How to combine work and child care: 5 tips for working moms


Maternity is not a reason to refuse an interesting job offer. The possibility of remote collaboration, working with a free schedule and freelancing leave a woman the opportunity to combine a career with taking care of the baby. How to do this without harming the child?

Observe the mode

The adjusted wakefulness-sleep mode in a baby will allow you to calculate your time and energy. It is most convenient to dedicate yourself to work during the hours of daytime sleep of the baby, because at night the young mother also needs rest. Newborns can sleep up to eighteen hours a day. As the child grows up, the sleep time will decrease, but before the year you can easily set aside 3-5 hours per day to perform work duties.

Use the tablet

Taking a laptop with you to read a work post with a stroller can be quite problematic. A small compact tablet with the ability to access the Internet can easily fit into the bag attached to the stroller. While the kid is inspecting the neighborhood in a nearby park, you can set aside a couple of minutes to respond to business letters.

Buy a playpen

Not all children enthusiastically accept the idea of ​​sitting in the arena, but the playpen can still give mom at least 30 minutes of free time. With the help of small books and safe toys, you may be able to persuade your baby to play alongside you independently. For this purpose, small colored rubber balls are best suited. Periodically throwing them into the arena, you give your child a new interesting activity for a few minutes.

Do not refuse the help of relatives

Relationships women with relatives of her husband do not always develop rosy. But for the baby, the grandparents of the father's line are also part of the family, and you should not hesitate to ask them for help if you need to devote yourself to important business for a long time.

Put the baby in a sling or ergo backpack

The kid does not always need active games. Most often, it is simply important for a child under one year of age to know that the mother is nearby and, even doing other things, first of all remembers and takes care of him. Tactile contact helps us to realize this. During work, put the child in a sling or ergo-backpack. A baby in a sling next to her mother will sleep better and will allow her to devote more time to her business.

The main thing - do not forget about proper rest. After all, motherhood - the most important and responsible work of a woman, also takes a lot of time and effort. And the baby needs a happy and healthy mother.

Text: Anna Utkina


Watch the video: Tips for full time working moms, how to manage office, baby and home (June 2024).