A soothing face mask at home


Regular cleaning of the face in the form of peeling, scrubbing and exfoliation is the key to preserving youth and freshness of the skin. A regular cleaning procedure contributes to the saturation of the epidermal cells with active nutrients and oxygen.

During cleansing, the skin lends itself to a fairly aggressive mechanical or chemical effect, so this procedure can often irritate the epidermis, causing its redness. And this is the case when a calming mask purchased in a store, pharmacy or cooked on your own at home comes to the rescue.

It can eliminate irritation by removing inflammation and redness. The use of these tools, as shown by reviews, is also important for owners of sensitive skin, which is characterized by an increased reaction to any irritants:
• weather
• hormonal changes
• mechanical or chemical effects

A soothing face mask at home

As shown by reviews of home lovers, a good cosmetic result of getting rid of redness and other irritations gives the use of products prepared by yourself. Using homemade recipes, you can remove redness, burning, peeling and a feeling of tightness that occurs after cleaning procedures.

The advantage of homemade products is:
• lack of preservatives
• an opportunity to choose structure, taking into account specific features

At home, making such masks is recommended no more than once or twice a week.

Quickly cope at home with inflammation and eliminate the redness mixture: 1 table. a spoon of chamomile decoction, in which you should add aloe gel and natural honey, taken at 2 cu. spoons, 1 capsule of vitamin E and lavender - 10 drops. The procedure lasts 20 minutes.

Soothing face mask against redness at home

To get rid of redness on the face will help moisturizing mask, which includes only one ingredient - sour cream, kefir or natural yogurt. For the care of oily or problem skin, you can additionally enter 1 table. spoon of clay, which will help get rid of the red. The procedure time is 15 minutes.

What a nourishing mask to do after cleansing the face

A nourishing soothing face mask after cleansing at home will relieve irritation, peeling and relieve redness that may occur after depletion of the epidermis as a result of cleansing.

For its preparation you will need: ½ pureed banana, to which should be added 1 tea. a spoonful of starch and 20 drops of wheat germ oil. The procedure lasts 10-12 minutes.

Soothing facial mask at home for acne

As the reviews show, at home to combat acne with success you can use relieving irritation honey mixture.

Preparing it is not difficult: natural honey - 3 table. Spoons combined with lemon juice - 10 drops. Pounded mixture put on face, put fresh cucumber on top, cut into slices. As a result of applying this recipe, the skin will get rid of acne, acne and redness.

Reliable for sensitive skin

A soothing face mask for sensitive skin provides her with gentle and delicate care. For it you will need: 50 g of cottage cheese pounded with warm milk, in which you should add ½ grated cucumber. Apply the mixture for 15 minutes on the face. For washing off, use a decoction of chamomile or cornflower, micellar water.

Deep cleansing mask soothing for the face at home

Special cleaning and use of clay-based irritation remedies ensure the suppression of inflammatory processes, the removal of redness, promote acne healing, with the result that the skin takes on a well-groomed appearance.

For the preparation will need green clay and starch, taken on - 1 table. spoon and sour cream - 3 tsp. spoons.

It can be concluded that facial cleansing is an important procedure, which allows you to preserve youth, and a soothing mask that is prepared at home and purchased at any cosmetic store can quickly and effectively get rid of redness caused by its effect.

Review of industrial cosmetics

The modern cosmetic industry offers a wide range of products that have a calming effect. As ambiguous feedback from customers shows, these funds, on the one hand, have shown themselves to be a reliable way to deal with the symptoms resulting from irritation, on the other hand, they can themselves become a source of atypical reactions.

1. Mask for the face. Agafi Bathhouse Dahur Soothing with a delicate creamy texture, 100% natural composition: extracts of Dahurskaya lily, chamomile bio, snowy cladonia, juice of cucumber grass and kaolin. This tool provides an effective soft care for sensitive and tired skin, removing irritations, moisturizing, increasing the level of its protective properties, giving it a well-groomed and healthy look.

Product reviews:
Svetlana, 26 years old:
“... I used it after scrubbing my face. The Daurskaya mask removed the feeling of tightness and slight redness in the cheeks, but did not like the tingling on the skin when applying ... "

Julia, 34 years old:
“... 5 minutes after applying the product, the face became unbearable to burn, the skin and even a little swelling. Everything went only 40 minutes after washing ... "

2. Soothing Nourishing Facial Mask Organic Therapy NoStress Face Mask. The composition contains: extracts of oats and aloe, babassu oil, cotton, jojoba, olive and abyssinian oils, glycyrin. The rich composition and thick creamy texture softens, soothes, relieves irritation, moisturizes, eliminates peeling and itching.

Product reviews:
Marina, 24 years old:
"... I liked this tool with its composition and result: after use, the complexion became even, peeling disappeared ..."

Lily, 27 years old:
“... I bought it to use after cleaning my face. I tried and did not understand what action it has. With my face she did nothing - a real dummy ... "

3. Gel-mask for the face Planet Organic Calming with mineral water of the Dead Sea, extracts of sage and mint, avocado oil, jojoba gel and provitamin B5.

As the reviews of this tool show, it can cause a slight burning sensation, while the skin after application becomes velvety and soft, the redness disappears.

4. Belita “Chamomile Soothing” face mask with light aroma, cream-gel in consistency. The composition contains allantoin, chamomile extract, sesame oil.

Product Reviews:
Alina, 21:
“... I use it when I can’t hold it and squeeze a pimple, as it quickly and without problems heals. Deep cleansing and she is the best option for my oily skin.

Oksana, 30 years old:
“... I didn’t like the mask at all - the smell is terrible and there is practically no effect from it, despite the manufacturer’s application for a soothing and moisturizing effect ...”

5. Green Pharmacy, Deep Cleansing, Soothing Face Mask with light creamy texture. Active ingredients: kaolin and tea tree oil have a cleansing, leveling effect, removing irritation without causing dryness and feeling of tightness.

Means reviews:
Tatiana, 36 years old:
"... The mask after applying strongly nips during the first few minutes, cleans black points poorly, but removes inflammation and peeling well, tightens pores on the face, skin after it looks well-groomed ..."

Anna, 30 years old:
“... I didn’t try the product right away, but when she removed the redness after deep cleansing, she believed in its action. I continue to use every time after cleaning ... "


Watch the video: Top 10 Homemade Soothing and Calming Face Mask Recipes (June 2024).