Salad with beans and crackers - proven recipes. How to properly and tasty cooked salad with beans and crackers.


Salad with beans and crackers - the general principles of cooking

It is hardly possible to overestimate the benefits of beans! This culture is known to the inhabitants of the earth for more than 8 thousand years, and to this day it enjoys a well-deserved honor in every culture of the world.

This is not accidental, because this type of legumes more than contains useful carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids necessary for the body, minerals (potassium, iron, magnesium, sulfur, calcium) and vitamins (B, PP, A, E, C). If you have problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract, a rash or acne on the skin, weak immunity, then the use of beans will affect your health in a very positive way.

It turns out that the beans - this is a real natural medicine, and therefore be sure to eat this culture in order to avoid taking pharmaceutical drugs. Beans are a high-calorie product - about 300 kilocalories per hundred grams, but nutritionists around the world strongly advise eating food even during the recovery period after an illness or when eating a diet. How to use beans in the most correct way? Of course, you can add it to the soup or borscht, make side dishes or lobio, but the most useful is to serve beans with fresh vegetables in the form of salads. Another little trick - replace the snack in the form of bread crackers. So you will reduce the overall caloric content of food, and make the dish more savory. Eat a salad with beans and crackers for breakfast and lunch.

Salad with beans and crackers - preparation of products and dishes

Which beans are best to use when cooking salads? You can boil it, but keep in mind that this process requires preliminary preparation in the form of soaking beans for 7-12 hours. You can also use canned beans. Perhaps it is both easier and more convenient - no need to wait a day to cook a delicious and juicy salad with beans and crackers.

It's better to make crackers yourself than to buy in a store. After all, croutons from packs contain a lot of unnecessary salt and glutomat sodium for the "brightness" of taste. Much easier, cheaper and more useful to make crackers at home. To do this, take a bun or a piece of bread, you can stale, cut into strips and dry in the oven without adding butter. But salt, garlic, herbs add in abundance!

Before preparing a salad with beans and crackers, prepare the inventory that you will need: a few plates, a cutting board, a knife, a saucepan where you can boil an egg or vegetables.

Recipes for salad with beans and crackers:

Recipe 1: Salad with beans and crackers

For the realization of this recipe you will need no more than 25 minutes, but what a delicious dish you get! Boiled chicken, tender egg and canned beans - a tasty, and most importantly a satisfying combination!

Ingredients Required:

  • Canned beans 1 can (350-400 grams)
  • 3 egg eggs
  • Chicken fillet - 200 grams
  • Green onion 1 piece
  • Croutons homemade 100 grams of white bread
  • For dressing - sour cream, ground black pepper, soy sauce

Cooking method:

Open the jar of beans, drain the liquid.

Boil the chicken fillet in salted water, then cool the meat and disassemble it into short, thin fibers.

Boil the egg in cool, cool and clean, then cut into small cubes.

Wash green onions and chop them with a knife.

Combine 5-6 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and ground pepper.

Connect all the prepared components, enter the refueling and serve to the table. Consider that the croutons need to be laid out on the salad before serving, otherwise they will be sodden and spoil the salad in this form.

Recipe 2: Salad with beans and crackers and carrots in Korean

Let the simple recipe of this salad not bother you - the dish turns out to be extremely tasty and savory. Since there are no meat ingredients and eggs in a salad with beans and crackers, it can also be used for vegetarian food.

Ingredients Required:

  • Canned red beans -1 can (350-400 grams)
  • Homemade crackers 150 grams of rye bread
  • Korean carrots 200 grams
  • Fresh parsley
  • For dressing - olive oil, 2 cloves of garlic

Cooking method:

Open a can of beans, drain the liquid.

Squeeze carrots from juice.

Chop the parsley before washing it.

In olive oil (4 tablespoons) squeeze the garlic through the garlic press, mix and salt.

Combine the components of the salad, season with oil, decorate with croutons on top - and on the table!

Recipe 3: Salad with beans and crackers and canned pepper

This salad could also be called a vegetarian, but it is no less like the "meat-eater." A very unusual combination of canned beans and canned pepper will appeal to everyone. A juicy spring greens make the salad fresh and attractive in appearance. For salad dressing with beans and crackers and canned pepper, use any vegetable oil - olive, sunflower or pumpkin.

Ingredients Required:

  • Canned white beans - 1 can (350 grams)
  • Fresh tomato 2 pieces of medium size
  • Canned pepper 200 grams
  • Fresh parsley
  • Young green onions
  • Croutons homemade 150 grams
  • For dressing - vegetable oil, 2 cloves of garlic, pepper marinade, salt

Cooking method:

Open a jar of beans, drain the juice.

Boil the tomatoes, peel them and cut them into thick slices.

Open canned pepper, do not drain the marinade - it is useful for refueling. Pepper cut into long strips.

Rinse the greens well, then chop finely.

Make a refueling. To do this, combine 2 spoons of marinade with canned pepper, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and squeeze the garlic into the mixture through the garlic press.

Sprinkle the dish with breadcrumbs before serving.

Recipe 4: Salad with beans and croutons with shrimps

If you have never tasted the combination of beans with seafood, then it's time to try - to your attention a salad with beans and croutons with shrimps! One of the secrets of the dish - the beans should not be too much, otherwise it will kill the taste of shrimp. Use equal proportions of these ingredients to get a tasty dish at the exit. Beans are best to take white canned.

Ingredients Required:

  • Canned beans 1 can (400 grams)
  • Shrimp 400 grams
  • Croutons homemade white 150 grams
  • Fresh dill
  • Green onion feathers
  • For dressing - olive oil, soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of mustard

Cooking method:

Open a jar of beans, drain the juice.

Boil the shrimps in salted water (no more than 6 minutes in boiling water), then cool and clean them from the shell.

Wash the greens under running water and chop finely with a knife.

Mix butter and mustard, add soy sauce. Mustard is best to use not spicy, but soft.

Combine the ingredients, add the dressing, sprinkle the dish with croutons and serve the guests!

Recipe 5: Salad with beans and crackers with ham

A very rich recipe for salad, which is best used for lunch - for breakfast and dinner, this dish is quite heavy. If you decide to make a salad with beans and croutons and ham, then soak the beans overnight so that toxic and harmful substances will come out of it, an hour after pouring the beans, change the water.

Ingredients Required:

  • Beans - 200 grams
  • Dijon Mustard 3 tablespoons
  • Hard cheese (Russian type) 150 grams
  • Low-Fat Chicken Ham 250 grams
  • Apple varieties "Semyrenko" 2 pieces of medium size
  • Fresh parsley
  • Croutons homemade 100 grams small
  • For dressing - sour cream, non-greasy, ground pepper, salt

Cooking method:

Boil the pre-soaked beans until cooked, cool, then add Dijon mustard and let the beans brew for 25-30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Ham cut into thin long straws.

Cheese grate on a fine grater and divide into two parts.

Apple grate on a medium grater, after removing the washed and removing the skin from it.

Cut the parsley, but not very finely.

Mix sour cream with pepper, salt.

Combine the beans, ham, apple, greens and half the cheese, season and mix. Sprinkle the finished salad with the remaining cheese and croutons.

Salad with beans and crackers - secrets and tips from the best chefs

If you decide to cook this dish, then carefully consider the choice of beans. Canned beans should be taken in their own juice, and not in tomato marinade. Pay attention to the price and do not buy cheap products, but it makes no sense to overpay for beans, so choose canned goods at the average market price.

If you decided to boil the beans for the salad, do not forget to soak it beforehand, most often it is done at night.

Do not mix croutons with other components of the salad, but rather sprinkle them with a ready-made dish.


Watch the video: Easy Bean and Lentil Recipes - Take the Pulse Pledge (June 2024).