The meaning of the name Sofia


Sofia (Sophia) - the name of ancient Greek origin, translated into Russian means - wisdom. The name came to Russia with the adoption of Orthodoxy, before that it was common in Byzantium. The canonical church version is the generally accepted colloquial form of the name - Sophia.

The name began to be used in Russia from the 13th century - this fact is documented in ancient Russian sources, its main carriers were girls of aristocratic blood. The name passed from generation to generation from generation to generation.

In honor of St. Sophia, they even nicknamed the city in Bulgaria, which at this stage is the capital of the country. Now this name, rough by ear, but so feminine, tender and light, has lost its former relevance and does not show a tendency to growth.

Sofia - character traits

As a child, Sonya is too active and energetic, she will not sit in one place for a minute, and she can chat for hours without giving her parents peace. She is somewhat afraid of strangers, shows modesty and, it would seem, closes herself. Fortunately, Sofia quickly adapts to the new situation and in a couple of hours she’s ready to not go a step away from the “stranger”, attacking him with her childish charm.

At school, Sofia studies well, because she knows the word "necessary", knowledge is not given to her easily, she has to achieve everything with great work and perseverance. The girl gets along with everyone in the class, as she is able to find a compromise in any sensitive situation. She participates in all school events, competitions and contests, helps younger and lagging peers in school.

Moving from childhood, Sofia and in adulthood does a lot. She is sociable and, undoubtedly, should know everything about everyone. The girl is changeable in interests and pursuits, does not like to remain in the shade and everything that lasts a long time.

Sophia is too frank, she can spend hours talking with her friends about her affairs, but listening to the problem of another person, delving into it and giving practical advice is always glad. Everyone knows that you can turn to her for psychological help and advice. Sofia is a devoted friend and will not give up in a difficult life situation.

Wise not in the weather, firm, decisive Sonya is capable of a heroic deed, prone to adventurism. She directs a constant outgoing stream of energy in the right direction, but do not be surprised if suddenly Sonya wants something extraordinary, for example, to parachute or climb the highest mountain in the world.

Sofia - name compatibility

Sonya is a very passionate nature, able to give a man an unearthly pleasure, care and love, but in return she will require the same thing from a partner. The beloved must constantly nourish her with beautiful words about love and compliments. This, in her opinion, is an integral part of family life. The coldness of her husband deeply offends Sophia, and most likely she will not be able to live with such a person - she will wither.

She is most suitable for marriage: Anatoly, Bogdan, Victor, Vlas, Vitaly, Vyacheslav, Eugene, Ilya, Konstantin, Peter, Ruslan, Semyon, Eduard and Jacob.

Relations with representatives of such names as Anton, Albert, Arthur, Vladislav, George, Oleg, Stanislav and Yaroslav can be difficult.

Great people named Sofia

Historical activists:

- S. Paleolog - the wife of Prince John III - played a significant role in the development of the state;
- Sofia of Spain;
- S. Tselskaya;
- S. Hanover;
- S. Bavarian;
- S. Nassauskaya.

Other famous personalities:

- S. Suger - writer;
- S. Perovskaya - revolutionary;
- S. Kovalevskaya - Russian mechanic and mathematician;
- S. Blyuvshtein - known as Sonya - the "golden pen";
- S. Rotaru is a popular singer.

Sofia - Name Astrology

- correspondence of the zodiac sign - Libra, Capricorn;
- patron planet - Pluto, Venus;
- the colors of the name are dark blue, purple, silver and white (the most successful);
- sv. patronesses - S. Rimskaya (name day September 30), Sofia-doctor (June 4);
- plant - cedar;
- animal - swallow;
- talisman - agate, lapis lazuli, marble.


Sofia 11/25/2016
You know, it all depends on the parents, and not so much “As you call the ship he will sail.” I’m 14 years old. I’m a terrible idler, I have srach in my house, but I studied well in primary school, and now I'm in 8th grade - I the threesome. I can say without hesitation that I am a whore, because I fall for almost every boy and let herself be swept by some small troll. And I'm not a virgin anymore. Sometimes I want to jump with a parachute, without a parachute from an airplane and break into the trash from the fact that I do not want to live. All that I’ll say, parents give the children more attention; there is no such child who doesn’t like it if his mother asks “How are you?” But little depends on the name.

Sofia 11/15/2016
It is very interesting to know information about your name, thanks.

Pasha 11/09/2016
sophia ivleva

Sofia 05/15/2016
it's true! I'm surprised, I'm really energetic. I'm scales. I like silver and purple. as well as I do not really find a common language with Yaroslav. and Arthur didn’t notice in the kindergarten. only it is a pity that it is not written there that it is compatible with arseny positively.

Valeria 04/11/2016
Yes, I also would not want Sonya to be at every turn in the end. The name is very good, and judging by the characteristics - every mother would like to see her child just like that. But, this is the uniqueness of the name, in its not very frequent use, and then it becomes boring.


Watch the video: NAME SOFIA - FUN FACTS AND MEANING OF THE NAME (July 2024).