Ginger in sugar: the benefits and harms of an unusual treat. How to make Ginger with Lemon in Sugar: Ginger Candied Recipe


Could sweets be healthy? Can.

Fans of healthy cuisine have long mastered the recipe for unusually healthy and remarkably tasty ginger in sugar. Burning taste, fresh aroma and piquant bitterness on the tongue - nothing like this can be found in the list of ordinary shop delicacies.

Ginger Composition

The best part is that the gingerbread treat is not just a new taste, but also a great benefit. The ginger root contains many chemical elements (scientists counted more than 400), which have a beneficial effect on the body, strengthen immunity, and fight various ailments.

What is part of ginger:

• ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - give vitality, beauty, supports the body's immune forces;

• choline (vitamin B4) - regulates fat burning processes, calms, normalizes metabolic processes, supports the brain in an active state;

• other B vitamins - are responsible for the most important vital processes, indispensable for maintaining the beauty of skin and hair;

• nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) - promotes active cell growth, providing tissue oxygenation, prevents hypertension and thrombosis;

• magnesium - soothes nerves, protects bones from leaching of calcium, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses them;

• potassium - strengthens the heart, prevents and relieves swelling, protects the brain.

In addition, the burning taste and fresh aroma give the ginger root essential oils. The plant contains beneficial fatty acids, as well as various trace elements: phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium.

So the benefits and dangers of ginger in sugar can be said primarily in terms of its enormous and undoubted benefits. Can ordinary sweets like biscuit cookies, caramel or chocolates compare with a slice of a candied slice of ginger root? No, especially since candied ginger has numerous healing properties that must be used.

Healing properties of ginger in sugar

Traditional healers have long learned to use the amazing properties of ginger to treat various diseases. Ginger in sugar retains almost all of the beneficial properties of fresh root, primarily antibacterial and tonic. That is why it is often used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases, especially bronchopulmonary.

Sweet natural medicine is used to heal the following ailments:

• chronic bronchitis;

• asthma;

• catarrhal dry cough;

• SARS in the first, acute stage;

• heartburn, indigestion, nausea, including toxicosis in early pregnancy;

• decreased immunity during colds and flu;

• pain in joints and muscles;

• tendency to form cholesterol plaques;

• bleeding and inflammation of the gums.

For residents of large cities, especially megacities, gingerbread treat helps to remove heavy metals, toxins, toxins from the body, which means to prolong life and improve health.

The essential oils that ginger is rich in turn it into an aphrodisiac. Candied ginger increases libido in women and potency in men. If you regularly have candied wedges, then there will be no problems with sexuality. In addition, if there is concern about the freshness of breathing, then before a date it is worth chewing one or two ginger slices. They perfectly refresh, eliminating the unpleasant odor.

There is evidence that ginger slows down tumor processes. Of course, it is not necessary to treat oncology with candied ginger, but you can use them as an additional means of combating the growth of pathogenic cells.

In general, knowing how to make ginger in sugar, you can get an effective means of healing some ailments. And along with a cup of tea, candied ginger is a delicious delicacy with a spicy, burning taste.

The benefits and harms of ginger in sugar

The ability of ginger to activate brain cells is useful for people who are engaged in mental work, as well as for schoolchildren and students. The vigor that a fresh ginger taste is invaluable during the submission of annual reports, exams and sessions. Given that ginger slices stimulate blood circulation, along with brain activity, the energy of the body as a whole is activated:

• increased creative activity;

• digestion is regulated;

• metabolic processes are accelerated.

The last property of ginger allows you to speed up the process of fat burning and prevent the formation of new fat depots. Even candied slices of ginger root, despite a rather high calorie content (approximately 250 kcal), act in a similar way. And they are in any case more useful than sweets, which are almost twice as high in calories. In addition, it is unlikely that someone will be able to eat immediately one hundred grams of hot treats.

Still, the benefits and harms of ginger in sugar are a matter of debate in terms of health benefits. There are certain categories of people who will have to abandon the use of healthy goodies. You can not eat ginger if the following ailments are diagnosed:

• damage to the kidneys of moderate and severe severity;

• stones in the bile ducts and kidneys;

• acute heart failure;

• exacerbation of gastric ulcer;

• type 2 diabetes.

You can not eat ginger in late pregnancy, if there is the slightest risk of miscarriage.

A direct contraindication to the use of ginger is the individual intolerance to this product.

Classic Ginger Sugar Recipe

Candied ginger can be bought at the supermarket. However, it will be much more useful if you make homemade candied fruits. How to make ginger in sugar? Here is a simple basic recipe. You will need all three ingredients:

• a piece of ginger root (200-300 grams);

• a glass of sugar (the amount of sugar can be varied to your taste);

• one and a half glasses of water (for sugar syrup).

Cooking method

Using a knife, carefully peel the skin off the ginger root.

Cut the ginger into thin slices about half a millimeter thick.

Pour in water, bring to a boil and simmer for one hour.

Prepare sugar syrup by dissolving the norm of sugar in the norm of water. Stir until boiling.

Drain future candied fruits in a colander. Water, in which no one cooked, should not be poured out, but drunk like a wonderful ginger broth. If it seems too hot, you can add a little decoction to regular tea.

Transfer ginger slices into boiled sugar syrup and cook, stirring, until the ginger becomes clear.

Remove the slices from the syrup, dip in sugar and place on parchment paper.

When the candied fruits dry, they need to be transferred to a plastic container for food purposes or a glass jar and stored in the refrigerator.

If the portion of cooked goodies is not large, you can keep candied fruits in the kitchen cabinet for one week.

Ginger Recipes with Lemon in Sugar

If you combine the benefits of lemon and ginger in one treat, it will turn out even tastier. You can simply add juice squeezed from one lemon during cooking ginger, and mix the grated zest with sugar to sprinkle the candied fruit.

However, there is another option for cooking ginger with lemon in sugar. The recipe for this dish is also very simple and resembles the recipe for cooking ordinary jam.

• a three hundred gram slice of ginger root;

• large lemon with a thin peel;

• a pound of white sugar;

• three hundred milliliters of clean drinking water.

Boil the sugar syrup by dissolving the granulated sugar in a serving of water. the amount of sugar can be varied

Peeled fresh ginger into small cubes.

Wash the lemon thoroughly, wipe the peel with a brush to remove wax deposits and possible chemicals from it. They process the peel of the fruit before long transportation and storage.

Cut lemon with peel into the same small cubes as ginger.

Throw lemon and ginger slices in syrup and cook until transparent and soft.

According to the recipe, ginger with lemon in sugar should be transferred hot to a glass jar. After cooling, store in the refrigerator, like berry or fruit jam.

And pieces of candied ginger, and ginger jam - a wonderful treat for a winter tea party. Ginger desserts can be offered even to young children after two years. If a cough, a cold has begun, then instead of pharmacy lozenges, you can absorb a few slices of ginger per day, and the disease will quickly recede.


Watch the video: Ginger Tea with Brown Sugar Dates Jujube and Lemon Recipe Winter Chinese food cooking 红糖红枣姜茶 (June 2024).