How to quickly cure a throat: tablets, sprays, folk remedies. Can I diagnose and quickly cure my throat myself


No one would ever think to call an ambulance when they just have a sore throat.

However, there are exceptions when such a trifling symptom may signal a serious illness.

• It hurts so unbearably that you are unable to swallow saliva, and it flows out of your mouth.

• It is very difficult to breathe or when breathing sounds are heard, like whistling or squeaking.

With the onset of cold weather, the treacherous demon of a sore throat comes to visit almost every one of us. He has several "helpers", provoking the development of the disease on the background of various symptoms, which, accordingly, requires different treatment. The names of such "helpers" are bacterial and viral infections, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx and laryngitis. And before starting treatment, it will be useful to find out what you are dealing with.

But it is almost always possible to cope with a bacterial infection with antibiotics only.

When should I see a doctor?

• A sore throat for more than two days with no characteristic signs of flu or a cold;

• Painful sensations in the throat accompanied by a sharp jump in temperature;

• When viewed from the back of the throat visible plugs or purulent plaque.

• The lymph nodes on the neck are greatly enlarged, and it hurts to move the jaw;

• Not only the cervical nodes, but also the axillary and inguinal ones are enlarged and sensitive. These may be symptoms of mononucleosis, a serious illness requiring the intervention of a medical professional;

• Laryngitis or hoarseness without obvious reasons, and also if the change in your voice lasts more than two weeks.

Consider the main causes of pain in the throat and the sequence of your actions on self-treatment.

Bacterial infections. Tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Bacterial infections - One of the most frequent causes of the disease and the only case where antibiotics may be the only means. But, to make sure that such an infection is present, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis: a smear from the larynx, followed by laboratory sowing to determine the bacterial flora and its susceptibility to antibiotics. In essence, the infection causes a sore throat due to inflammation, which can be located in the tonsils (tonsillitis) or on the pharyngeal mucosa (pharyngitis). Tonsillitis, a prerequisite of which may also be a viral infection, is popularly called angina.

Symptoms of a bacterial infection are as follows:

• pain develops rapidly;

• general well-being deteriorates;

• the temperature becomes high;

• in some cases, the lymph nodes are enlarged under the jaw and on the neck;

• family members of the patient can also be ill.

How to cure a throat quickly if a bacterial infection is diagnosed:

• Take antibiotics prescribed by a doctor: the entire course, even if the pain has already passed.

• Gargle regularly. It is a mechanical cleaning of the throat - the main winner of the infection. Any solution will do: 1 teaspoon of salt or soda per cup of water; 1 teaspoon of chamomile or calendula tincture (can be together) for half a glass; pharmacy rinses.

• Use lozenges, antiseptic sprays, and with strong pain sprays with anesthetic.

Doctors often recommend the combined drug Grammidin. A unique combination of active ingredients - antibiotic and antiseptic, inhibits the growth and reproduction of microbes in the throat. The drug reduces inflammation, alleviates unpleasant sensations in the throat and facilitates swallowing. When resorption helps cleanse the pharynx and mouth from microorganisms. The drug is available in three forms of tablets: Grammidin Neo, Grammidin with anesthetic Neo (included anesthetic for an additional analgesic effect) and Grammidin children (with raspberry flavor, for children from 4 years, and also in the form of a spray - Grammidin spray (for patients with 18 years)

• Frequent drinking will allow you to avoid dehydration.

• At elevated temperature and sore throat, let us take non-prescription anti-inflammatory drugs.

What happens when a viral infection

Viral infection is also a frequent culprit in the fact that the throat starts to hurt, and the lymph nodes in the neck increase and become overly sensitive. In this case, the pain is not inferior in strength to that which is observed during a bacterial infection. Still, the strength of such pain does not mean that antibiotics are necessary. If you are sure that your throat hurts because of the virus, then you need to be treated with antiviral drugs.


• general well-being deteriorates rapidly, as with a bacterial infection;

• a sore throat, unlike in the previous case, develops little by little;

• there is aching in the head and muscle pain throughout the body, the patient gets tired easily;

There are other signs, but they are not always present: a slight increase in temperature, mucous and copious runny nose, the rest of the family are also infected.

How to cure a throat quickly if a viral infection is diagnosed:

• Take antivirals prescribed by your doctor.

• The rest is the same as for bacterial infections.

Irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat

Often the cause of a sore throat is an allergic reaction, the effect of polluted or too dry air, as well as tobacco smoke.


• sore throat and soreness;

• The general condition is normal, the temperature is normal.

Other, non-obligatory signs: in case of allergy, sore throat may be accompanied by itching, watery eyes, sneezing and runny nose, sometimes a dry cough.

How to cure a throat in 1 day if you are allergic:

• eliminate the allergen or irritant;

• rinse throat with a solution of salt or soda, or any of the above rinses;

• raise the level of air humidity in the room to about 60%.


You do not just have a sore throat, you also cough like a dog? This inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis) with the transition to the vocal cords. The most common causes of laryngitis are viral infections or over-exertion of the vocal cords, a loud cry, for example. Laryngitis is most dangerous for children: due to the narrow and long larynx and the considerable reactivity of the respiratory tract, the disease is fraught with asthma attacks. It is called false croup, and our ancestors considered it a deadly disease. Modern medicine has learned to cope with croup, so you should not risk children's health and treat your throat at home, in the presence of such symptoms, a visit to the doctor is a must!


• the voice wheezes;

• with laryngitis of viral origin, general health worsens, fatigue is increased;

• hard to talk.

What should you do if you have laryngitis:

• speak only when necessary - the vocal cords should rest;

• whenever possible not to smoke and not be near smokers.

• drink more fluids to avoid dehydration.

• make inhalation with moist hot air: a pan with hot water or with an inhaler. It is useful to add to the solution for inhalation essential oils (a few drops) of fir, pine, eucalyptus, spruce, and others recommended for such procedures.

• take antiviral drugs.

Homemade tricks and secrets. How to quickly cure sore throat yourself

Drink more fluids. If in a healthy state your body requires nine to twelve glasses of water daily, then when the first symptoms of a cold appear, the amount of water, tea or juice needs to be increased. So you will help your body win the war against the disease.

• If you do not have prejudices against energy drinksthen fit to drink them. They will provide your sick body with an additional amount of salt, sugar and various vitamins.

• Take in different forms. vitamin c and antioxidants.

Vitamin C is rich in citrus and mangoes, kiwi and cantaloupe, papaya and watermelon, pineapple and strawberry, broccoli and spinach, cauliflower and pumpkin, green and red peppers, potatoes and tomatoes.

Products containing antioxidants are also available in the near future: beans and blueberries, cranberries and blackberries, prunes and raspberries, apples and cherries. Green tea is also on this useful list - one of the most delicious ways to cure your throat at home.

• Eat hot soups. Soup helps soften the throat and provide your body with beneficial substances. But do not confuse hot soup with too hot - in your situation only burns are missing!

• If twice a day to take hot shower, it will not only kill the bacteria, but also give you an excellent opportunity to breathe steam again. Of course, do not forget to warm and dry after a shower.

Moisturize the air. Even if the house does not have a special device for this purpose, more effective for moistening, there is a way out. Just heat the water and put the pot in a closed room - let it evaporate.

Honey and Lemon take with warm liquid. Add a little honey and lemon juice to a cup of hot water. Honey will soften the throat, and lemon juice will clear mucus.

The common myth about honey in hot tea does not take into account the fact that the beneficial properties of honey evaporate when they are in too hot or too cold. That is why good honey is not stored either in the refrigerator or near the plate.

Mint Lemon Tea also effective as an antiviral agent, although official studies do not indicate this.

• Do not eat lozenges and lozenges longer than three days. They, of course, relieve pain, but can hide the symptoms of more serious diseases, say, mononucleosis or streptococcus, requiring professional intervention.

• More often wash your hands. Dirty hands are the source of all kinds of bacteria.

Rest more lot. Add to your daily rate for another 2-3 hours. The patient's body needs more strength to recover.

Milk products, contrary to another common myth, not so useful for colds. Milk and dairy products in some people increase the secretion of mucus. In addition, milk-containing products are worse absorbed in the body than, for example, fruits and vegetables. And you already need strength to fight the disease.

• If you have a sore throat, sweated and dry food like muffins or cakes makes it worse: your throat is irritated further.

• Do steam inhalation. It helps to calm the pain and cope with any breathing problems.

How to quickly cure your throat at home with steam inhalations

Inhale from chamomile tea, oak bark, yarrow herb, horsetail, tide, althea root, dandelion or other antiseptic herbs. Pour boiling water with herbs in a wide bowl, place your head above the container and cover yourself with a towel.

Also for home inhalations often use essential oils, potatoes, iodine, soda, honey, sea salt, onions and garlic. Just choose the best way for you and the ingredients.

1. For inhalation with essential oils you need to take water into the pan and drop 10-15 drops of oil into it for every 100 milliliters of water. Suitable for the procedure: eucalyptus and menthol, juniper and fir, pine oil and sea buckthorn, peach or rosehip, almond or anise oil. Water should be heated to a temperature of 60-65 degrees. You need to breathe steam for about 15 minutes, bent over the pot and covered with a towel.

2. In the preparation of a solution for inhalation can be used shredded vegetable raw materials: it is poured with water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the mixture per glass of water. For these purposes will fit: dried coltsfoot or eucalyptus, St. John's wort or chamomile, thyme sage, lavender, marjoram, birch buds, oak bark or mint leaves. Water with a mixture is required to wait for boiling, then remove and cool to 60-65 degrees.

3. Onion-Garlic Inhalation also helps relieve sore throat. It is necessary to clean the onion and garlic head, chop them and squeeze the juice using a juicer or gauze. Then squeezed juice must be diluted with water in proportions of 1 to 10. And then, as in the previous paragraph: in a bowl, bring to a boil, cool and, covered with a towel, successfully fight the ailment.

4. The same effective inhalations are prepared using soda (half a teaspoon to a glass of water) and salt (a whole teaspoon). The principle of the procedure itself is always the same.

5. There are still old inhalations according to the recipes of our grandmothers: potato. It is necessary to boil the potatoes, cool to a temperature of 60-65 degrees already familiar to you and continue to perform the actions already described.

6. Iodine solution Inhalations are prepared as follows: 4-5 drops of iodine are already dripping into hot water, then cooled. Honey for honey inhalations is better to add to the cooled water.

7. The same solutions can be used without the pan. Pharmacy and self-made inhalers allow you to use the same mixture, the description of which you have just read.

8. Iodine and honey, salt and chamomile, onions and eucalyptus. No matter how you mix a healing potion, none of these components conflict with each other, and therefore it will not harm you in any combination.

How to quickly cure the throat of a child

It is impossible to look at the sick baby. I want to take his pain, lethargy and the blues themselves. But you have to pull yourself together and engage in treatment. Every mother needs to know how to quickly cure the throat of the child, using the minimum amount of medication.

Baby can be treated for inflammation of the larynx by rinsing, compresses and inhalations. When choosing a rinse, consider that a small child may swallow some of the liquid on purpose or unintentionally. Therefore, you should make less concentrated solutions and add honey to them.

To quickly cure a child’s throat, it is wise to give him only warm drink: teas with mint and lemon, infusions of viburnum or raspberry, warm water with honey. Healing, soothing and even a slight expectorant effect has homemade mashed banana and boiled figs in milk. Grated carrot with honey also very helpful. Even if the baby spits out such a dish after 5 seconds, the therapeutic effect will remain.

To cure the throat of the child, try to give him a chewed peeled skin. aloe or kalanchoe leaf. Aloe he spits out with a hundred percent guarantee, Kalanchoe has a chance to linger in the mouth. But the results should be positive.

But such serious diseases as laryngitis, pharyngitis and sore throat is better not to let it flow. Call the doctor, accept his recommendations. And then supplement his prescriptions with popular methods of treatment - this will in no way worsen the result.

In what situations you can not treat the throat at home

Experts believe that serious breathing difficulties can be caused by two bacterial infections: it is epiglottitis and abscess of the back wall of the larynx or tonsils. Improper treatment of such infections is fraught with dangerous complications and even death. Therefore, noticing the patient's breathing difficulties, immediately consult a doctor.

How to take painkillers for sore throat

No wizard has yet created a universal remedy that can relieve this pain instantly. Even a strong local anesthetic injected into your throat by a doctor will not be a panacea, but you will be able to eat and drink for a while, because you will not feel anything - neither pain nor probability to choke on food and drink.

But some local anesthetics in reasonable doses can be taken. Most often, these drugs are made on the basis of benzocaine, diklonina, phenol. These components of the medication are designed to reduce the painful sensitivity of the throat and cause a slight numbness. But the complete loss of sensitivity does not happen: you will feel your throat, and relieved pain in it.

Menthol, which is a part of many candies, can alleviate the patient's condition a little, cooling and softening the throat. But he does not cure the cause of the disease.

Antibacterial and disinfectant sprays - A very popular method of treatment. Their components stop the spread of infection. Be aware that it is preferable to use a one-component remedy to eliminate the risk of allergic reactions.

Tablets or lozenges. There are several groups of such tasty and healthy drugs:

• antibacterial lozenges or pills - they must be included in the complex treatment;

• anti-inflammatory lozenges or lozenges - good helpers for a pronounced sore throat;

• agents with lysates (“debris”) of pathogens that activate immune reactions in the body - it is better to use in case of slow-moving and prolonged forms of the disease;

• tablets and lozenges with herbal ingredients. They improve blood flow, due to which the symptoms are slightly relieved.

Useful recommendations after treatment:

• Try to breathe through the nose: this way the air warms up a little and is moistened, protecting the larynx and vocal cords. The throat may ache if the nose is stuffed up and the respiratory load falls on the larynx. When the nose is cured, it is possible that the throat will recover.

• Be sure to replace the toothbrush after recovery, otherwise the infection will remain on the brush, and the disease will return permanently.

• Painkillers have not cured anyone yet: they only relieve pain, but do not eliminate the symptoms!

• Do not whisper with laryngitis: it irritates the vocal cords. Give the bundles a rest, try to speak a little, but in a normal voice. If you need to speak in front of a large hall, be sure to use a microphone.

• Drink more fluids.

• According to some experts, eating cold desserts and ice cream is not harmful. On the contrary, cold reduces swelling and inflammation and relieves pain, and also helps to prevent dehydration.

• Gargle with saline or soda solution. Never swallow the liquid after rinsing!

• Try to maintain the degree of humidity in the room at 60%, especially in winter, when the heating is on, “dries” the air.

• Avoid smoking and smoking.

Before you “grab” a drug that is actively advertised in a TV window in a pharmacy, think about whether there is something in your refrigerator or home medicine kit that will not overload your body with excess chemistry, but can effectively and quickly cure your throat. Be healthy!


Watch the video: Chronic Cough Treatment for Children - Mindy Ross, MD. UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital (July 2024).