5 vitamins to help us survive the winter


Winter is coming soon, which means that our body will need more than ever certain substances that will not only be able to maintain internal organs in excellent condition, but will also raise our spirits when the hope of a warm sun and clear days is postponed for several months.

So, here are five vitamins that will help you survive the long winter, charging us with cheerfulness and positive.

1. What would nourish the liver?

The well-known vitamin B8 (the official name is Inositol) is simply necessary for modern man. In winter, especially during the long New Year holidays, temptations lie in wait everywhere - piles of alcohol are pleasant to the soul and tasty, but, alas, far from always healthy food. To protect the liver from any harmful effects (this, by the way, also includes medications, such as antibiotics or artificial hormones), Inotisol is needed, which is found in excess in white cabbage, broccoli, dried fruits, grapefruits and some fish caviar - tracks, halibut and pike.

Note: Vitamin B8 deficiency is fraught with increased pressure, indigestion and constipation.

2. Do not forget about the skin

Vitamin B10 protects us from the negative effects of the environment. This is especially true during the cold season, when no one is safe from viral infections. Vitamin B10 stimulates the formation of the protective protein interferon in the body - an important substance to protect against various viruses. In addition, it is also responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin, and also prevents possible dry hair. The latter is not uncommon, because with central heating or constantly switched on heaters, the air becomes extremely dry, which, of course, affects the condition of the skin and hair.

Vitamin B10 is rich in nuts, egg whites, goats and sheep cheeses.

3. Raise the mood

In winter, when it gets dark very early, and it is constantly cold outside, many people fall into depressive states for no objective reason. You don’t need to delve deeply into yourself, perhaps the whole point is a lack of B vitamins. First of all, it concerns thiamine (vitamin B1), which is not able to accumulate in the human body, and, therefore, requires constant replenishment of its reserves. In addition, thiamine is sensitive enough: just that, it breaks down from various external factors. For example, when ingested ordinary table salt. In this regard, the advice: when cooking dishes rich in thiamine, for example, stewed beans, then salt it when serving on the table.

It destroys thiamine and coffee, so avid coffee lovers should take care to often introduce foods rich in vitamin B1 into their diet. And what are these products? We are pleased to call: various legumes (peas, chickpeas, beans), chicken eggs, buckwheat, beef and pork liver.

4. To be crisp

Vitamin B12 (officially bearing the unpronounceable name cyanocobalamin) is responsible for oxygen saturation of the blood and protects it from anemia. In winter, when the air is very discharged, even in absolutely healthy people a little blood thickens. A natural lack of high-quality fresh vegetables in the diet can be fraught with a decrease in hemoglobin and, as a result, weakness and memory impairment. To avoid this, you need to add more green onions, dairy products, duck liver and liverwurst to your daily diet.

By the way, vitamin B12 together with vitamin B1 can give a great effect.

5. To endure short cloudy days

It is no secret that fully vitamin D is produced only under the influence of sunlight. Where to get it in the winter, when not only the sun, a clear day is rarely when you wait? However, without this vitamin, our body is not able to absorb calcium, which leads to brittle bones, brittle hair and nails.

Vitamin D is found in excess in foods that hardly anyone will eat daily - cod liver or mackerel. Therefore, it is reasonable to use multivitamins in the winter period, which also include vitamin D. However, you should adhere to the necessary dosage, which any therapist will tell you about. Self-activity in the dosage of vitamin D is fraught with problems with pressure, kidneys, the general condition of the body (nausea, weakness, loss of appetite).


Watch the video: How to. Survive Winter. Vitamins and Supplements. Life in Canada. American Life. (June 2024).