omission of the cheeks and the appearance of bags under the eyes. Other symptoms include:

  • Puffiness of face;
  • Cuperosis (spider vein);
  • Facial features become blurred;
  • Cheeks hanging down.

The basic rule for the care of oily skin - prevention. To smooth out age-related changes of the face, it is recommended to tighten its muscles with the help of:

  • Modeling masks;
  • Sculptural massage;
  • Myostimulation.

Care for oily skin at home should include the application of paraffin masks and anticoperose serums (means restoring the epidermis cells) and creams. The use of care products (cream, mask, toner) will improve microcirculation in the epidermis.

Combination Skin Care

The combined skin type of the face is considered to be one of the most difficult types for a thirty-year-old woman. The first sign of aging is the appearance of wrinkles and swelling. Other symptoms include:

  • Reduced elasticity;
  • Facial features lose clarity;
  • The cheeks begin to droop;
  • Descent of the brow ridges.

With the combined type, the skin ages gradually, and therefore problems are solved individually. The first thing that a woman pays attention to is wrinkles. Injecting techniques will help to get rid of them. Massage and lymphatic drainage procedures are used to restore facial elasticity.

Normal skin care

The normal skin type of a woman after 30 years does not stretch and retains its shape. The main disadvantage is the appearance first of fine and then deep wrinkles. Signs of aging of the normal type of epidermis are:

  • Feeling of tightness and dryness of the skin;
  • Dark spots;
  • The appearance of wrinkles in the lips;
  • Folds on the eyelids.

To prevent premature aging of the normal skin type of a woman’s face after 30 years of age, it is necessary to protect it. The first rule - applying moisturizer before going out. The second is the application of repair masks. The condition of the person improves with constant nutrition with its beneficial substances (vitamin complexes, hyaluronic acid).

Face masks after 30 years

After 30 years, women are recommended to put a mask on the face twice a week. Its components depend on the type of skin. Masks are:

  • Cleansing;
  • Tonic;
  • Restoring;
  • Anti-aging;
  • Moisturizers.

Cleansing masks are used by women with oily skin. They are prepared on the basis of clay. Tightening masks are used by women with a combined type of skin. It is not recommended to use them more often than 1 time in 2 weeks.

Observe the correct proportions when preparing masks to eliminate the appearance of allergic reactions to the components.

Face masks after 30 years should contain:

  • Vitamins of group A, E;
  • Essential oils;
  • Glycerin and other useful items.

Women over 30 years old are recommended to put a mask on their face in the afternoon, but not later than 1 hour before bedtime. Prepare one mixture for one application. The product is left on the face for 15 to 30 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Homemade masks help maintain skin firmness and elasticity. Regular use helps cleanse the pores and remove toxins. The components for the mask a woman selects based on individual characteristics.

Recipe for cleansing face mask:

  • Grind 5 grams of dried plantain and mix it with 10 grams of Moroccan and white clay;
  • The mixture is diluted with warm tea;
  • Apply the mask along the lines of the lymph flow and leave for 15 minutes.

The mask is washed off with warm water. The recommended course of application is 1 time per week. The mask with clay in the composition helps to improve the complexion and helps get rid of unwanted pigmentation.

Salon procedures

In addition to home skin care, a woman is recommended to visit a cosmetologist at least 2 times a year. The salon has professional procedures that help preserve youth.

Inform the specialist about the presence of allergic reactions to drugs, diseases and other contraindications.

Salon procedures that are performed by a woman after 30 years of age:

  • Mesotherapy - the introduction of vitamin cocktails in the epidermis by injection;
  • Deep peeling - procedure for removing the upper layer and part of the epidermis, which contributes to the process of rejuvenation;
  • Myostimulation procedure- effects on the skin of the pulse currents;
  • Lifting - procedure for tightening facial muscles using manual, vacuum and ultrasound massage;
  • Contouring with fillers - the introduction of hyaluronic acid, which gives elasticity.

Using the above salon procedures, the skin of a woman’s face will look younger and healthier.

Home skin care after 30 years

Facial skin care after 30 years at home should include a set of sequential actions. To make the face look beautiful and elastic follow the tips and recommendations:

  • Do not drink plenty of fluids before bedtime. The last intake of water should be 2 hours before bedtime, in order not to wake up with swelling in the morning;
  • Daily use day and night face cream;
  • Cosmetic product must contain protection from UV rays;
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables to make your face look healthy;
  • Care properly for the skin around the eyes. She is the most sensitive and is aging first;
  • Every day, tone up the epidermis of the face with special tonics for women after 30 years;
  • Give up bad habits, drinking and smoking;
  • Limit the number of cups of coffee you drink per day.

At home, it is recommended once a week to put a mask on your face. The tool is prepared depending on the type of skin. For example, if it is dry, then a moisturizing mask is applied. The composition of household mixes should include such components as collagen, elastin, vitamins of group B and other elements useful for the epidermis.


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